
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Incomplete (VHS)

Incomplete (General)

20th Century Studios Home Entertainment

DVD Warnings

Region Text Translation
United Kingdom UK & IRELAND - Warning: The copyright proprietor has licensed this DVD (including its soundtrack) for private home use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of home use excludes the use of this DVD at locations such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, hiring, lending, public performance diffusion and/or broadcasting of this DVD, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and any such action establishes liability for a civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. This DVD is not to be exported, distributed and/or sold by way of trade outside the EU without a proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original packaging of this DVD.
Australia AUSTRALIA - The copyright proprietor has licensed this DVD (including its soundtrack) for private home use only. All other rights reserved. The definition of home use excludes the use of this DVD at locations such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, hiring, lending, public performance diffusion and/or broadcasting of this DVD, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and any such action establishes liability for a civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. This DVD is not to be exported, distributed and/or sold by way of trade without a proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original packaging of this DVD.
Germany DEUTSCHLAND/ÖSTERREICH/DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE SCHWEIZ - WARNUNG: Das auf dieser DVD enthaltene Programm (Bild und Ton in allen Variationen) und deren Ausstattung sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Programm ist ausschließlich zur Vorführung für nicht gewerbliche Zwecke im privaten Bereich lizenziert. Alle weiteren Rechte sind dem Lizenzgeber vorbehalten. Die Nutzung für nicht gewerbliche Zwecke im privaten Bereich beinhaltet nicht die Vorführung in Clubs, Reisebussen, Krankenhäusern, Hotels, Gefängnissen, Schulen, auf Bohrinseln, etc. Jegliche darüber hinausgehende Nutzung des auf dieser DVD enthaltenen Programms oder Teilen davon, z.B. die öffentliche Vorführung, unerlaubte Vermietung, Kürzung, Tausch, Vervielfältigung und/oder Sendung ist untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden zivil- und/oder strafrechtlich verfolgt. Die Ausfuhr und/oder der Vertrieb dieser DVD in Staaten außerhalb der Europäischen Gemeinschaft bedürfen der vorherigen Genehmigung durch Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Handel-Näheres entnehmen Sie bitte den Hinweisen auf der Originalverpackung dieser DVD - sind darüber hinaus Vermietung und/oder Verleih untersagt. GERMANY/AUSTRIA/GERMAN-SPEAKING SWITZERLAND - WARNING: The program contained on this DVD (picture and sound in all variations) and their equipment are protected by copyright. The program is licensed for demonstration for non-commercial purposes in the private sector only. All other rights are reserved to the licensor. The use for non-commercial purposes in the private sector does not include the demonstration in ciubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, prisons, schools, on oil rigs, etc. Any further use of the program contained on this DVD or parts thereof, e.g. public performance, unauthorized leasing, shortening, exchanging, copying and/or broadcasting is prohibited. Violations will be prosecuted under civil and/or criminal law. The export and/or distribution of this DVD to countries outside the European Community require the prior approval of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Please refer to the information on the original packaging of this DVD for trade details - rental and/or lending are also prohibited.
Spain ESPAÑA - ATENCION: El propietario del "copyright" ha licenciado este DVD (incluyendo su banda sonora) única y exclusivamente para su uso doméstico. Todos los demás derechos están reservados. El término "uso doméstico" implica la prohibición de utilizar este DVD en lugares tales como clubs sociales, autobuses, trenes, hospitales, hoteles, plataformas petroliferas, prisiones, y lugaras de enseñanza. Cualquier copia no autorizada, edición, alquiler, intercambio, préstamo, exhibición pública, y/o retransmisión de este DVD o de alguna parte del mismo, sin autorización expresa, están terminantemente prohibidos y la realización de cualquiera de estas actividades haria incurrir en responsabilidad civil y podría dar lugar a actuaciones penales. Este DVD no debe ser exportado, distribuido y/o vendido bajo cualquier modalidad comercial fuera de la Unión Europea sin la autorización expresa de Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Los derechos de venta y/o alquiler de este DVD están específicamente recogidos en la carátula original de este DVD. SPAIN - ATTENTION: The copyright owner has licensed this DVD (including its soundtrack) solely and exclusively for your home use. All other rights are reserved. The term "domestic use" implies the prohibition of using this DVD in places such as social clubs, buses, trains, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons, and places of learning. Any unauthorized copying, editing, rental, exchange, loan, public display, and/or retransmission of this DVD or any part of it, without express authorization, are strictly prohibited and the performance of any of these activities would incur civil liability. and could lead to criminal proceedings. This DVD must not be exported, distributed and/or sold under any commercial modality outside the European Union without the express authorization of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The rights of sale and/or rental of this DVD are specifically included in the original cover of this DVD.
