AVID:Featured Media Nominations

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Revision as of 00:25, 8 January 2023 by imported>LunaMedia

Featured Media Nominations

Featured media are images and videos determined by the community to be significant, rare or otherwise interesting logo finds. These aren't your ordinary film, television or home video logos. Featured images appear in the gallery on the main page. On this page users can nominate images to be featured and vote on candidates to receive this distinction.

How to use this page:
Click "Nominate", fill out the fields and submit your nomination. Users will then be able to vote in support or opposition to the image being featured. if an image or video recieves at least a support:oppose ratio of 2:1 (two thirds majority), it passes and the proper template is added by a bureaucrat.

We discourage submitting logos solely based on its visuals. All media need to be significant to the community in terms of obscurity.

Please remain civil while using this page. Per site rules and the policy, please refrain from personal attacks when discussing these images and assume good faith.


The Nicktoons Gets Zombified Trio


  • The 1941 Bell System logo was found on Telephone History: "Long Distance", which in turn can be found here.
  • The 1983 Bell System logo was found on a March 1, 1983 airing of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. I actually expected the 2nd AT&T logo to be there, but I guess I got a surprise. This can be found here.
  • The rest was found on a Bell System/AT&T logo history video. They are all seen here.



  1. Oppose, In what situation would anyone vote for these? VinegarPop (talk) 17:27, January 6, 2023 (UTC)
Idk. Thought they were rare enough to be posted here. I don't blame you. Doctorine Dark (talk) 17:35, 6 January 2023 (UTC)


File:Jerry Bruckheimer Films (Kangaroo Jack, Theatrical A).jpg and File:Jerry Bruckheimer Films (Kangaroo Jack, Theatrical B).jpg

Reason: This was actually found by someone on Twitter, but video has since been deleted and only these images exist.


  1. Support Doctorine Dark (talk) 11:22, 7 January 2023 (UTC)



  1. What rare about this? Thesquidgeeks (talk) 8:31, January 7, 2023 (UTC)
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