Video Ram
PotatoPotaato360 and TeamLogo
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1st Logo (1980s?)
This logo contains a phone number that is likely out-of-service.
Due to safety concerns, please do not dial it. |
Logo: On a white-grayish background, a banner with a star in a yellow circle is seen, with "VIDEO RAM", both in English and Hebrew. The banner is seen spinning in the first seconds of the logo. After some time, movie posters pop up above and below the ribbon. Soon after, the posters "fly away". The camera zooms into the star, and then the star spins, transforming into "Warning" in Hebrew, with a parallelogram popping up in the same color as the circle. We then zoom in and see the star spinning and zoom out with the company name(s) on opposite sides of the star. Below it is some Hebrew text and numbers (possibly the address and phone number). A red banner with Hebrew text then appears, and the text flashes a few times.
FX/SFX: The spinning star, the zooming, the appearing posters and the flashing text; all 2D animation.
Music/Sounds: A pop/disco synth tune which is actually an instrumental version of “Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)" by ABBA. You can also hear a snippet of "Does Your Mother Know?", also by ABBA, in the logo as the posters appear.
Availability: It can be seen on Israeli tapes from the time being.
Legacy: While the animation isn't bad by itself, the star looks poorly drawn.