France FRANCE - ATTENTION: Le détenteur des droits a concédé une licence sur ce DVD (y compris sa bande sonore) pour une utilisation privée dans un cadre strictement familial. Tous autres droits sont réservés. L'utilisation privée dans un cadre strictement familial exclut tous usages de ce DVD dans des lieux tels que les clubs, les autobus, les hôpitaux, les hôtel, les plates-formes pétrolières, les prisons et les établissements scolaires. Tout montage, reproduction, location, échange, prêt, représentation publique et/ou diffusion de ce DVD, en partie ou en totalité, sans autorisation, sont strictement interdits et toute violation pourra donner lieu à une action en responsabilité civile et à des poursuites pénales. Ce DVD ne peut être exporté, commercialisé ou distribué en dehors de l'Union Européenne sans une licence adéquate de Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. La possibilité de vendre et/ou de louer ce DVD est spécifiée sur l'emballage d'origine de ce DVD. EDV 18 FRANCE - ATTENTION: The copyright holder has granted a license on this DVD (including its soundtrack) for private use within a strictly family framework. All other rights are reserved. Private use in a strictly family setting excludes any use of this DVD in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any assembly, reproduction, rental, exchange, loan, public performance and/or distribution of this DVD, in part or in whole, without authorization, are strictly prohibited and any violation may give rise to civil liability action and criminal prosecution. This DVD may not be exported, marketed or distributed outside the European Union without an appropriate license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The ability to sell and/or rent this DVD is specified on the original packaging of this DVD. EDV 18
Italy ITALIA - ATTENZIONE: Il titolare dei copyright ha concesso in licenza questo DVD (compresa la colonna sonora) esclusivamente per uso privato. Tutti gli altri diritti sono riservati. La definizione di uso privato esclude l'utilizzazione di questo DVD in luoghi quali club, mezzi di trasporto, ospedali, alberghi, cantieri, prigioni e scuole. Sono rigorosamente vietati, se non autorizzati, la riproduzione, l'adattamento, l'esecuzione in pubblico, il prestito, la permuta, il noleggio, il comodato, la diffusione e trasmissione televisiva di questo DVD o di parti di esso: ogni violazione sarà perseguita sia in sede civile che penale. Questo DVD non può essere esportato, distribuito o venduto al di fuori del territorio dell'Unione Europea, senza espressa autorizzazione della Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. La destinazione alla vendita e/o al noleggio di questo DVD è SPECIFICATO sulla confezione originale dello stesso. ITALY - ATTENTION: The copyright owner has licensed this DVD (including the soundtrack) for private use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of private use excludes the use of this DVD in locations such as clubs, transportation, hospitals, hotels, construction sites, prisons and schools. The reproduction, adaptation, public performance, loan, exchange, rental, loan, diffusion and television transmission of this DVD or parts of it are strictly prohibited, if not authorized: any violation will be prosecuted both in civil and criminal matters. This DVD may not be exported, distributed or sold outside the European Union, without the express permission of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The sale and/or rental destination of this DVD is SPECIFIED on its original packaging.
Netherlands Nederland en België - OPGELET: De houders van de auteurs- en naburige rechten op werken en uitvoeringen, die zijn opgenomen op deze DVD, hebben voor deze DVD (inclusief het geluidsdeel) uitsluitend toestemming gegeven voor privégebruik in huis sluit uit het gebruik van deze DVD in plaatsen zoals clubs, bussen, ziekenhuizen, hotels, boorplatforms, gevangenissen en scholen. Het zonder toestemming verveelvoudigen, bewerken, verhuren, uitlenen, in het openbaar vertonen en/of uitzenden of op andere wijze openbaarmaken van deze DVD, of van enig deel daarvan, is strikt verboden en elke dergelijke handeling is een grond voor civielrechtelijke vordering en kan aanleiding geven tot strafrechtelijke vervolging. Deze DVD mag niet worden geëxporteerd, gedistribueerd en/of verhandeld buiten de Europese Unie zonder een daartoe strekkende licentie van Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. De verkoop- en verhuurrechten voor deze DVD zijn gespecificeerd op de originele verpakking van deze DVD. Netherlands and Belgium - NOTE: The holders of copyright and related rights to works and performances recorded on this DVD have authorized this DVD (including the audio portion) for private home use only, which excludes the use of this DVD in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. The reproduction, editing, renting, lending, public display and/or broadcasting or otherwise making public of this DVD, or any part thereof, without permission is strictly prohibited and any such act is a ground for legal action and may give rise to legal action and criminal prosecution. This DVD may not be exported, distributed and/or traded outside of the European Union without a license to do so from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The sales and rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original packaging of this DVD.
