Paramount Home Entertainment (Warning Screens): Difference between revisions

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

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====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|このDVDに収録されている全ての内容は<br/>著作権法により保護されています。<br/>このDVDは非営利目的での<br/>家庭内観賞用としてのみ許可されています。<br/>このDVDは許可された国以外での配給、<br/>(書面又は法による許可されたものを除く)<br/>複製、変更、 転送、 公衆への上演、 上映、<br/>有線放送及び放送は法律により固く禁じられています。<br/>上記に違反した場合は刑事、 民事において罰せられます。|All contents on this DVD are protected by copyright law. This DVD is licensed for non-commercial home viewing only. Distribution outside of the permitted countries, (other than as permitted in writing or by law) reproduction, modification, transmission, public performance, exhibition, cable transmission and broadcasting of this DVD is strictly prohibited by law. Violations of the above are subject to criminal and civil penalties.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|このDVDに収録されている全ての内容は<br/>著作権法により保護されています。<br/>このDVDは非営利目的での<br/>家庭内観賞用としてのみ許可されています。<br/>このDVDは許可された国以外での配給、<br/>(書面又は法による許可されたものを除く)<br/>複製、変更、 転送、 公衆への上演、 上映、<br/>有線放送及び放送は法律により固く禁じられています。<br/>上記に違反した場合は刑事、 民事において罰せられます。|All contents on this DVD are protected by copyright law. This DVD is licensed for non-commercial home viewing only. Distribution outside of the permitted countries, (other than as permitted in writing or by law) reproduction, modification, transmission, public performance, exhibition, cable transmission and broadcasting of this DVD is strictly prohibited by law. Violations of the above are subject to criminal and civil penalties.}}'''}}</center>
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====3rd Warning (2000-)====
====3rd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Der Inhalt dieser DVD ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und zum ausschließlichen, privaten Gebrauch bestimmt.<br>Jede Art der Verbreitung außerhalb des lizenzierten Gebietes, (wenn nicht ausdrücklich genehmight oder dürch den Gesetzgeber erlaubt), jede Form von Kopierung, öffentliche Aufführung (auch Auszugsweise), Sendung, Änderung oder Bearbeitung ist strengstens verboten und wird strafrechtlich verfolgt.<br>Alle Rechte vorbehalten.|The content of this DVD is protected by copyright and is intended for exclusive, private use. Any type of distribution outside of the licensed area (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law), any form of copying, public performance (including extracts), broadcast, modification or processing is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Der Inhalt dieser DVD ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und zum ausschließlichen, privaten Gebrauch bestimmt.<br>Jede Art der Verbreitung außerhalb des lizenzierten Gebietes, (wenn nicht ausdrücklich genehmight oder dürch den Gesetzgeber erlaubt), jede Form von Kopierung, öffentliche Aufführung (auch Auszugsweise), Sendung, Änderung oder Bearbeitung ist strengstens verboten und wird strafrechtlich verfolgt.<br>Alle Rechte vorbehalten.|The content of this DVD is protected by copyright and is intended for exclusive, private use. Any type of distribution outside of the licensed area (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law), any form of copying, public performance (including extracts), broadcast, modification or processing is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
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====3rd Warning (2000-2023)====
====3rd Warning (2000-2023)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|O conteúdo deste DVD está protegido sob a lei de direitos autorais e outras leis de proteção à propriedade intelectual.<br>Este DVD está licenciado apenas para apresentações privadas e não comerciais em residências (ao menos que expressamente autorizado ou permitido por lei).<br>Cópia, transmissão, apresentação pública, alteração ou a utilização dos elementos que compõem este DVD são estritamente proibidas e podem resultar em responsabilidades criminal ou civil.<br>Todos os direitos reservados.|The contents of this DVD are protected under copyright and other intellectual property protection laws. This DVD is licensed only for private, non-commercial home performances (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law). Copying, transmission, public presentation, alteration or use of the elements that make up this DVD are strictly prohibited and may result in criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|O conteúdo deste DVD está protegido sob a lei de direitos autorais e outras leis de proteção à propriedade intelectual.<br>Este DVD está licenciado apenas para apresentações privadas e não comerciais em residências (ao menos que expressamente autorizado ou permitido por lei).<br>Cópia, transmissão, apresentação pública, alteração ou a utilização dos elementos que compõem este DVD são estritamente proibidas e podem resultar em responsabilidades criminal ou civil.<br>Todos os direitos reservados.|The contents of this DVD are protected under copyright and other intellectual property protection laws. This DVD is licensed only for private, non-commercial home performances (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law). Copying, transmission, public presentation, alteration or use of the elements that make up this DVD are strictly prohibited and may result in criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
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===Latin America===
===Latin America===
====Screen (2000-)====
====Screen (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|El contenido de este DVD está protegido bajo derecho de autor y otras leyes de propriedad intelectual.<br>Este DVD está licenciado, sólo para uso privado no comercial en hogares y cualquier distribución fuera del territorio licenciado (a no ser que este expresamente autorizado o permitido por la ley), copiado, transmision, exhibición pública, alteración o ingeniería revertida esta estrictamente prohibido y puede resultar en una responsabilidad criminal o civil.<br>Todos los derechos reservados.|The content of this DVD is protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed, only for private non-commercial use in homes and any distribution outside the licensed territory (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law), copying, transmission, public display, alteration or reverse engineering is strictly prohibited and it can result in criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|El contenido de este DVD está protegido bajo derecho de autor y otras leyes de propriedad intelectual.<br>Este DVD está licenciado, sólo para uso privado no comercial en hogares y cualquier distribución fuera del territorio licenciado (a no ser que este expresamente autorizado o permitido por la ley), copiado, transmision, exhibición pública, alteración o ingeniería revertida esta estrictamente prohibido y puede resultar en una responsabilidad criminal o civil.<br>Todos los derechos reservados.|The content of this DVD is protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed, only for private non-commercial use in homes and any distribution outside the licensed territory (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law), copying, transmission, public display, alteration or reverse engineering is strictly prohibited and it can result in criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
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====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|El contenido de este DVD está protegido por las leyes reguladoras del copyright y otras leyes reguladoras de los derechos de propiedad intelectual.<br>Este DVD está licenciado solamente para su visionado privado de forma no comercial para ámbito doméstico.<br>Cualquier distribución fuera del territorio licenciado (a menos que estuviera expresamente autorizada o permitida por ley), duplicación, transmisión, comunicación pública, alteración o ingenieria inversa están estrictamente prohibidas y pueden dar lugar a responsabilidad civil o criminal.|The content of this DVD is protected by copyright laws and other laws governing intellectual property rights. This DVD is licensed for private viewing on a non-commercial basis for home use only. Any distribution outside the licensed territory (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law), duplication, transmission, public communication, alteration or reverse engineering are strictly prohibited and may give rise to civil or criminal liability.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|El contenido de este DVD está protegido por las leyes reguladoras del copyright y otras leyes reguladoras de los derechos de propiedad intelectual.<br>Este DVD está licenciado solamente para su visionado privado de forma no comercial para ámbito doméstico.<br>Cualquier distribución fuera del territorio licenciado (a menos que estuviera expresamente autorizada o permitida por ley), duplicación, transmisión, comunicación pública, alteración o ingenieria inversa están estrictamente prohibidas y pueden dar lugar a responsabilidad civil o criminal.|The content of this DVD is protected by copyright laws and other laws governing intellectual property rights. This DVD is licensed for private viewing on a non-commercial basis for home use only. Any distribution outside the licensed territory (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law), duplication, transmission, public communication, alteration or reverse engineering are strictly prohibited and may give rise to civil or criminal liability.}}'''}}</center>
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====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Le contenu de ce vidéogramme est protégé en vertu du droit d'auteur et des autres lois sur la propriété intellectuelle.<br>La licence de ce vidéogramme se limite au visionnage privé à domicile dans un but non commercial.<br>Toute distribution à l'extérieur du territoire visé par cette licence, copie, transmission, exécution publique, altération ou décodage sont strictement interdits et peuvent entraîner des poursuites judiciaires pénales ou civiles. Tous droits réservés.<br>EDV 14|The contents of this videogram are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. The license for this videogram is limited to private viewing at home for non-commercial purposes. Any distribution outside the territory covered by this license, copying, transmission, public performance, alteration or decoding is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal or civil prosecution. All rights reserved. EDV 14}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Le contenu de ce vidéogramme est protégé en vertu du droit d'auteur et des autres lois sur la propriété intellectuelle.<br>La licence de ce vidéogramme se limite au visionnage privé à domicile dans un but non commercial.<br>Toute distribution à l'extérieur du territoire visé par cette licence, copie, transmission, exécution publique, altération ou décodage sont strictement interdits et peuvent entraîner des poursuites judiciaires pénales ou civiles. Tous droits réservés.<br>EDV 14|The contents of this videogram are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. The license for this videogram is limited to private viewing at home for non-commercial purposes. Any distribution outside the territory covered by this license, copying, transmission, public performance, alteration or decoding is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal or civil prosecution. All rights reserved. EDV 14}}'''}}</center>
Line 411: Line 411:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|I contenuti di questo DVD sono protetti dalle leggi a salvaguardia dei diritti d'autore. Questo DVD viene concesso esclusivamente per una visione domestica non a scopo di lucro.<br>Sono strettamente vietate la distribuzione al di fuori del paese del licenziatario (a meno che non sia espressamente autorizzata o permessa per legge), la copia, la transmissione, la pubblica rappresentazione, la modifica o la rielaborazione. Queste azioni illegali possono dar luogo a responsabilita in sede civile ed essere perseguite penalmente.<br>Tutti i diritti sono riservati.|The contents of this DVD are protected by the copyright protection laws. This DVD is granted exclusively for non-profit domestic viewing. Any distribution outside the licensee's country (unless it's expressly authorized or permitted by the law), copying, transmission, public presentation, modification or reworked are strictly prohibited. These illegal actions can give rise to liability in civil law and may be prosecuted. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|I contenuti di questo DVD sono protetti dalle leggi a salvaguardia dei diritti d'autore. Questo DVD viene concesso esclusivamente per una visione domestica non a scopo di lucro.<br>Sono strettamente vietate la distribuzione al di fuori del paese del licenziatario (a meno che non sia espressamente autorizzata o permessa per legge), la copia, la transmissione, la pubblica rappresentazione, la modifica o la rielaborazione. Queste azioni illegali possono dar luogo a responsabilita in sede civile ed essere perseguite penalmente.<br>Tutti i diritti sono riservati.|The contents of this DVD are protected by the copyright protection laws. This DVD is granted exclusively for non-profit domestic viewing. Any distribution outside the licensee's country (unless it's expressly authorized or permitted by the law), copying, transmission, public presentation, modification or reworked are strictly prohibited. These illegal actions can give rise to liability in civil law and may be prosecuted. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 428: Line 428:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|De op deze DVD vastgelegde werken, uitvoeringen, films en fonogrammen zijn beschermd op grond van het auteursrecht en naburig recht en mogen uitsluitend in huiselijke kring werden vertoond.<br>leder ander gebruik - daaronder begrepen het kopiëren, verhuren, uitlenen en de vertoning in het openbaar (zoals door bioscoopvertoning. televisie-uitzending, vertoning in horeca-gelegenheden, vakantieparken of in verenigings- of schoolverband) - is, behoudens wettelijke uitzondering, zonder toestemming van de rechthebbende verboden en strafbaar als misdrijf.<br>Alle rechten voorbehouden.|The works, performances, films and phonograms recorded on this DVD are protected by copyright and related law and may only be shown in a domestic environment. Any other use - including copying, renting, lending and showing in public (such as by cinema showing, television broadcast, showing in catering establishments, holiday parks or in association or school contexts) - is, subject to a legal exception, without permission prohibited by the rightholder and punishable as a crime. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|De op deze DVD vastgelegde werken, uitvoeringen, films en fonogrammen zijn beschermd op grond van het auteursrecht en naburig recht en mogen uitsluitend in huiselijke kring werden vertoond.<br>leder ander gebruik - daaronder begrepen het kopiëren, verhuren, uitlenen en de vertoning in het openbaar (zoals door bioscoopvertoning. televisie-uitzending, vertoning in horeca-gelegenheden, vakantieparken of in verenigings- of schoolverband) - is, behoudens wettelijke uitzondering, zonder toestemming van de rechthebbende verboden en strafbaar als misdrijf.<br>Alle rechten voorbehouden.|The works, performances, films and phonograms recorded on this DVD are protected by copyright and related law and may only be shown in a domestic environment. Any other use - including copying, renting, lending and showing in public (such as by cinema showing, television broadcast, showing in catering establishments, holiday parks or in association or school contexts) - is, subject to a legal exception, without permission prohibited by the rightholder and punishable as a crime. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 458: Line 458:

