Filmax (Spain) (Warning Screens)
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1st Warning (Late 1980's-Early 2000's)
Visuals: On a black background, there is the following text scrolling up in yellow:
Todos los derechos
de explotación de esta
película están reservados,
por lo que en ningún
caso esta videocassette
podrá ser objeto
de exhibición pública
y comunitaria, con o sin
pago de entrada.
Asimismo, queda
rigurosamente prohibida
la grabación o confección
de copia alguna de esta
cinta. Los que pudieran
incurrir en cualquiera
de estos casos, serán
perseguidos según
lo previsto por la ley.
LEGAL NOTICE: All exploitation rights of this film are reserved, so in no case may this videotape be the object of public and community exhibition, with or without payment of admission. Likewise, recording or making any copy of this tape is strictly prohibited. Those who may incur in any of these cases will be prosecuted as provided by law.
- A variant on later tapes had a different font and the text arranged. Also, the word "AVISO LEGAL" is not underlined.
- On early DVDs with the 4th logo, the text is arranged differently, and is in a white Futura Bold font. Also, "DVD" replaces "videocassette" and "cinta", as well as the word "AVISO LEGAL" is not underlined.
Technique: Chyron effects.
Audio: None.
Availability: Seen on Filmax releases, such as Denver: The last Dinosaur TV series, Napoleon (1995) and House on Haunted Hill (1999).
2nd Warning (Early 2000's-2018)
Visuals: On a lilac blue wallpaper of 4th Filmax logos, there is the following text in white:
Todos los derechos de explotación de esta película están
reservados, por lo que en ningún caso este DVD
podrá ser objeto de exhibición pública y comunitaria,
con o sin pago de entrada.
Asimismo, queda rigurosamente prohibida la grabación o
confección de copia alguna de este DVD.
Los que pudieran incurrir en cualquiera de estos casos,
serán perseguidos según lo previsto por la ley
LEGAL NOTICE: All exploitation rights of this film are reserved, so in no case may this DVD be the object of public and community exhibition, with or without payment of admission. Likewise, recording or making any copy of this DVD is strictly prohibited. Those who may incur in any of these cases will be prosecuted as provided by law.
Variant: Later releases had a different font.
Technique: A still graphic.
Audio: None.
Availability: Seen on most Filmax DVD releases.