Sweden SVERIGE - VARNING! Denna DVD-film (inkl. ljudspår) skyddas av upphovsrättslagen. Det är förbjudet att använda DVD:n för annat ändamal än enskilt bruk. All annan visning-såsom t.ex. i skolor, på bussar, klubbar, sjukhus eller hötel-och vidarespridning är förbjuden. DVD:n får inte uthyras eller säljas till annan än konsument och fär inte kopieras ens för enskilt bruk. DVD:n fär inte exporteras, distribueras eller säljas utanför EU:s gränser. Overträdelse mot dessa regler kan leda till skadeståndsansvar och i vissa fall till böter eller fängelse. SWEDEN - WARNING! This DVD movie (incl. its soundtrack) is protected by copyright law. It is forbidden to use the DVD for purposes other than private use. Any other display-such as e.g. in schools, on buses, clubs, hospitals or hotels-and redistribution is prohibited. The DVD may not be rented or sold to anyone other than the consumer and may not be copied even for personal use. The DVD may not be exported, distributed or sold outside the EU. Violation of these rules can lead to liability and in some cases to fines or imprisonment.
Norway NORGE - ADVARSEL: Denne DVD (inkludert dens lydspor) kan kun benyttes i privatehjem. Alle andre rettigheter er forbeholdt retlighetshavere: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Definisjonen av private hjem utelukker all bruk på steder som for eksempel hoteller, serveringssteder, sykehus, institusjoner, transportmidler, oljengger/installasjoner, fengsler og skoler. All uautorisert kopiering, endring, utstilling, utleie, organisert bytte, utlån, offentlig fremføring, spredning, overføring eller kringkasting av denne DVDer strengt forbudt. Enhver slik uautorisert handling vil medføre erstatningsansvar og kan gi grunnlag for strafferettslig forfølgning. Denne DVD må ikke eksporteres, distribueres eller selges kommersielt uten nødvendig tillatetse fra Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Salgs-og/eller utleierettigheter for denne DVD er spesifisert på DVD'ens originale emballasje. NORWAY - WARNING: This DVD (including its audio track) can only be used in private homes. All other rights are reserved to Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The definition of private home excludes all use in places such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, institutions, means of transportation, oil rigs/installations, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, modification, exhibition, rental, organized exchange, lending, public performance, distribution, transmission or broadcasting of this DVDs is strictly prohibited. Any such unauthorized act will entail liability and may provide grounds for criminal prosecution. This DVD may not be exported, distributed or sold commercially without the necessary permission from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The sale and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the DVD's original packaging.
Denmark DANMARK - ADVARSEL: Copyright-indehaveren har udelukkende givet tilladelse til, at denne DVD (inklusive lydspor) anvendes til privat brug. Copyright-indehaveren forbeholder eig alle øvrige rettigheder. Definitionen af privat brug udelukker bl.a. brug af denne DVD i klubber, i offentlige transportmidler, på hospitaler, på hoteller, på boreplatforme, i fangeler, i institutioner og på skoler. Al uautoriseret kopiering, redigering, fremvisning, udlejning, bytle, udlan, spredning i offentligheden ogleller udsendelse via radio og TV af denne DVD eller uddrag heraf er strengt forbudt. Overtradelse af dette forbud er strafbart og vil medfore retsforfølgelse samt pådragelse af erstatningsansvar. Denne DVD må ikke eksporteres, distribueres eller sælges til lande uden for EU uden copyright-indehaveren skrittlige tilledelse. DENMARK - WARNING: The copyright holder has only granted permission for this DVD (including audio tracks) to be used for private use. The copyright holder reserves all other rights. The definition of private use excludes i.a. use of this DVD in clubs, in public transport, in hospitals, in hotels, on drilling rigs, in prisons, in institutions and in schools. All unauthorized copying, editing, showing, rental, swapping, lending, distribution to the public and/or broadcasting via radio and TV of this DVD or excerpts thereof is strictly prohibited. Violation of this prohibition is punishable and will result in prosecution as well as the imposition of liability. This DVD may not be exported, distributed or sold to countries outside the EU without the proper permission of the copyright holder.