====2nd Warning (2000-2022)====
====2nd Warning (2000-2022)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|O filme constante deste DVD foi licenciado somente para uso privado. Todos os outros direitos são riservados.<br>Qualquer cópia, reprodução, difusão ou exibição pública por qualquer outro meio não autorizado, de todo ou parte deste DVD, é proibida por lei e fará incorrer o infractor em responsabilidade civil e criminal.<br>Todos os direitos riservados.|The film on this DVD has been licensed for private use only. All other rights are reserved. Any copy, reproduction, dissemination or public display by any other unauthorized means, of all or part of this DVD, is prohibited by law and will cause the infringer to incur civil and criminal liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|O filme constante deste DVD foi licenciado somente para uso privado. Todos os outros direitos são riservados.<br>Qualquer cópia, reprodução, difusão ou exibição pública por qualquer outro meio não autorizado, de todo ou parte deste DVD, é proibida por lei e fará incorrer o infractor em responsabilidade civil e criminal.<br>Todos os direitos riservados.|The film on this DVD has been licensed for private use only. All other rights are reserved. Any copy, reproduction, dissemination or public display by any other unauthorized means, of all or part of this DVD, is prohibited by law and will cause the infringer to incur civil and criminal liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 478: Line 478:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Innehållet på denna DVD är skyddat enligt upphovsrättslagen.<br>Samtliga rättigheter till programinnehållet innehas av Paramount Home Entertainment (Sweden) AB.<br>Upphovsrättsinnehavaren har genom licens endast upplåtit programinnehållet för icke-kommersiellt, privat bruk i hemmet.<br>All slags distribution utanför licensområdet (om inte uttryckligen medgivits eller är tillåtet genom lag), kopiering, utsändning, offentlig förevisning, ändring eller redigering är strängt forbjudet.<br>Otillåten användning kan medföra ersättningsskyldighet eller andra rättsliga åtgärder såsom åtal.<br>Ansvarig utgivare: Ulf Rennstam.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law. All rights to the program content are held by Paramount Home Entertainment (Sweden) AB. The copyright holder has by license only provided the program content for non-commercial, private use in the home. Any distribution outside the license area (unless expressly permitted or legally permitted), copying, posting, public display, modification or editing is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use may result in liability for damages or other legal action such as prosecution. Responsible publisher: Ulf Rennstam.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Innehållet på denna DVD är skyddat enligt upphovsrättslagen.<br>Samtliga rättigheter till programinnehållet innehas av Paramount Home Entertainment (Sweden) AB.<br>Upphovsrättsinnehavaren har genom licens endast upplåtit programinnehållet för icke-kommersiellt, privat bruk i hemmet.<br>All slags distribution utanför licensområdet (om inte uttryckligen medgivits eller är tillåtet genom lag), kopiering, utsändning, offentlig förevisning, ändring eller redigering är strängt forbjudet.<br>Otillåten användning kan medföra ersättningsskyldighet eller andra rättsliga åtgärder såsom åtal.<br>Ansvarig utgivare: Ulf Rennstam.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law. All rights to the program content are held by Paramount Home Entertainment (Sweden) AB. The copyright holder has by license only provided the program content for non-commercial, private use in the home. Any distribution outside the license area (unless expressly permitted or legally permitted), copying, posting, public display, modification or editing is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use may result in liability for damages or other legal action such as prosecution. Responsible publisher: Ulf Rennstam.}}'''}}</center>
Line 497: Line 497:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Innholdet på dette videogram er i Norge beskyttet under regler om opphavsrett.<br>Tillatt bruk er visning i private hjem uten vederlag.<br>Alle andre utnytteIsesformer er forbeholdt rettighetshaver Paramount Home Entertainment Norway ans.<br>Enhver form for overføring, videreutleie, organisert bytte og offentlig visning er strengt forbudt.<br>Kopiering er ikke tillatt, unntatt til egen privat bruk.<br>Ulovlig utnyttelse av dette videogram er straffbart og medfører erstatningsplikt.|The contents of this videogram are protected under copyright rules in Norway. The permitted use is viewing in private homes free of charge. All other forms of exploitation are reserved to the licensee Paramount Home Entertainment Norway ans. Any transfer, subletting, organized exchange and public viewing is strictly prohibited. Copying is not allowed, except for your own private use. Illegal use of this videogram is punishable and entails liability for damages.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Innholdet på dette videogram er i Norge beskyttet under regler om opphavsrett.<br>Tillatt bruk er visning i private hjem uten vederlag.<br>Alle andre utnytteIsesformer er forbeholdt rettighetshaver Paramount Home Entertainment Norway ans.<br>Enhver form for overføring, videreutleie, organisert bytte og offentlig visning er strengt forbudt.<br>Kopiering er ikke tillatt, unntatt til egen privat bruk.<br>Ulovlig utnyttelse av dette videogram er straffbart og medfører erstatningsplikt.|The contents of this videogram are protected under copyright rules in Norway. The permitted use is viewing in private homes free of charge. All other forms of exploitation are reserved to the licensee Paramount Home Entertainment Norway ans. Any transfer, subletting, organized exchange and public viewing is strictly prohibited. Copying is not allowed, except for your own private use. Illegal use of this videogram is punishable and entails liability for damages.}}'''}}</center>
Line 514: Line 514:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Indholdet af denne DVD er beskyttet copyrightloven og andre love om ophavsret.<br>Denne DVD er udelukkende til ikke-kommerciel forevisning i private hjem, og enhver distribution af den uden for det autoriserede distributørområde (medmindre der udtrykkeligt er givet tilladelse til det), kopiering, transmission, offentlig forevisning, ændring eller reverse engineering er strengt forbudt og kan medføre straffe- og/eller civilretsligt søgsmål.<br>Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other copyright laws. This DVD is for non-commercial display in private homes only, and any distribution of it outside the authorized distributor area (unless expressly permitted), copying, transmission, public display, modification or reverse engineering is strictly prohibited and may lead to criminal and/or civil proceedings. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Indholdet af denne DVD er beskyttet copyrightloven og andre love om ophavsret.<br>Denne DVD er udelukkende til ikke-kommerciel forevisning i private hjem, og enhver distribution af den uden for det autoriserede distributørområde (medmindre der udtrykkeligt er givet tilladelse til det), kopiering, transmission, offentlig forevisning, ændring eller reverse engineering er strengt forbudt og kan medføre straffe- og/eller civilretsligt søgsmål.<br>Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other copyright laws. This DVD is for non-commercial display in private homes only, and any distribution of it outside the authorized distributor area (unless expressly permitted), copying, transmission, public display, modification or reverse engineering is strictly prohibited and may lead to criminal and/or civil proceedings. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 532: Line 532:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|본 DVD의 내용은 저작권법 및 기타 지 적 재산권 봅률에 의해 보호됩니다. 본 DVD는 가정에서 비영리적인 사적 시청용으로만 허가되었으며, (법튤에 의한 명백한 인가 혹으 허가 없이) 허가 된 지역 밖에서 유퉁, 복사, 전승, 복사, 공공 장소에서 방영, 변경, 리버스, 엔지니어 링 둥이 절대 금지돠며, 그러한 위반 행 위는 민사/형사상의 책임을 초래할 수 있습니다.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property rights. This DVD is licensed for private, non-commercial viewing at home only, and any releasing, copying, transmitting, public airing, editing, reversing, or engineering outside of the permitted area (without explicit authorization or permission by law) is prohibited, such violations may result in civil/criminal liability.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|본 DVD의 내용은 저작권법 및 기타 지 적 재산권 봅률에 의해 보호됩니다. 본 DVD는 가정에서 비영리적인 사적 시청용으로만 허가되었으며, (법튤에 의한 명백한 인가 혹으 허가 없이) 허가 된 지역 밖에서 유퉁, 복사, 전승, 복사, 공공 장소에서 방영, 변경, 리버스, 엔지니어 링 둥이 절대 금지돠며, 그러한 위반 행 위는 민사/형사상의 책임을 초래할 수 있습니다.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property rights. This DVD is licensed for private, non-commercial viewing at home only, and any releasing, copying, transmitting, public airing, editing, reversing, or engineering outside of the permitted area (without explicit authorization or permission by law) is prohibited, such violations may result in civil/criminal liability.}}'''}}</center>
Line 553: Line 553:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Treść tego DVD jest pod ochroną Ustawa o Prawie Autorskim oraz pokrewnych ustaw o własności intelektualnej.<br>Ten DVD jest licencjonowany tylko do użytku domowego w celach niehandlowych.<br>Kadże jego rozpowszechnianie poza terytorium wydaniem licencji (z wytąjkiem przypadków wyrażnego upoważnienia lub zezwolenia ustawą), kopíowanie, wyświetlanie, pokazywanie publiczne, przerabianie lub dekódowanie jest surowo wzbronione i może spowodować pociągnięcie do odpowiedzialności karnei i/lub cywilnej.<br>Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.|The content of this DVD is protected under the Copyright Act and related intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for home use only for non-commercial purposes. Any dissemination of it outside the territory by issuing a license (except where expressly authorized or authorized by statute), copying, displaying, public display, modification or decoding is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and/or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Treść tego DVD jest pod ochroną Ustawa o Prawie Autorskim oraz pokrewnych ustaw o własności intelektualnej.<br>Ten DVD jest licencjonowany tylko do użytku domowego w celach niehandlowych.<br>Kadże jego rozpowszechnianie poza terytorium wydaniem licencji (z wytąjkiem przypadków wyrażnego upoważnienia lub zezwolenia ustawą), kopíowanie, wyświetlanie, pokazywanie publiczne, przerabianie lub dekódowanie jest surowo wzbronione i może spowodować pociągnięcie do odpowiedzialności karnei i/lub cywilnej.<br>Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.|The content of this DVD is protected under the Copyright Act and related intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for home use only for non-commercial purposes. Any dissemination of it outside the territory by issuing a license (except where expressly authorized or authorized by statute), copying, displaying, public display, modification or decoding is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and/or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 573: Line 573:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Obsah tohoto DVD je chráněn zákonem ochrany autorských práv a intelektualniho majetku.<br>Tento DVD je určen pouze pro domácí video s nekomerčním zaměření a jakákoliv jeho distribuce mimo licenzované území (vyjímaje případů speciálního zplnomocňování anebo povolení zákonem), kopírováni, vysílání, veřejného promítání, promněny anebo dekódování je přísně zakázáno a může přivést k trestní a/či občanské odpovědnosti.<br>Všechna práva vyhrazena.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. This DVD is for non-commercial home video use only, and any distribution outside of the licensed territory (except as specifically authorized and/or permitted by law), copying, broadcasting, public screening, alteration, and/or decoding is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and/or civil responsibilities. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Obsah tohoto DVD je chráněn zákonem ochrany autorských práv a intelektualniho majetku.<br>Tento DVD je určen pouze pro domácí video s nekomerčním zaměření a jakákoliv jeho distribuce mimo licenzované území (vyjímaje případů speciálního zplnomocňování anebo povolení zákonem), kopírováni, vysílání, veřejného promítání, promněny anebo dekódování je přísně zakázáno a může přivést k trestní a/či občanské odpovědnosti.<br>Všechna práva vyhrazena.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. This DVD is for non-commercial home video use only, and any distribution outside of the licensed territory (except as specifically authorized and/or permitted by law), copying, broadcasting, public screening, alteration, and/or decoding is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and/or civil responsibilities. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 590: Line 590:

====2nd Warning (2000-2022)====
====2nd Warning (2000-2022)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Содержание этого DVD охраняется законами об авторском праве и иной интеллектуальной собственности и лицензировано только для некоммерческого домашнего просмотра.<br>Любое распространение за пределами зоны лицензионного показа (непредусмотренное и неразрешенное законом), копирование, передача, публичное представление, изменение или демонтаж строго запрещены и могут повлечь за собой уголовную и гражданскую ответственность.<br>Все права защищены.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and are licensed for non-commercial home viewing only. Any distribution outside the licensed display area (not provided for and unauthorized by law), copying, transmission, public presentation, modification or dismantling is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Содержание этого DVD охраняется законами об авторском праве и иной интеллектуальной собственности и лицензировано только для некоммерческого домашнего просмотра.<br>Любое распространение за пределами зоны лицензионного показа (непредусмотренное и неразрешенное законом), копирование, передача, публичное представление, изменение или демонтаж строго запрещены и могут повлечь за собой уголовную и гражданскую ответственность.<br>Все права защищены.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and are licensed for non-commercial home viewing only. Any distribution outside the licensed display area (not provided for and unauthorized by law), copying, transmission, public presentation, modification or dismantling is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 607: Line 607:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Tämän DVD:n sisältö on suojattu tekijänoikeuslailla.<br>Tämä DVD on tarkoitettu vain yksityiseen käyttöön, eikä sitä saa levittää määrätyn tarkoituksen ulkopuolelle, ellei laki sitä erikseen salli.<br>Levyn kopiointi, lähetys, julkinen esittäminen tai editiointi on ehdottomasti kielletty ja saattaa johtaa oikeustoimiin.<br>Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright. This DVD is for personal use only and may not be distributed for any purpose other than as expressly permitted by law. Copying, transmitting, publicly displaying or editing the disc is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Tämän DVD:n sisältö on suojattu tekijänoikeuslailla.<br>Tämä DVD on tarkoitettu vain yksityiseen käyttöön, eikä sitä saa levittää määrätyn tarkoituksen ulkopuolelle, ellei laki sitä erikseen salli.<br>Levyn kopiointi, lähetys, julkinen esittäminen tai editiointi on ehdottomasti kielletty ja saattaa johtaa oikeustoimiin.<br>Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright. This DVD is for personal use only and may not be distributed for any purpose other than as expressly permitted by law. Copying, transmitting, publicly displaying or editing the disc is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 621: Line 621:
===Middle East===
===Middle East===
====Screen (2000-2020)====
====Screen (2000-2020)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|إن محتويات قرص ال DVD هذا محمية بموجب قوانينحقوق الطبع وسائر القوانين المتعلقة بالممتلكات الفكرية.<br>إن محتويات قرص ال DVD هذا محمية بموجب قوانينحقوق الطبع وسائر القوانين المتعلقة بالممتلكات الفكرية. يخضع قرص ال DVD هذا لرخصة المشاهدة غير التجارية الخاصة في المنازل فقط ويمنع منعا باتا توزيعه خارج النطاق المحدد في الرخصة (إلا في حالة التفويض الصريحأو إذا سمح القانون بذلك) ونسخه وبثه وعرضه علنيةوتحويره باي شكل من الأشكال ويمكن أن يترتب عنذلكتبعات مدنية و/أو جنائية.<br>كافة الحقوق محفوظة.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is subject to the non-commercial viewing license for private homes only, and it is strictly forbidden to distribute it outside the scope specified in the license (except in the case of an explicit authorization or if the law permits it) and to copy, broadcast, display it publicly and alter it in any form and this may have civil and/or criminal consequences. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|إن محتويات قرص ال DVD هذا محمية بموجب قوانينحقوق الطبع وسائر القوانين المتعلقة بالممتلكات الفكرية.<br>إن محتويات قرص ال DVD هذا محمية بموجب قوانينحقوق الطبع وسائر القوانين المتعلقة بالممتلكات الفكرية. يخضع قرص ال DVD هذا لرخصة المشاهدة غير التجارية الخاصة في المنازل فقط ويمنع منعا باتا توزيعه خارج النطاق المحدد في الرخصة (إلا في حالة التفويض الصريحأو إذا سمح القانون بذلك) ونسخه وبثه وعرضه علنيةوتحويره باي شكل من الأشكال ويمكن أن يترتب عنذلكتبعات مدنية و/أو جنائية.<br>كافة الحقوق محفوظة.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is subject to the non-commercial viewing license for private homes only, and it is strictly forbidden to distribute it outside the scope specified in the license (except in the case of an explicit authorization or if the law permits it) and to copy, broadcast, display it publicly and alter it in any form and this may have civil and/or criminal consequences. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 635: Line 635:
===Hong Kong and Taiwan===
===Hong Kong and Taiwan===
====Screen (2000-)====
====Screen (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|此DVD之内容受到版櫂及其他智慧財產權法例之保護。<br>此DVD只可於家庭作非商業性之私人觀賞之用·嚴禁在特許地區以外的地區分銷(除非明確地得到法例授權或許可)丶複製丶播送丶公開放映丶<br>改動或者倒序製造,違者必究有受刑事和(或)民事處分之虞版權所有|The content of this DVD is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD can only be used for non-commercial private home viewing. It is strictly forbidden to distribute (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law), copy, broadcast, publicly show, modify or reverse it outside the licensed area. Violations are subject to criminal and/or civil sanctions.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|此DVD之内容受到版櫂及其他智慧財產權法例之保護。<br>此DVD只可於家庭作非商業性之私人觀賞之用·嚴禁在特許地區以外的地區分銷(除非明確地得到法例授權或許可)丶複製丶播送丶公開放映丶<br>改動或者倒序製造,違者必究有受刑事和(或)民事處分之虞版權所有|The content of this DVD is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD can only be used for non-commercial private home viewing. It is strictly forbidden to distribute (unless expressly authorized or permitted by law), copy, broadcast, publicly show, modify or reverse it outside the licensed area. Violations are subject to criminal and/or civil sanctions.}}'''}}</center>
Line 664: Line 664:

====2nd Warning (2000-)====
====2nd Warning (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Ezen a DVD-n található felvétel szerzői jog és más szellemi tulajdonjog védelme alatt áll.<br>Ez a DVD kizárólag otthoni, nem kereskedelmi lejátszásra engedélyezett és bármely engedélyezett területen kivüli forgalmazása (hacsak azt a törvény kifejezetten meg nem engedi), másolása, sugárzása, nyilvános vetitése, megváltoztatása szigorúan tilos, és büntető és/vagy polgári jogi eljárást vonhat maga után.<br>Minden jog fenntartva.|The recording on this DVD is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. This DVD may only be distributed (unless permitted by law), copied, broadcast, publicly displayed, altered, and subject to criminal and/or civil proceedings, except for domestic, non-commercial playback and in any licensed area. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Ezen a DVD-n található felvétel szerzői jog és más szellemi tulajdonjog védelme alatt áll.<br>Ez a DVD kizárólag otthoni, nem kereskedelmi lejátszásra engedélyezett és bármely engedélyezett területen kivüli forgalmazása (hacsak azt a törvény kifejezetten meg nem engedi), másolása, sugárzása, nyilvános vetitése, megváltoztatása szigorúan tilos, és büntető és/vagy polgári jogi eljárást vonhat maga után.<br>Minden jog fenntartva.|The recording on this DVD is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. This DVD may only be distributed (unless permitted by law), copied, broadcast, publicly displayed, altered, and subject to criminal and/or civil proceedings, except for domestic, non-commercial playback and in any licensed area. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 679: Line 679:
====Screen (2000-)====
====Screen (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Bu DVD'in içeriği, telif hakkı ve diğer entelektüel mülkiyet yasalan ile korunmuştur.<br>Bu DVD, yalnız konutlarda ticari olmayan özel gösterim için ruhsatlıdır ve ruhsatlı olduğu bölge dışınga (yasa tarafından açık olarak yetki ve izin verilmedikçe) dağıtılması, kopyasının çıkarılması, yayınlanması, kamuya açık gösterilmesi, değiştirilmesi ya de geriye çevrim işleminden geçirilmesi kesinlikle yasaktır ve adi suç ve/veya tazminat yükümlülüğü dogurur. Bütün hakları saklıdır.|The content of this DVD is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for private non-commercial viewing in residential premises only, and distribution, copying, broadcasting, public display, modifying, or recycling outside of its licensed region (unless expressly authorized and permitted by law) is forbidden and will result i criminal and/or compensation liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Bu DVD'in içeriği, telif hakkı ve diğer entelektüel mülkiyet yasalan ile korunmuştur.<br>Bu DVD, yalnız konutlarda ticari olmayan özel gösterim için ruhsatlıdır ve ruhsatlı olduğu bölge dışınga (yasa tarafından açık olarak yetki ve izin verilmedikçe) dağıtılması, kopyasının çıkarılması, yayınlanması, kamuya açık gösterilmesi, değiştirilmesi ya de geriye çevrim işleminden geçirilmesi kesinlikle yasaktır ve adi suç ve/veya tazminat yükümlülüğü dogurur. Bütün hakları saklıdır.|The content of this DVD is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for private non-commercial viewing in residential premises only, and distribution, copying, broadcasting, public display, modifying, or recycling outside of its licensed region (unless expressly authorized and permitted by law) is forbidden and will result i criminal and/or compensation liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 705: Line 705:
====Screen (2003-2018)====
====Screen (2003-2018)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|תוכני תקליטור DVD דה מוגנים בחוקי דבויות יוצרים וחוקי חדקה אחרים.<br>תקליטור DVD דה מותר לצפייה ביתית פרטית - שאינה למטרות מסחריות - בלבד, וכל ניסיון להפצתו מתוצ לתחום המאושרו האמור (למעט מקרים המאושרים ומותרים על פי חוק), להעתקתן, לשידורו, להקרנתו בפומבי, לשינויו או לתיקון תכניו, הינו אסור מתכלית האיסור ועלול להוביל לחבות פלילית ו/או אדךחית.<br>כל הדכויות שמורות.|This DVD disc's contents are protected by copyright laws and other laws of intellectual property. The DVD is permitted for private home viewing - not for commercial purposes - only, and any attempt to distribute it out of the said approved area (except in cases authorized and permitted by law), copying, broadcasting, publicly showing, modifying or correcting its contents is prohibited and may lead to the purpose of criminal and/or civil prosecution. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|תוכני תקליטור DVD דה מוגנים בחוקי דבויות יוצרים וחוקי חדקה אחרים.<br>תקליטור DVD דה מותר לצפייה ביתית פרטית - שאינה למטרות מסחריות - בלבד, וכל ניסיון להפצתו מתוצ לתחום המאושרו האמור (למעט מקרים המאושרים ומותרים על פי חוק), להעתקתן, לשידורו, להקרנתו בפומבי, לשינויו או לתיקון תכניו, הינו אסור מתכלית האיסור ועלול להוביל לחבות פלילית ו/או אדךחית.<br>כל הדכויות שמורות.|This DVD disc's contents are protected by copyright laws and other laws of intellectual property. The DVD is permitted for private home viewing - not for commercial purposes - only, and any attempt to distribute it out of the said approved area (except in cases authorized and permitted by law), copying, broadcasting, publicly showing, modifying or correcting its contents is prohibited and may lead to the purpose of criminal and/or civil prosecution. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 746: Line 746:
====Screen (2000-)====
====Screen (2000-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|ภาพยนตร์ดีวีดีเรื่องนี้อยู่ภายใต้ความคุ้มครองของกฎหมายลิขสิทธิ์และกฎหมายคุ้มครองทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาอื่น ๆ อนุญาตให้ชุมเพื่อความบันเทิงในเคหสถานเท่านั้นห้ามมิให้นำออกจำหน่ายนอกอาณาเขตที่ได้รับอนุญาต (เว้นแต่กฎหมายอนุญาต) ทำการคัดลอก, นำแพร่ภาพ, นำออกฉายในที่สาธารณะ, ทำการแก้ไขหรือดัดแปลงใด ๆ ทั้งสิ้นมิฉะนั้นจะมีความผิดทางอาญาและ / หรือถูกดำเนินคดีในทางแพ่ง.|This DVD movie is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is permitted for home entertainment only. Copying, broadcastinh, displaying in public or making any alteration or modification (unless permitted by law) is a criminal offense and will be criminally and/or civilly prosecuted.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|ภาพยนตร์ดีวีดีเรื่องนี้อยู่ภายใต้ความคุ้มครองของกฎหมายลิขสิทธิ์และกฎหมายคุ้มครองทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาอื่น ๆ อนุญาตให้ชุมเพื่อความบันเทิงในเคหสถานเท่านั้นห้ามมิให้นำออกจำหน่ายนอกอาณาเขตที่ได้รับอนุญาต (เว้นแต่กฎหมายอนุญาต) ทำการคัดลอก, นำแพร่ภาพ, นำออกฉายในที่สาธารณะ, ทำการแก้ไขหรือดัดแปลงใด ๆ ทั้งสิ้นมิฉะนั้นจะมีความผิดทางอาญาและ / หรือถูกดำเนินคดีในทางแพ่ง.|This DVD movie is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is permitted for home entertainment only. Copying, broadcastinh, displaying in public or making any alteration or modification (unless permitted by law) is a criminal offense and will be criminally and/or civilly prosecuted.}}'''}}</center>
Line 760: Line 760:
====Screen (2002-2022)====
====Screen (2002-2022)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Conținutul acestui DVD este protejat de Legea Dreptului de Autor și alte drepturi conexe.<br>Acest DVD este licențiat numai pentru vizionarea cu caracter particular și orice distribuție în afara teritoriului licențiat (în afara caurilor în care este autorizat sau permis de lege), copierea, difuzarea, vizionarea în public, alterarea sau folosirea neautorizată a conținutului este strict interzisă și poate atrage daune civile sau penale.<br>Toate drepturile rezervate.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law and other related rights. This DVD is licensed for private viewing only and any distribution outside of the licensed territory (except as permitted or permitted by law), copying, distribution, viewing, alteration or unauthorized use of the content is strictly prohibited and may attract civil or criminal damages. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Conținutul acestui DVD este protejat de Legea Dreptului de Autor și alte drepturi conexe.<br>Acest DVD este licențiat numai pentru vizionarea cu caracter particular și orice distribuție în afara teritoriului licențiat (în afara caurilor în care este autorizat sau permis de lege), copierea, difuzarea, vizionarea în public, alterarea sau folosirea neautorizată a conținutului este strict interzisă și poate atrage daune civile sau penale.<br>Toate drepturile rezervate.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law and other related rights. This DVD is licensed for private viewing only and any distribution outside of the licensed territory (except as permitted or permitted by law), copying, distribution, viewing, alteration or unauthorized use of the content is strictly prohibited and may attract civil or criminal damages. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 774: Line 774:
====Screen (2003-2021)====
====Screen (2003-2021)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|{{font|Arial|Το περιεχόμενο αυτού του DVD προστατεύεται από τους νόμους περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας.<br>Αυτό το DVD προορίζεται μόνο για μη εμπορική, ιδιωτική προβολή κατ'οίκον.<br>Οποιαδήποτε διανομή του έξω από την επιτρεπόμενη περιοχή (εκτός αν αυτό έχει ρητά επιτραπεί από το νόμο), αντιγραφή, μετάδοση, δημόσια προβολή, αλλοίωση ή τεχνική μετατροπή απαγορεύεται αυστηρά και διώκειται ποινικά από τον νόμο.<br>Με την επιφύλαξη πάντος δικαιώματος.}}|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright laws. This DVD is for non-commercial, private home viewing only. Any distribution outside the permitted area (unless expressly permitted by law), copying, transmission, public display, alteration or technical modification is strictly prohibited and prosecuted by law. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|{{font|Arial|Το περιεχόμενο αυτού του DVD προστατεύεται από τους νόμους περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας.<br>Αυτό το DVD προορίζεται μόνο για μη εμπορική, ιδιωτική προβολή κατ'οίκον.<br>Οποιαδήποτε διανομή του έξω από την επιτρεπόμενη περιοχή (εκτός αν αυτό έχει ρητά επιτραπεί από το νόμο), αντιγραφή, μετάδοση, δημόσια προβολή, αλλοίωση ή τεχνική μετατροπή απαγορεύεται αυστηρά και διώκειται ποινικά από τον νόμο.<br>Με την επιφύλαξη πάντος δικαιώματος.}}|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright laws. This DVD is for non-commercial, private home viewing only. Any distribution outside the permitted area (unless expressly permitted by law), copying, transmission, public display, alteration or technical modification is strictly prohibited and prosecuted by law. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 791: Line 791:

