Justitsministeriets Udvalg for FærselsPropaganda

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


In 1937, at the request of "Greater Road Safety" in Denmark, and a number of police officers, an official committee was set up: Justitsministeriets Udvalg for Færselspropaganda (the Ministry of Justice's Committee for Road Propaganda in english) to support and advise "Greater Road Safety". They went on to produce the historical Danish film Som det sker, however, the work was still financed by private funds, and the company did not last long.

Logo (1937)

Visuals: Over a black background, there is a black ring with two white outlinings (One thick and one thin.) and one thin on the inside. Inside of the ring, there is on the top, a curved, white text saying "JUSTITSMINISTERIETS UDVALG" and another curved, white text on the bottom, saying "FOR FÆRSELSPROPAGANGA". The two texts are splitted apart by two, six-pointed stars. in the middle of the ring ,there is a white text saying "Godkendt J. U. F. P.". The following in-credit texts fades in and out, one at a time:

  • FÆRSELSFILM. Udsendt paa Foranledning af Justitsministeriets Udvalg for Færselspropaganda.
  • Iscenesat af HOLGER MADSEN
  • Optaget af ⅍ Fotorama Filmbureau.

The entire opening sequence then fades out.

Technique: A still, hand painted image with the in-credit text being superinprovised.

Audio: A somewhat somber horm theme, that becomes a little louder when the movie title appears.

Availability: Only seen on aforementioned Som det sker.

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