Finland SUOMI - VAROITUS: Talle DVD: lle tällennetun elokuvan ja sen ääniraidan tekijänoikeuden haltija on myöntänyt luvan ainoastaan tallenteen yksityiseen kotikäyttöön. Kaikenlainen muu käyttö kielletaan. Kotikäyttöä ei ole esim. käyttö kerhoissa, linja-autoissa, sairaaloissa, hotelleissa, öljynporauslauioilla, vankiloissa, kouiuissa tai vastaavissa yhteyksissä. Tämän DVD-tallenteen tai sen minkä tahansa osan kaikenlainen oikeudenhaltijan luvatta tapahtuva kopiointi, editointi, vuokraaminen, Iainaaminen, näyttäminen, julkinen esittäminen tai lähettäminen on ehdottomasti kielletty. Kiellon rikkominen johtaa korvausvastuuseen ja mahdolliseen rikosoikeudelliseen rangaislukseen. Tämä DVD-tallenne on myyty/vuokrattu sillä ehdolla ettei sitä ilman Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. lupaa kaupailisessa tarkoituksessa viedä EU-alueen ulkopuoielle eikä levitetä siellä. Tämän DVD-talienteen myynti-jaitai vuokraehdot on yksityiskohtaisesti määritelty tallenteen alkuperäisessä pakkauksess. FINLAND - WARNING: The copyright holder of the film reproduced on this DVD and its soundtrack has granted permission for private home use of the recording only. Any other use is prohibited. Home use is not allowed, for example, in clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons, schools or similar places. Any copying, editing, rental, lending, display, public performance or transmission of this DVD or any part thereof without the permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited. Violation of the prohibition will result in liability and possible criminal penalties. This DVD has been sold/rented on the condition that it will not be exported or distributed outside the EU for commercial purposes without the permission of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The terms of sale and rental of this DVD recording are detailed in the original packaging of the recording.
Czech Republic ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA - UPOZORNĚNÍ: Definice sledování dila v soukromí vylučuje užití tohoto DVD na takových místech, jako jsou kluby, autobusy, nemocnice, hotely, ubytovací zařízení, vézeňská a školská zařízení. Jakékoli neoprávněně pořízování kopie, úpravy, veřenjé promítání, pronajímání, výměna, najímání, pujčování, veřenjé provozování, šíření a/nebo vysílání tohoto DVD nebo jakékoliv jeho části je přísné zakázáno a jakékoliv jednání tohoto druhu je důvodem pro podání občanskoprávní žaloby a případně též pro zahájení trestního stíhání. Toto DVD se nestane předmětem výzovu, dalšího dodávání, distribuce a/nebo prodeje, jež slouží komerčnim účelům bez řadné licence udělené společností Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc. Práva prodeje a/nebo práva pronajimat toto DVD jsou uvedena na originálním obalu tohoto DVD. CZECH REPUBLIC - WARNING: The copyright owner has given permission to use this DVD (including its audio recording) solely for the purpose of watching it in private. All other rights are reserved. The definition of watching a work in private excludes the use of this DVD in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, accommodation facilities, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, modification, public screening, rental, exchange, rental, lending, public operation, distribution and/or broadcasting of this DVD or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and any conduct of this kind is a subject of civil action and, where applicable, initiation of criminal proceedings. This DVD is not intended for commercial use, resale, distribution and/or sale for commercial purposes without a proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc. The rights to sell and/or rent the DVD are set out on the original packaging of this DVD.
Hungary MAGYARORSZÁG - FIGYELMEZTETÉS: A szersi jog tulajdonosa a DVD-nek (a hangfelvételt is beleértve) kizárólag házi használatát engedélyezi. A jogtulajdonos minden más jogot fenntart, kivéve ha azokra kifejezetten engedélyt ad. A házi használatát meghatározása kizárja a DVD használatát olyan helyeken, mint klubok, távolsági autóbuszok, kórházak, szállodák, olajfúró szigetek, börtönök és iskolák. A DVD-nek vagy bármely részének engedély nélküli, másolása, kiadása, kiállításon való bemutatása, bérbevétele, cseréje, bérbeadása, kölscönzése, nyilvános lejátszása vagy msorszóró hálózaton való leadása szigorúan tilos és polgári peres vagy büntetjogi eljárást vonhat maga után. A DVD árusításának és bébeadásának feltétele a Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. hozzájárulása. E nélkül nem exportálható, kereskedelmi úton nem terjeszthet vagy árusítható. A DVD árusítási és/vagy bérleti jogosultságai as eredeti csomagoláson találhatók. HUNGARY - WARNING: The copyright owner allows the DVD (including audio recording) to be used at home only. The rightholder reserves all other rights unless expressly granted. The definition of home use excludes the use of DVDs in places such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons, and schools. Unauthorized copying, publishing, exhibition, rental, exchange, hiring, lending, public playback, or broadcasting of the DVD or any portion thereof is strictly prohibited and may result in civil or criminal proceedings. The DVD is subject to the consent of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Without it, it cannot be exported, distributed or sold commercially. The DVD's sale and/or rental rights are on the original packaging.


  • Australian, Czech, Hungarian:
  • British, Australian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish:
  • British, Australian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch:
  • Australian, Russian, Hungarian:
  • British, Polish, Czech, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek: Ice Age
  • Brazilian, Latin American:
  • Japanese:

Blu-Ray Warnings

  • English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Czech, Arabic, Hungarian, Turkish, Indian (Hindi, Tamil, Telugu), Israeli, Romanian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Greek, Ukrainian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Icelandic, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Kazakh:
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