====2nd Warning (2001-2015)====
====2nd Warning (2001-2015)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Съдържанието на този DVD е защитено от Закона за авторското право и сродните му закони за защита на интелектуалната собственост.<br>Този DVD е лицензиран само за домашно ползване с нетърговска цел и всяко негово разпространение извън лицензираната територия (освен в случаите на изрично упълномощаване или разрешение чрез закон), копиране излъчване, публично показване, преправяне или декодиране, е строго забранено и може да доведе до подвеждане под наказателиа и/или гражданска отговорност.<br>Всички права запазени.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law and related intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for non-commercial home use only and any distribution outside the licensed territory (except as expressly authorized or permitted by law), copying, broadcasting, public display, remaking or decoding is strictly prohibited and may result in misleading under penalties and/or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Съдържанието на този DVD е защитено от Закона за авторското право и сродните му закони за защита на интелектуалната собственост.<br>Този DVD е лицензиран само за домашно ползване с нетърговска цел и всяко негово разпространение извън лицензираната територия (освен в случаите на изрично упълномощаване или разрешение чрез закон), копиране излъчване, публично показване, преправяне или декодиране, е строго забранено и може да доведе до подвеждане под наказателиа и/или гражданска отговорност.<br>Всички права запазени.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law and related intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for non-commercial home use only and any distribution outside the licensed territory (except as expressly authorized or permitted by law), copying, broadcasting, public display, remaking or decoding is strictly prohibited and may result in misleading under penalties and/or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>

