Mastervideo (Warning Screen)
Warning: On a blue background, we see the following warning text:
La presente videocassetta
-----------------------e' venduta esclusivamente per uso didattico.
Se ne vieta la duplicazione -
anche parziale e il noleggio.
Ne e' vietata la trasmissione
-televisiva via etere, via cavo
e/o sistemi similari.------------
Ogni abuso sara' perseguito
a termini di legge.-------------
in a white, futuristic-like font.
Translation: This videocassette is sold for educational use only. The duplication, even partial, and the rental are prohibited. It is forbidden to broadcast it over the air, via cable and/or similar systems. Any abuse will be prosecuted according to the law.
Technique: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Could be seen in the Italian dub of Donald in Mathmagic Land, where this precedes before the Mastervideo logo.