Fish 'n Chips Productions
Hawaii Animation Studios was a Honolulu-based animation studio founded on February 11, 2010 by Entrenched, Inc., providing animation and visual effects for multiple companies including IMAX, NASA, and Big Idea Entertainment. They only lasted a few years in business before closing somewhere around 2012.
(July 31-October 5, 2010)
Logo: On a white background, on top of the text "HAWAII ANIMATION STUDIOS" is a minimalist orange outline of a wave with two circles in between its crest and trough.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the show.
Availability: Only appeared at the end of the VeggieTales episodes "Sweetpea Beauty" and "It's a Meaningful Life". DVD releases of said episodes preserve this logo. After the latter episode, Entrenched, Inc. provided animation for said series.