Line 804: Line 804:
====Screen (2001-2014)====
====Screen (2001-2014)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Sadržaj ovog DVD ja zaštićen Zakonom o autorskom pravu i njemu srodnim zakonima o zaštiti intelektualne svojine.<br>Ovaj DVD je licenciran jedino ja kućno korištenje u nekomercijalne svrhe i bilo kakvo njegovo širenje van licenciranog teritorija (osim u šlucaju izričitog ovlaštenja ili dozvole zakonom), kopiranje, emitiranje, javno prikazivanje, preradba ili dekodiranje, strogo je zabranjeno i može dovesti do pozivanja na krivičnu i/ili građansku odgovornost.<br>Sva su prava zaštićena.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law and related intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed solely for home use for non-commercial purposes and any distribution outside the licensed territory (except as expressly authorized or permitted by law), copying, broadcasting, public display, processing or decoding, is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal prosecution. and/or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Sadržaj ovog DVD ja zaštićen Zakonom o autorskom pravu i njemu srodnim zakonima o zaštiti intelektualne svojine.<br>Ovaj DVD je licenciran jedino ja kućno korištenje u nekomercijalne svrhe i bilo kakvo njegovo širenje van licenciranog teritorija (osim u šlucaju izričitog ovlaštenja ili dozvole zakonom), kopiranje, emitiranje, javno prikazivanje, preradba ili dekodiranje, strogo je zabranjeno i može dovesti do pozivanja na krivičnu i/ili građansku odgovornost.<br>Sva su prava zaštićena.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law and related intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed solely for home use for non-commercial purposes and any distribution outside the licensed territory (except as expressly authorized or permitted by law), copying, broadcasting, public display, processing or decoding, is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal prosecution. and/or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 818: Line 818:
====Screen (2008-2019)====
====Screen (2008-2019)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Вміст цього DVD диска захищений авторським правом та іншими законодавчими актами щодо інтелектуальної власності.<br>Це ліцензований DVD диск, шо призначений виключно для некомерційного приватного перегляду вдома, і абияке поширення цього диску за межами дії лицензії (за винятком наявності повноважень або законного дозволу), копіювання, трансляція, суспільний перегляд, зміна або зворотній монтаж категорично заборонені і можуть тягти за собою кримінальну або цивільну відповідальність.<br>Усі права захищені|This is a licensed DVD disc intended solely for non-commercial private viewing at home, and any distribution of this disc outside the scope of the license (except as authorized or legally permitted), copying, broadcasting, public viewing, modification or re-installation is strictly prohibited and may entail a criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Вміст цього DVD диска захищений авторським правом та іншими законодавчими актами щодо інтелектуальної власності.<br>Це ліцензований DVD диск, шо призначений виключно для некомерційного приватного перегляду вдома, і абияке поширення цього диску за межами дії лицензії (за винятком наявності повноважень або законного дозволу), копіювання, трансляція, суспільний перегляд, зміна або зворотній монтаж категорично заборонені і можуть тягти за собою кримінальну або цивільну відповідальність.<br>Усі права захищені|This is a licensed DVD disc intended solely for non-commercial private viewing at home, and any distribution of this disc outside the scope of the license (except as authorized or legally permitted), copying, broadcasting, public viewing, modification or re-installation is strictly prohibited and may entail a criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved}}'''}}</center>
Line 832: Line 832:
====Screen (2003-2014)====
====Screen (2003-2014)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Sadržaj ovog DVD-a zaštićen je Zakonom o autorskim pravima i drugim srodnim zakonima o intelektualnoj svojini.<br>Ovaj DVD ima dozvolu isključivo za nekomercionalno privatno gledanje u domovima, i bilo kakva distribucija izvan teritorije sa licencom (izuzev ako je posebno ovlašćena ili dozvoljena zakonom), kopiranje, prenošenje, javno prikazivanje, menjanje ili inverzno projektovanje su strogo zabranjeni i mogu imati za posledicu krivičnu ili građansku odgovornost.<br>Sva prava rezervisana.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law and other related intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed solely for non-commercial private viewing in homes, and any distribution outside the licensed territory (unless specifically authorized or permitted by law), copying, transmission, public display, alteration or inverse design are strictly prohibited and may result in criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Sadržaj ovog DVD-a zaštićen je Zakonom o autorskim pravima i drugim srodnim zakonima o intelektualnoj svojini.<br>Ovaj DVD ima dozvolu isključivo za nekomercionalno privatno gledanje u domovima, i bilo kakva distribucija izvan teritorije sa licencom (izuzev ako je posebno ovlašćena ili dozvoljena zakonom), kopiranje, prenošenje, javno prikazivanje, menjanje ili inverzno projektovanje su strogo zabranjeni i mogu imati za posledicu krivičnu ili građansku odgovornost.<br>Sva prava rezervisana.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright law and other related intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed solely for non-commercial private viewing in homes, and any distribution outside the licensed territory (unless specifically authorized or permitted by law), copying, transmission, public display, alteration or inverse design are strictly prohibited and may result in criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 846: Line 846:
====Screen (2007-)====
====Screen (2007-)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Obsah tohto DVD je chránený autorským právom a ďalšími zákonmi o duševnom vlastníctve.<br>Toto DVD má povolenie len pre nekomerčnú súkromnú projekciu a akákoĺvek distribúcia mimo povolenej oblasti (pokiaľto nie je výslovne schválené či dovolené zákonom), kopírovanie, prenos, verejné predvádzanie, úpravy alebo spätne inžinierstvo je prísne zakázané a môže viesť k trestnému či občiansko-právnemu postihu.<br>Všetky práva sú vyhradené.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for non-commercial private screening only, and any distribution outside the permitted area (unless expressly approved or permitted by law), copying, transmission, public performance, modification, or reverse engineering is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal or civil penalties. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Obsah tohto DVD je chránený autorským právom a ďalšími zákonmi o duševnom vlastníctve.<br>Toto DVD má povolenie len pre nekomerčnú súkromnú projekciu a akákoĺvek distribúcia mimo povolenej oblasti (pokiaľto nie je výslovne schválené či dovolené zákonom), kopírovanie, prenos, verejné predvádzanie, úpravy alebo spätne inžinierstvo je prísne zakázané a môže viesť k trestnému či občiansko-právnemu postihu.<br>Všetky práva sú vyhradené.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for non-commercial private screening only, and any distribution outside the permitted area (unless expressly approved or permitted by law), copying, transmission, public performance, modification, or reverse engineering is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal or civil penalties. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 860: Line 860:
====Screen (2003-2014)====
====Screen (2003-2014)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Vsebina tega DVD ja zaščitena z Zakonom o avtorskih pravicah in njemu podobnimi zakoni, ki ščitijo intelektualno lastnino.<br>Ta DVD je licenziran samo za domačo uporabo, ki nima trgovskega namena. Prepovedano ga je razdeljevati izven licenziranega območja (razen v primerih, ko le-to zakon izrecno dovoljuje) posnemati, predvajati, javno prenašati, popravljati ali dekodirati, vse to je strogo prepovedano in za njih velja kazenska in/ali civilna odgovornost.<br>Vse pravice so zaščitene.|The contents of this DVD are protected by the Copyright Act and similar intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for non-commercial home use only. It is prohibited to distribute it outside the licensed area (except in cases where it is expressly permitted by law), to copy, broadcast, publicly transmit, edit or decode, all of which are strictly prohibited and subject to criminal and/or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Vsebina tega DVD ja zaščitena z Zakonom o avtorskih pravicah in njemu podobnimi zakoni, ki ščitijo intelektualno lastnino.<br>Ta DVD je licenziran samo za domačo uporabo, ki nima trgovskega namena. Prepovedano ga je razdeljevati izven licenziranega območja (razen v primerih, ko le-to zakon izrecno dovoljuje) posnemati, predvajati, javno prenašati, popravljati ali dekodirati, vse to je strogo prepovedano in za njih velja kazenska in/ali civilna odgovornost.<br>Vse pravice so zaščitene.|The contents of this DVD are protected by the Copyright Act and similar intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed for non-commercial home use only. It is prohibited to distribute it outside the licensed area (except in cases where it is expressly permitted by law), to copy, broadcast, publicly transmit, edit or decode, all of which are strictly prohibited and subject to criminal and/or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 874: Line 874:
====Screen (2002-2020)====
====Screen (2002-2020)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Innihald þessa DVD disks er verndað af höfundarétti og eignarrétti á hugverkum.<br>DVD diskurinn er einungis ætlaður til einkasýninga í heimahúsum, sem ekki eru í ágóðaskyni og öll dreifing utan hins leyfða svædis (nema með sérstöku leyfi eða leyfð með lögum), fjölföldun, útsending, opinber sýning sem og hagræðing eða breyting á innihaldinu, er stranglega bönnuð og varðar við lög.<br>Öll réttindi áskilin.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights. The DVD is for non-profit private use only and any distribution outside the permitted area (except with special permission or permitted by law), reproduction, broadcast, public show as well as optimization or modification of the content is strictly prohibited and is subject to law. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Innihald þessa DVD disks er verndað af höfundarétti og eignarrétti á hugverkum.<br>DVD diskurinn er einungis ætlaður til einkasýninga í heimahúsum, sem ekki eru í ágóðaskyni og öll dreifing utan hins leyfða svædis (nema með sérstöku leyfi eða leyfð með lögum), fjölföldun, útsending, opinber sýning sem og hagræðing eða breyting á innihaldinu, er stranglega bönnuð og varðar við lög.<br>Öll réttindi áskilin.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights. The DVD is for non-profit private use only and any distribution outside the permitted area (except with special permission or permitted by law), reproduction, broadcast, public show as well as optimization or modification of the content is strictly prohibited and is subject to law. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 888: Line 888:
====Screen (2007-2017)====
====Screen (2007-2017)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Käesoleva DVD sisu on kaitstud autorikaitse ja intellektuaalse omandi kaitse seadusega.<br>Käesolev DVD on ette nähtud vaid koduseks kasutamiseks. DVD-l oleva filmi või selle osa levitamine väljaspool lubatud piirkonda (juhul kui seadusega ei ole sätestatud teisiti), kopeerimine, ülekandmine, avalik esitamine, muutmine ja pöördprojekteerimine on keelatud ja tsiviil-võl kriminaalkorras karistatav.<br>Kõik õigused on reserveeritud.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. This DVD is for home use only. Distribution of the film or part of it on the DVD outside the permitted area (unless otherwise provided by law), copying, transmission, public performance, modification and reverse engineering is prohibited and punishable under civil law. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Käesoleva DVD sisu on kaitstud autorikaitse ja intellektuaalse omandi kaitse seadusega.<br>Käesolev DVD on ette nähtud vaid koduseks kasutamiseks. DVD-l oleva filmi või selle osa levitamine väljaspool lubatud piirkonda (juhul kui seadusega ei ole sätestatud teisiti), kopeerimine, ülekandmine, avalik esitamine, muutmine ja pöördprojekteerimine on keelatud ja tsiviil-võl kriminaalkorras karistatav.<br>Kõik õigused on reserveeritud.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. This DVD is for home use only. Distribution of the film or part of it on the DVD outside the permitted area (unless otherwise provided by law), copying, transmission, public performance, modification and reverse engineering is prohibited and punishable under civil law. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 902: Line 902:
====Screen (2007-2017)====
====Screen (2007-2017)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Šī DVD saturs ir aizsargāts atbilstīgi likumiem par autortiesībām un citām intelektuālā īpašuma tiesībām.<br>Saskaņā ar licenci šo DVD atļauts lietot tikai nekomerciāliem mērķiem mājās, un jebkāda izplatīšana ārpus licencē norādītās tritorijas (iņemot likumā īpaši noteiktos gadījumus), kopēšana, pārraide, publiska demonstrēšana, mainīšana vai tehnoloģijas analīze ir aizliegta; to neievērojot, var iestāties kriminālatbildība vai civiltiesiskā atbildība.<br>Visas tiesības aizsargātas ar likumu.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Under the license, this DVD may only be used for non-commercial purposes at home, and any distribution outside the licensed territory (except as specifically required by law), copying, transmission, public display, modification, or technology analysis is prohibited; failure to do so may result in criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Šī DVD saturs ir aizsargāts atbilstīgi likumiem par autortiesībām un citām intelektuālā īpašuma tiesībām.<br>Saskaņā ar licenci šo DVD atļauts lietot tikai nekomerciāliem mērķiem mājās, un jebkāda izplatīšana ārpus licencē norādītās tritorijas (iņemot likumā īpaši noteiktos gadījumus), kopēšana, pārraide, publiska demonstrēšana, mainīšana vai tehnoloģijas analīze ir aizliegta; to neievērojot, var iestāties kriminālatbildība vai civiltiesiskā atbildība.<br>Visas tiesības aizsargātas ar likumu.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Under the license, this DVD may only be used for non-commercial purposes at home, and any distribution outside the licensed territory (except as specifically required by law), copying, transmission, public display, modification, or technology analysis is prohibited; failure to do so may result in criminal or civil liability. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
Line 916: Line 916:
====Screen (2007-2017)====
====Screen (2007-2017)====
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white t
'''Visuals:''' On a {{color|dodgerblue|dodger blue}} wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Šio DVD turinys yra saugomas autoriaus teises ir kitokią intelektinę nuosavybę reglamentuojančių įstatymų.<br>Šis DVD yra licencijuotas ir gali būti naudojamas tik nekomerciniais, asmeniškais tikslais. Jį draudžiama platinti už nurodytos licencijoje teritorijos ribų (jei įstatymai nenumato kitaip), kopijuoti, transliuoti, viešai demonstruoti, perdirbti arba keisti. Pažeidus šiuos eikalavimus gali būti taikoma baudžiamajame ir civiliniam kodeksuose numatyta atsakomybė.<br>Visos teisės saugomos.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed and may be used for non-commercial, personal use only. It may not be distributed outside the territory specified in the license (unless otherwise provided by law), copied, broadcast, shown to the public, processed or modified. Violation of these requirements may result in liability under criminal and civil codes. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>
<center>{{Big|'''{{Tt|Šio DVD turinys yra saugomas autoriaus teises ir kitokią intelektinę nuosavybę reglamentuojančių įstatymų.<br>Šis DVD yra licencijuotas ir gali būti naudojamas tik nekomerciniais, asmeniškais tikslais. Jį draudžiama platinti už nurodytos licencijoje teritorijos ribų (jei įstatymai nenumato kitaip), kopijuoti, transliuoti, viešai demonstruoti, perdirbti arba keisti. Pažeidus šiuos eikalavimus gali būti taikoma baudžiamajame ir civiliniam kodeksuose numatyta atsakomybė.<br>Visos teisės saugomos.|The contents of this DVD are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed and may be used for non-commercial, personal use only. It may not be distributed outside the territory specified in the license (unless otherwise provided by law), copied, broadcast, shown to the public, processed or modified. Violation of these requirements may result in liability under criminal and civil codes. All rights reserved.}}'''}}</center>

Revision as of 15:36, 23 May 2024

North American Warning Screens

1st Warning (November 1979-June 1980)

Visuals: Over a dark blue background is the standard warning text in white:


This follows the 1979-1980 Paramount Home Video logo.

Variant: A B&W version exists.

Technique: Computerized effects.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on Betamax releases and a few VHS releases from Paramount Pictures with the 1979 Paramount Home Video logo, including the first two Godfather films, Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Heaven Can Wait, Goin' South, Play It Again Sam, The Bad News Bears (1976 version), Prophecy, Harold and Maude (a 1984 printing retained both this and the preceding logo) and Catch 22. On the original 1980 VHS of North Dallas Forty, this appears right before the first scene of the film.

2nd Warning (July 1980-May 3, 1989, 1990, 2001, 2002)

Visuals: On a background of changing colors (green, yellow, red, pink, purple, blue and green again) a la the 1989-2005 MGM/UA Home Video logo is the same text as the previous warning in large white lettering, except it is missing the first period and the comma, in an ITC Serif Gothic font.

Trivia: On the 1981 stereo release of Apocalypse Now, this is actually considered part of the feature for some reason.


  • There is an early variation of this warning, where the text is smaller, in yellow instead of white, and in a different font (Blippo Bold), with another period that the normal version does not contain, following the word "HOMES". This was used until 1984.
  • Some releases of black and white films used a variant of either of the two warnings that were in these exact colors.
  • On The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek - Vol. 5 VHS (and most likely on other volumes as well), the warning text is in a Times New Roman font and is now set against a color-changing gradient background.
  • A Japanese version exists.

Technique: Computer effects.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on all releases from this era.

  • The Bauhaus variant can be seen on tapes including later prints of the original release of Grease. The variant is also spotted on Star Trek Paramount tapes from the 1980s (with "Paramount HOME VIDEO" on the side and the Gulf+Western print mountain on the other). The last release to use this warning was The Accused.
  • This was spotted on the 1991 VHS of 48 Hrs. and its 1993 reprint, as well as the 1992 VHS of Pretty in Pink.
  • This remained in print on some tapes well into the 21st century, as demonstrated by a 2001 printing of The Longest Yard (1974 version) and a 2002 pressing of The Bridges at Toko-Ri.
  • The Japanese version was spotted on a VHS of Roman Holiday.

3rd Warning (May 17, 1989-December 27, 2008)

Visuals: On a gradient blue wallpaper with copies of the Paramount logo all over it, there is the same warning text as the two before it in the ITC Korinna font (ITC Benguiat Medium for the Viacom version).

Background Colors:

  • May 17-October 16, 1989: Mauve/white gradient.
  • November 9, 1989-December 27, 2008: Dark blue gradient.


  • May 17-October 16, 1989: "A Gulf+Western Company"
  • November 9, 1989-May 16, 1995: "A Paramount Communications Company"
  • June 13, 1995-December 27, 2008: "A VIACOM COMPANY" (in the Viacom Wigga-Wigga font).


  • The Canadian version has the word "WARNING" in red underlined in white, along with modified warning text. Tapes from 1989-1995 have the text in a bolder sans-serif font.
  • A French Canadian variant of the aforementioned version exists. This can be seen on most French Canadian Paramount VHS releases after Malofilm Video ceased distribution of Paramount titles in the language. [Examples?]
  • On tapes released in 2002 that used the 90th Anniversary Feature Presentation bumper, the background is completely blue. A Canadian version exists.
  • On some S-VHS releases (such as Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Top Gun), a mixed-case Foundation Sans Light font is used. Not all S-VHS releases used this variant, however (such as Ghost) - they instead used the regular variant.
  • There are B&W variants for both the Gulf+Western and Paramount Communications versions.
  • On the 1998 VHS of Titanic, the 1991 VHS of Raiders of the Lost Ark, the 1991 Laserdisc of Apocalypse Now, the 1997 releases of the Godfather trilogy, and a different version of The Truman Show, the screen fades in from black, as there is no feature presentation bumper before it. A variant exists where it cuts in from black instead.
  • On PBS tapes released by Paramount, the background is completely black. A Canadian version exists as well.
  • Some PBS releases feature the warning on a purple gradient background, with the text in a similar bolder font without the shadow.
  • A pay-per-view variant exists, with the text slightly rewritten to be more television oriented.
  • Demo tapes ask the viewer to call a certain telephone number to help prevent video piracy. The text also scrolls up. On Dollman vs. Demonic Toys, the font is different, the word "forever" is between the words "shall" and "remain", and no "FEATURE PRESENTATION" follows it.
  • Two Academy screener variants exist, both telling viewers that the tape is being loaned for the purpose of personal review. The earlier variant was spotted on an Academy screener tape of Shaft (the 2000 remake), while the later variant was spotted on an Academy screener of Alfie (the 2004 remake).

Technique: A digital graphic. The demo tape variant uses 2D computer animation.

Audio: None, not counting the fade out of the Paramount fanfare on most releases.

Audio Variants: On Descriptive Video Service VHS's, a DVS narrator says the on-screen text. Usually, it starts with "Words appear", but there are exceptions:

  • On DVS tapes of Top Gun, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Ghost, Wendie Sakakeeny goes directly into the warning text.
  • Four known tapes precede the text with "A warning appears": Rena Baskin on Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and The Ten Commandments (1956), Nick Mills on El Dorado, and Peter Haydu on Clear and Present Danger.

Availability: Appears on all Paramount VHS and LaserDisc releases from the first release of Coming to America onward. It usually follows the feature presentation bumper of the era.

  • The Gulf+Western variant was only used for eight months, but it can be found on Paramount's earliest releases from this era such as the aforementioned Coming to America release.
  • The Paramount Communications version could also be seen with the next warning screen on 1990-1992 Prism Entertainment tapes co-distributed by Paramount.
  • The demo tape variant and the Academy screener variant are among the rarest. The demo variant made its first appearance on the 1992 demo VHS of Necessary Roughness, while the screener variant is known to appear on the tapes mentioned above, and may possibly appear on other Academy screeners.

Legacy: Akin to the 6th, 8th, and 9th Disney warning screens and the 1st and 2nd Fox warning screens, this is also one of the most recognizable warning screens.

4th Warning (1990-1992)

Same as the 1984-1992 Prism Entertainment warning screen.

5th Warning (October 6, 1998-)

Visuals: On a gradient wallpaper very similar to the previous one, now in a light or dark gray color, there is the following warning text in the same font and style as the previous warning:



  • When this warning was introduced, most of its appearances were at the start of discs. Starting in 2005-06, on mainline Paramount discs it was moved to the end, although it still appeared at the front of releases from the company's other labels, as well as new editions of older films from 2005-07 such as Witness, Clueless, The Truman Show, Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Coming to America (mainly on DVD; most Blu-ray releases have the warning at the end), and it is also at the front of the bonus features discs on some Blu-rays and, starting with Downsizing in 2018, some newer DVDs and Blu-rays (by 2021 this was almost all releases), as well as some UHDs with more languages apart from English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish (if selected). During the original version's run, it appeared at the end of the following titles: the original release of Titanic, Tucker: The Man and His Dream, Blue's Clues: Blue's Big Musical Movie, Mission: Impossible II, the 2000 DVD release of The Conversation, Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, the first two Beverly Hills Cop movies, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Apocalpyse Now Redux, Zoolander, Vanilla Sky, and the 2001 Godfather DVD Collection boxset (although four of them used a variation of the original warning; see "Variants" for more on it). Prior to 2005-06, only a handful of releases (the original 2002-04 releases of Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures) had the later version at the end.
  • On the 2006 DVD of Mission: Impossible II, the 1998 version appears on the first disc (which is a reprint of the original 2000 DVD), while disc 2 uses the 2002 version.


  • Sometimes, the screen cuts to the same text in French or, until 2020, Spanish. The Spanish version was used with the original version on The Ghost and the Darkness, Breakdown, The Rugrats Movie, and the original release of Titanic.
  • A special variant of the original version exists on Star Trek: The Original Series - Volume 4, The Ghost and the Darkness, The Rugrats Movie, 5 Card Stud (all of which feature it at the front), the original release of Titanic, the 2000 DVD release of The Conversation, and the 2001 DVD releases of Apocalypse Now Redux and The Godfather DVD Collection, in which the warning fades in and out. Most of the aforementioned releases feature the English-language screen crossfading to French and Spanish-language screens, while the Star Trek volume and Apocalypse Now Redux just have the English-language screen, and on The Conversation, the Godfather set and 5 Card Stud, it crossfades to the French-language screen. On the Francis Ford Coppola-produced films (those being Apocalypse Now Redux and the Godfather set), this variant appears on the same files as the actual movies, but rewinding and fast-forwarding are disabled there as opposed to during the features themselves.
  • Starting in March 2002, the background would become completely navy blue.
  • Some releases have the background in indigo.
  • Later widescreen releases have the text spaced out, though this has also appeared on full-screen releases.
  • Blu-ray releases have slightly different text with it being surrounded by an outline. HD-DVD releases have this same warning in the style of the DVD version.
  • On CBS Blu-ray releases from Paramount, such as the 2016 release of A Boy Named Charlie Brown, the background is black. This version has the text formatted differently. The 2012-14 Star Trek: The Next Generation Blu-rays have a variant of this, these releases use the font on that series' LCARS computer displays.

Technique: One or more digital graphics.

Audio: None.


  • Seen on all Paramount releases since their DVD launch slate on October 6, 1998, CBS Home Entertainment/Showtime releases (which are distributed by Paramount but don't use the Paramount logo on the actual disc), and DreamWorks Animation releases from October 2006 to March 2013.
  • The gray-colored gradient wallpaper variant can be found on most Paramount DVDs released from October 6, 1998 to March 2002, beginning with Paramount's first slate of DVD releases (including Star Trek: First Contact, Top Gun, and Kiss the Girls).
  • Both versions of this warning screen have made appearances on some PBS VHS releases from Paramount in place of the previous one.
  • Starting in early 2013 with Paranormal Activity 4, Paramount DVDs (except those of Nickelodeon/Nick Jr. shows) use the next warning, though from early 2013 to 2018 this was placed at the end. Starting in late 2018, this warning began to appear at the beginning again (though the positions traded for a few years).
  • This does not appear on the 2019 DVD of Wonder Park, as the 2nd British warning is strangely used instead.

6th Warning (January 29, 2013-)

Visuals: Same as the warning screen used on many other studios' releases.

Variant: On later releases, the warning text is smaller. The piracy screen remains the same.

Technique: Digital graphics, one after the other.

Audio: None.


  • Appears on most DVD and all Blu-ray releases from Paramount since January 29, 2013, starting with Paranormal Activity 4. The first screen appears just after pressing the Play button and starting the movie for the first time, while the second screen appears at the end.
  • Does not appear on Nickelodeon/Nick Jr. releases.

International Warnings

United Kingdom

1st Warning (1981-2001)

Same as the CIC Video warning screens at the time.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown, depending on the format:

  • VHS: Both versions have the text is in Futura:
    • Opening:
      The copyright owner has licensed this video recording for home use only. All other rights are reserved.
      For further details please refer to the end of this programme.
    • Closing:
      The copyright owner has licensed the film (including its soundtrack) recorded on this video recording for home use only. All other rights are reserved.
      The definition of home use excludes the use of this video recording at locations such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oilrigs, prisons and schools.
      Any unauthorised copying, editing, exhibition, sale, rental, lending or any other kinds of trading, public performance or transmission by air, cable or otherwise of this video recording or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and any such action establishes liability for civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution.
      Not for sale or hire in Australia/New Zealand.
  • DVD: This version has the text in Helvetica and with a black border:
    The contents of this DVD are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. This DVD is licensed, only for non-commercial private viewing in homes and any distribution outside of the licensed territory (unless expressly authorised or permitted by law), copying, transmission, public performance, alteration or reverse engineering is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and/or civil liability. All rights reserved.

Trivia: The background is similar to that of the Viacom version of the warning screen used in North America.


  • A version with the Paramount 90th Anniversary logos appeared on 2002 releases.
  • DreamWorks DVD releases as well as DVDs starting in 2020 use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic. The closing VHS variant uses 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most UK Paramount Home Entertainment DVD releases like Forrest Gump, Rugrats in Paris: The Movie, Airplane, Save the Last Dance, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, countless Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. DVDs, Barnyard, and 2006-12 DreamWorks Animation films, among others, as well as 2001-03 VHS tapes. Surprisingly, this also appears on the US/Canada DVD of Wonder Park instead of the 5th American warning.

3rd Warning (2003-2006)

Visuals: The 1986-2003 Paramount logo animates, then it backs away revealing itself on the inside of a VCR. Some tape appears with the word "WARNING" scrolling on it. The screen cuts to several shots, in sync with the music. The screen cuts to one more shot that lasts in the rest of the warning. The warning text appears below in the ITC Coundit font. At the end of the tape, more detailed warning text appears scrolling up like the credits of a movie.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: An abridged version of "Smoko Loco" by Dust Devil, with the sounds of the VCR as a background noise. The end of the tape only has the VCR sounds.

Availability: Seen on The Core, SpongeBob SquarePants VHS tapes, Clockstoppers, The Wild Thornberrys Movie, Rugrats Go Wild, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, and the 2004 remake of Alfie, among others.


1st Warning (1981-2001)

Same as the CIC Video warning screens at the time.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the closing variant omits the paragraph "Not for sale or hire in Australia/New Zealand.".

Variant: DreamWorks and DVDs starting in 2020-present use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Aussie DVD releases, as well as 2000-2002 VHS tapes. Oddly the 2003 Australian DVD release of Ghost World does not use this warning screen, instead, a different warning screen appears.

3rd Warning (2002-2005)

Visuals: Over a navy blue background, the following text scrolls up:

The copyright proprietor has licensed the film (including its soundtrack) comprised in this videocassette for private home use only in this country. All other rights are reserved.
Any unauthorised copying editing, exhibition, public performance, diffusion and/or lending for the aforementioned purposes, of this videocassette or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Infringement of the rights of the copyright owner and/or the terms of the contract for the sale or hire of this Videocassette may lead to civil action being taken.
Breach of the copyright law may also result In criminal offenses punishable by fine or imprisonment.

Technique: Chyron effects.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on Paramount releases of the era, including The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.


1st Warning (1990's-2000)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

複製、変更、 転送、 公衆への上演、 上映、
上記に違反した場合は刑事、 民事において罰せられます。

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Japanese language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1982?-1998?)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-2005)

Visuals: On a shimmering blue background with a Paramount logo wallpaper, the following German warning text scrolls up:

Dies ist ein Kaufkassette.
Das Programm (Bild und Ton)
auf dieser Kassette ist urheberrechtlich
geschützt. Die Kassette
darf nur privat vorgeführt werden
Jede nicht private Wiedergabe
(z.B. öffentliche Vorführung,
Sendung oder sonstige Darbietung,
auch in Schulen Universitäten und
sonstigen Bildungseinrichtungen)
und Vervielfältigung (z.B. Überspielen
auf Leerkassetten) ist ohne
vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung'
des (der) unten bezeichneten
Urheberrechtsinhaber(s) untersagt.
Zuwiderhandlungen werden zivil-
und strafrechtlich verfolgt.
Bei dieser Kassette handelt es sich
um eine Originalkassette der Firma
Paramount Home Entertainment
(Deutschland) GmbH
und nicht um eine illegale Kopie.
Jede Beschädigung, Veränderung
oder Nachdruck des Titels ist als
Urkundenfälschung strafbar.
© Paramount Home Entertainment (Deutschland) GmbH

Technique: Computer effects.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on the German VHS releases of Mission: Impossible 2 and The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.

3rd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Der Inhalt dieser DVD ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und zum ausschließlichen, privaten Gebrauch bestimmt.
Jede Art der Verbreitung außerhalb des lizenzierten Gebietes, (wenn nicht ausdrücklich genehmight oder dürch den Gesetzgeber erlaubt), jede Form von Kopierung, öffentliche Aufführung (auch Auszugsweise), Sendung, Änderung oder Bearbeitung ist strengstens verboten und wird strafrechtlich verfolgt.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the German language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (Late 1980's-2000?)

Same as the CIC Video warning screens at the time.

2nd Warning (2000?-2005)

Visuals: On the same background as the British DVD warning is the following text:

O titular do direito autoral
da obra cinematográfica
contida neste videocassete,
incluindo sua trilha sonora,
somente autorizou seu uso'
privado e doméstico.

The text below "AVISO" is then replaced by the following text:

Sem prévia e expressa
autorização do titular,
estão proibidas quaisquer
outras formas e utilização,
tais como copiar, editar,
adicionar, reduzir, exibir
ou difundir publicamente,
emitir ou transmitir por

The text is, in turn, replaced by the following:

radiodifusão, cabo ou
qualquer outro meio de
comunicação já existente ou
que venha a ser criado,
bem como trocar, emprestar,
alugar ou praticar qualquer
ato de comercialização de
lucro direto ou indireto.

The following text replaces the text:

A violação de quaisquer
desses direitos exclusivos
do titular, acarretará
as sanções previstas na
Lei 5988, de 14/12/73
e artigos 184 e 186
do código penal
(Lei 6895 de 17/12/80).

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on Brazilian VHS releases, such as The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (Bob Esponja - O Filme).

3rd Warning (2000-2023)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

O conteúdo deste DVD está protegido sob a lei de direitos autorais e outras leis de proteção à propriedade intelectual.
Este DVD está licenciado apenas para apresentações privadas e não comerciais em residências (ao menos que expressamente autorizado ou permitido por lei).
Cópia, transmissão, apresentação pública, alteração ou a utilização dos elementos que compõem este DVD são estritamente proibidas e podem resultar em responsabilidades criminal ou civil.
Todos os direitos reservados.

Variant: DreamWorks and DVD releases from 2020 to 2023 use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Brazilian Portuguese language. [Examples?]

Latin America

Screen (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

El contenido de este DVD está protegido bajo derecho de autor y otras leyes de propriedad intelectual.
Este DVD está licenciado, sólo para uso privado no comercial en hogares y cualquier distribución fuera del territorio licenciado (a no ser que este expresamente autorizado o permitido por la ley), copiado, transmision, exhibición pública, alteración o ingeniería revertida esta estrictamente prohibido y puede resultar en una responsabilidad criminal o civil.
Todos los derechos reservados.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Latin American Spanish language. [Examples?] The original version appears on the US/Canada DVD of Wonder Park when "Spanish" is selected. Also seen in North America since 2020 due to the retirement of the Spanish version of the 5th American warning.


1st Warning (1980's-1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screens at the time.

2nd Warning (Early 2000's-2005)

Same as the Argentina Video Home warning screen.


1st Warning (1980's-Early 2000's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

El contenido de este DVD está protegido por las leyes reguladoras del copyright y otras leyes reguladoras de los derechos de propiedad intelectual.
Este DVD está licenciado solamente para su visionado privado de forma no comercial para ámbito doméstico.
Cualquier distribución fuera del territorio licenciado (a menos que estuviera expresamente autorizada o permitida por ley), duplicación, transmisión, comunicación pública, alteración o ingenieria inversa están estrictamente prohibidas y pueden dar lugar a responsabilidad civil o criminal.


  • A Catalan variant exists, with the text reading:
El contingut d'aquest DVD està protegit per la lleis reguladores del copyright i per altres lleis reguladores dels drets de propietat intel·lectual.
Aquest DVD está llicenciat solament per al visionat privat de forma no comercial, pera l'ámbit domestic.
Qualsevol distribució fora del territori llicenciat (exceptuant que estigués autoritzada o permesa per la llei), duplicació, transmissió, comunicació pública, alteració o enginyeria inversa estan estrictament prohibides i poden comportar responsabilitat civil o criminal.
  • DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the European Spanish/Catalan language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1980's-1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screens at the time.

2nd Warning (2000-2005)

Same as the Asociación Mexicana de Video warning screen.


1st Warning (1981-Early 2000's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Le contenu de ce vidéogramme est protégé en vertu du droit d'auteur et des autres lois sur la propriété intellectuelle.
La licence de ce vidéogramme se limite au visionnage privé à domicile dans un but non commercial.
Toute distribution à l'extérieur du territoire visé par cette licence, copie, transmission, exécution publique, altération ou décodage sont strictement interdits et peuvent entraîner des poursuites judiciaires pénales ou civiles. Tous droits réservés.
EDV 14

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the French language. [Examples?]

  • This also appears on the US/Canada DVD of Wonder Park when "French" is selected.


1st Warning (Late 1980's-Early 2000's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

I contenuti di questo DVD sono protetti dalle leggi a salvaguardia dei diritti d'autore. Questo DVD viene concesso esclusivamente per una visione domestica non a scopo di lucro.
Sono strettamente vietate la distribuzione al di fuori del paese del licenziatario (a meno che non sia espressamente autorizzata o permessa per legge), la copia, la transmissione, la pubblica rappresentazione, la modifica o la rielaborazione. Queste azioni illegali possono dar luogo a responsabilita in sede civile ed essere perseguite penalmente.
Tutti i diritti sono riservati.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Italian language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1980's-1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

De op deze DVD vastgelegde werken, uitvoeringen, films en fonogrammen zijn beschermd op grond van het auteursrecht en naburig recht en mogen uitsluitend in huiselijke kring werden vertoond.
leder ander gebruik - daaronder begrepen het kopiëren, verhuren, uitlenen en de vertoning in het openbaar (zoals door bioscoopvertoning. televisie-uitzending, vertoning in horeca-gelegenheden, vakantieparken of in verenigings- of schoolverband) - is, behoudens wettelijke uitzondering, zonder toestemming van de rechthebbende verboden en strafbaar als misdrijf.
Alle rechten voorbehouden.


  • DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.
  • A Belgian French version of the warning exists, with the text being replaced by the following:
Le contenu de ce support est, entre autres, protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur et des droits voisins, la loi sur les programmes d'ordinateur et la loi Benelux sur les marques. L'oeuvre fixée sur ce support est exclusivement destinée au cercle de familie. Toute autre utilisation, notamment la reproduction, même partielle, la location, le prêt, la représentation en public, dont la représentation dans la secteur HORECA, les parcs de vacances, dans le milieu de travail, scolaire ou associatif ou via un réseau de télé(communication), sans l‘autorisation des ayants droit est interdite (sauf les exceptions légales) et constitue un délit. En cas de doute sur l‘authenticite de ces produits, vous pouvez appeler: BAF (Belgian Anti-Piracy Foundation): 02 462 15 10

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Dutch/Belgian French language. [Examples?]

3rd Warning (Early 2000's-)

Same as the BAF Video warnings at the time.


1st Warning (Late 1980's?-1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (Early 2000's-2005)

Same as the Video Chile warning screen.


1st Warning (1989?-1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-2022)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

O filme constante deste DVD foi licenciado somente para uso privado. Todos os outros direitos são riservados.
Qualquer cópia, reprodução, difusão ou exibição pública por qualquer outro meio não autorizado, de todo ou parte deste DVD, é proibida por lei e fará incorrer o infractor em responsabilidade civil e criminal.
Todos os direitos riservados.

Variant: DreamWorks and DVD releases from 2020 to 2022 use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the European Portuguese language. [Examples?]

3rd Warning (Early 2000's)

Same as the Lusomundo warning at the time.


1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Innehållet på denna DVD är skyddat enligt upphovsrättslagen.
Samtliga rättigheter till programinnehållet innehas av Paramount Home Entertainment (Sweden) AB.
Upphovsrättsinnehavaren har genom licens endast upplåtit programinnehållet för icke-kommersiellt, privat bruk i hemmet.
All slags distribution utanför licensområdet (om inte uttryckligen medgivits eller är tillåtet genom lag), kopiering, utsändning, offentlig förevisning, ändring eller redigering är strängt forbjudet.
Otillåten användning kan medföra ersättningsskyldighet eller andra rättsliga åtgärder såsom åtal.
Ansvarig utgivare: Ulf Rennstam.


  • Later releases add "och kan vara skyddat enligt annan immaterialrättslig lagstifning" after "Innehållet på denna DVD är skyddat enligt upphovsrättslagen" and the sentence "Otillåten användning kan medföra ersättningsskyldighet eller andra rättsliga åtgärder såsom åtal" is replaced by "Otillåten användning grundar ersättningsskyldighet och kan även medföra åtal.".
  • DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background and replace the company name with "DreamWorks Home Entertainment".

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Swedish language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Innholdet på dette videogram er i Norge beskyttet under regler om opphavsrett.
Tillatt bruk er visning i private hjem uten vederlag.
Alle andre utnytteIsesformer er forbeholdt rettighetshaver Paramount Home Entertainment Norway ans.
Enhver form for overføring, videreutleie, organisert bytte og offentlig visning er strengt forbudt.
Kopiering er ikke tillatt, unntatt til egen privat bruk.
Ulovlig utnyttelse av dette videogram er straffbart og medfører erstatningsplikt.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background and replace the company name with "DreamWorks Home Entertainment".

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Norwegian language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Indholdet af denne DVD er beskyttet copyrightloven og andre love om ophavsret.
Denne DVD er udelukkende til ikke-kommerciel forevisning i private hjem, og enhver distribution af den uden for det autoriserede distributørområde (medmindre der udtrykkeligt er givet tilladelse til det), kopiering, transmission, offentlig forevisning, ændring eller reverse engineering er strengt forbudt og kan medføre straffe- og/eller civilretsligt søgsmål.
Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.

Variant: An early variant features the following text:

Indholdet på denne DVD er beskyttet under copyright-lovgivningen. Det er kun tilladt at fremvise denne DVD i private hjem. Alle andre rettigheder tillhører Paramount Home Entertainment. Enhver distribution uden for licenslandet (medmindre andet udtrykkeligt er angivet ved lov), kopiering, transmittering, offentlig fremvisning eller redigering er strengt forbudt og kan resultere i retsforfølgelse. All rights reserved.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Danish language. [Examples?]

South Korea

1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

본 DVD의 내용은 저작권법 및 기타 지 적 재산권 봅률에 의해 보호됩니다. 본 DVD는 가정에서 비영리적인 사적 시청용으로만 허가되었으며, (법튤에 의한 명백한 인가 혹으 허가 없이) 허가 된 지역 밖에서 유퉁, 복사, 전승, 복사, 공공 장소에서 방영, 변경, 리버스, 엔지니어 링 둥이 절대 금지돠며, 그러한 위반 행 위는 민사/형사상의 책임을 초래할 수 있습니다.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Korean language. [Examples?]


Screen (1980's-1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.


1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Treść tego DVD jest pod ochroną Ustawa o Prawie Autorskim oraz pokrewnych ustaw o własności intelektualnej.
Ten DVD jest licencjonowany tylko do użytku domowego w celach niehandlowych.
Kadże jego rozpowszechnianie poza terytorium wydaniem licencji (z wytąjkiem przypadków wyrażnego upoważnienia lub zezwolenia ustawą), kopíowanie, wyświetlanie, pokazywanie publiczne, przerabianie lub dekódowanie jest surowo wzbronione i może spowodować pociągnięcie do odpowiedzialności karnei i/lub cywilnej.
Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Polish language. [Examples?]

3rd Warning (Early 2000's)

Same as the ITI Home Video warnings at the time.

Czech Republic

1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Obsah tohoto DVD je chráněn zákonem ochrany autorských práv a intelektualniho majetku.
Tento DVD je určen pouze pro domácí video s nekomerčním zaměření a jakákoliv jeho distribuce mimo licenzované území (vyjímaje případů speciálního zplnomocňování anebo povolení zákonem), kopírováni, vysílání, veřejného promítání, promněny anebo dekódování je přísně zakázáno a může přivést k trestní a/či občanské odpovědnosti.
Všechna práva vyhrazena.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Czech language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (Late 1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-2022)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Содержание этого DVD охраняется законами об авторском праве и иной интеллектуальной собственности и лицензировано только для некоммерческого домашнего просмотра.
Любое распространение за пределами зоны лицензионного показа (непредусмотренное и неразрешенное законом), копирование, передача, публичное представление, изменение или демонтаж строго запрещены и могут повлечь за собой уголовную и гражданскую ответственность.
Все права защищены.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-2022 DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Russian language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Tämän DVD:n sisältö on suojattu tekijänoikeuslailla.
Tämä DVD on tarkoitettu vain yksityiseen käyttöön, eikä sitä saa levittää määrätyn tarkoituksen ulkopuolelle, ellei laki sitä erikseen salli.
Levyn kopiointi, lähetys, julkinen esittäminen tai editiointi on ehdottomasti kielletty ja saattaa johtaa oikeustoimiin.
Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Finnish language. [Examples?]

Middle East

Screen (2000-2020)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

إن محتويات قرص ال DVD هذا محمية بموجب قوانينحقوق الطبع وسائر القوانين المتعلقة بالممتلكات الفكرية.
إن محتويات قرص ال DVD هذا محمية بموجب قوانينحقوق الطبع وسائر القوانين المتعلقة بالممتلكات الفكرية. يخضع قرص ال DVD هذا لرخصة المشاهدة غير التجارية الخاصة في المنازل فقط ويمنع منعا باتا توزيعه خارج النطاق المحدد في الرخصة (إلا في حالة التفويض الصريحأو إذا سمح القانون بذلك) ونسخه وبثه وعرضه علنيةوتحويره باي شكل من الأشكال ويمكن أن يترتب عنذلكتبعات مدنية و/أو جنائية.
كافة الحقوق محفوظة.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Arabic language. [Examples?]

Hong Kong and Taiwan

Screen (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown


Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Cantonese and/or Traditional Chinese language. [Examples?]


Screen (2000-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, except the text is translated into Chinese.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Mandarin Chinese language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Ezen a DVD-n található felvétel szerzői jog és más szellemi tulajdonjog védelme alatt áll.
Ez a DVD kizárólag otthoni, nem kereskedelmi lejátszásra engedélyezett és bármely engedélyezett területen kivüli forgalmazása (hacsak azt a törvény kifejezetten meg nem engedi), másolása, sugárzása, nyilvános vetitése, megváltoztatása szigorúan tilos, és büntető és/vagy polgári jogi eljárást vonhat maga után.
Minden jog fenntartva.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.


Screen (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Bu DVD'in içeriği, telif hakkı ve diğer entelektüel mülkiyet yasalan ile korunmuştur.
Bu DVD, yalnız konutlarda ticari olmayan özel gösterim için ruhsatlıdır ve ruhsatlı olduğu bölge dışınga (yasa tarafından açık olarak yetki ve izin verilmedikçe) dağıtılması, kopyasının çıkarılması, yayınlanması, kamuya açık gösterilmesi, değiştirilmesi ya de geriye çevrim işleminden geçirilmesi kesinlikle yasaktır ve adi suç ve/veya tazminat yükümlülüğü dogurur. Bütün hakları saklıdır.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Turkish language. [Examples?]

South Africa

Screen (2000-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most South African Paramount DVD releases. [Examples?]


Screen (2003-2018)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

תוכני תקליטור DVD דה מוגנים בחוקי דבויות יוצרים וחוקי חדקה אחרים.
תקליטור DVD דה מותר לצפייה ביתית פרטית - שאינה למטרות מסחריות - בלבד, וכל ניסיון להפצתו מתוצ לתחום המאושרו האמור (למעט מקרים המאושרים ומותרים על פי חוק), להעתקתן, לשידורו, להקרנתו בפומבי, לשינויו או לתיקון תכניו, הינו אסור מתכלית האיסור ועלול להוביל לחבות פלילית ו/או אדךחית.
כל הדכויות שמורות.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Hebrew language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1990's-)

Same as the Magnavision Home Video warning screens at the time.

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs which also features the Philippine-English language. [Examples?]


Screen (2000-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs which also features the Singaporean-English language. [Examples?]


Screen (2000-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

ภาพยนตร์ดีวีดีเรื่องนี้อยู่ภายใต้ความคุ้มครองของกฎหมายลิขสิทธิ์และกฎหมายคุ้มครองทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาอื่น ๆ อนุญาตให้ชุมเพื่อความบันเทิงในเคหสถานเท่านั้นห้ามมิให้นำออกจำหน่ายนอกอาณาเขตที่ได้รับอนุญาต (เว้นแต่กฎหมายอนุญาต) ทำการคัดลอก, นำแพร่ภาพ, นำออกฉายในที่สาธารณะ, ทำการแก้ไขหรือดัดแปลงใด ๆ ทั้งสิ้นมิฉะนั้นจะมีความผิดทางอาญาและ / หรือถูกดำเนินคดีในทางแพ่ง.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Thai language. [Examples?]


Screen (2002-2022)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Conținutul acestui DVD este protejat de Legea Dreptului de Autor și alte drepturi conexe.
Acest DVD este licențiat numai pentru vizionarea cu caracter particular și orice distribuție în afara teritoriului licențiat (în afara caurilor în care este autorizat sau permis de lege), copierea, difuzarea, vizionarea în public, alterarea sau folosirea neautorizată a conținutului este strict interzisă și poate atrage daune civile sau penale.
Toate drepturile rezervate.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-2022 DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Romanian language. [Examples?]


Screen (2003-2021)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Το περιεχόμενο αυτού του DVD προστατεύεται από τους νόμους περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας.
Αυτό το DVD προορίζεται μόνο για μη εμπορική, ιδιωτική προβολή κατ'οίκον.
Οποιαδήποτε διανομή του έξω από την επιτρεπόμενη περιοχή (εκτός αν αυτό έχει ρητά επιτραπεί από το νόμο), αντιγραφή, μετάδοση, δημόσια προβολή, αλλοίωση ή τεχνική μετατροπή απαγορεύεται αυστηρά και διώκειται ποινικά από τον νόμο.
Με την επιφύλαξη πάντος δικαιώματος.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Greek language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the CIC Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2001-2015)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Съдържанието на този DVD е защитено от Закона за авторското право и сродните му закони за защита на интелектуалната собственост.
Този DVD е лицензиран само за домашно ползване с нетърговска цел и всяко негово разпространение извън лицензираната територия (освен в случаите на изрично упълномощаване или разрешение чрез закон), копиране излъчване, публично показване, преправяне или декодиране, е строго забранено и може да доведе до подвеждане под наказателиа и/или гражданска отговорност.
Всички права запазени.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Bulgarian language. [Examples?]


Screen (2001-2014)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Sadržaj ovog DVD ja zaštićen Zakonom o autorskom pravu i njemu srodnim zakonima o zaštiti intelektualne svojine.
Ovaj DVD je licenciran jedino ja kućno korištenje u nekomercijalne svrhe i bilo kakvo njegovo širenje van licenciranog teritorija (osim u šlucaju izričitog ovlaštenja ili dozvole zakonom), kopiranje, emitiranje, javno prikazivanje, preradba ili dekodiranje, strogo je zabranjeno i može dovesti do pozivanja na krivičnu i/ili građansku odgovornost.
Sva su prava zaštićena.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Croatian language. [Examples?]


Screen (2008-2019)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Вміст цього DVD диска захищений авторським правом та іншими законодавчими актами щодо інтелектуальної власності.
Це ліцензований DVD диск, шо призначений виключно для некомерційного приватного перегляду вдома, і абияке поширення цього диску за межами дії лицензії (за винятком наявності повноважень або законного дозволу), копіювання, трансляція, суспільний перегляд, зміна або зворотній монтаж категорично заборонені і можуть тягти за собою кримінальну або цивільну відповідальність.
Усі права захищені

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Ukrainian language. [Examples?]


Screen (2003-2014)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Sadržaj ovog DVD-a zaštićen je Zakonom o autorskim pravima i drugim srodnim zakonima o intelektualnoj svojini.
Ovaj DVD ima dozvolu isključivo za nekomercionalno privatno gledanje u domovima, i bilo kakva distribucija izvan teritorije sa licencom (izuzev ako je posebno ovlašćena ili dozvoljena zakonom), kopiranje, prenošenje, javno prikazivanje, menjanje ili inverzno projektovanje su strogo zabranjeni i mogu imati za posledicu krivičnu ili građansku odgovornost.
Sva prava rezervisana.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Serbian language. [Examples?]


Screen (2007-)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Obsah tohto DVD je chránený autorským právom a ďalšími zákonmi o duševnom vlastníctve.
Toto DVD má povolenie len pre nekomerčnú súkromnú projekciu a akákoĺvek distribúcia mimo povolenej oblasti (pokiaľto nie je výslovne schválené či dovolené zákonom), kopírovanie, prenos, verejné predvádzanie, úpravy alebo spätne inžinierstvo je prísne zakázané a môže viesť k trestnému či občiansko-právnemu postihu.
Všetky práva sú vyhradené.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Slovak language. [Examples?]


Screen (2003-2014)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Vsebina tega DVD ja zaščitena z Zakonom o avtorskih pravicah in njemu podobnimi zakoni, ki ščitijo intelektualno lastnino.
Ta DVD je licenziran samo za domačo uporabo, ki nima trgovskega namena. Prepovedano ga je razdeljevati izven licenziranega območja (razen v primerih, ko le-to zakon izrecno dovoljuje) posnemati, predvajati, javno prenašati, popravljati ali dekodirati, vse to je strogo prepovedano in za njih velja kazenska in/ali civilna odgovornost.
Vse pravice so zaščitene.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Slovene language. [Examples?]


Screen (2002-2020)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Innihald þessa DVD disks er verndað af höfundarétti og eignarrétti á hugverkum.
DVD diskurinn er einungis ætlaður til einkasýninga í heimahúsum, sem ekki eru í ágóðaskyni og öll dreifing utan hins leyfða svædis (nema með sérstöku leyfi eða leyfð með lögum), fjölföldun, útsending, opinber sýning sem og hagræðing eða breyting á innihaldinu, er stranglega bönnuð og varðar við lög.
Öll réttindi áskilin.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Icelandic language. [Examples?]


Screen (2007-2017)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Käesoleva DVD sisu on kaitstud autorikaitse ja intellektuaalse omandi kaitse seadusega.
Käesolev DVD on ette nähtud vaid koduseks kasutamiseks. DVD-l oleva filmi või selle osa levitamine väljaspool lubatud piirkonda (juhul kui seadusega ei ole sätestatud teisiti), kopeerimine, ülekandmine, avalik esitamine, muutmine ja pöördprojekteerimine on keelatud ja tsiviil-võl kriminaalkorras karistatav.
Kõik õigused on reserveeritud.

Variant: DreamWorks DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Estonian language. [Examples?]


Screen (2007-2017)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Šī DVD saturs ir aizsargāts atbilstīgi likumiem par autortiesībām un citām intelektuālā īpašuma tiesībām.
Saskaņā ar licenci šo DVD atļauts lietot tikai nekomerciāliem mērķiem mājās, un jebkāda izplatīšana ārpus licencē norādītās tritorijas (iņemot likumā īpaši noteiktos gadījumus), kopēšana, pārraide, publiska demonstrēšana, mainīšana vai tehnoloģijas analīze ir aizliegta; to neievērojot, var iestāties kriminālatbildība vai civiltiesiskā atbildība.
Visas tiesības aizsargātas ar likumu.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Latvian language. [Examples?]


Screen (2007-2017)

Visuals: On a dodger blue wallpaper with the Paramount logo (with Viacom byline) all over it, the following white text is shown

Šio DVD turinys yra saugomas autoriaus teises ir kitokią intelektinę nuosavybę reglamentuojančių įstatymų.
Šis DVD yra licencijuotas ir gali būti naudojamas tik nekomerciniais, asmeniškais tikslais. Jį draudžiama platinti už nurodytos licencijoje teritorijos ribų (jei įstatymai nenumato kitaip), kopijuoti, transliuoti, viešai demonstruoti, perdirbti arba keisti. Pažeidus šiuos eikalavimus gali būti taikoma baudžiamajame ir civiliniam kodeksuose numatyta atsakomybė.
Visos teisės saugomos.

Variant: DreamWorks and 2020-present DVD releases use a plain blue background.

Technique: A digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most Paramount DVDs that include the Lithuanian language. [Examples?]

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