AVID Forums

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Welcome to our forum! This page is where members can discuss various different topics. Here are the five main categories, along with descriptions:

Here are some tips when posting:

  • To reply to a post, click "Edit/Reply", then scroll down and click the "Reply" button above the summary bar to add a new post.
  • To quote a user's post, use this syntax in your post: {{quote|text|quoted user}}
  • Feel free to use headings and other formatting if you think it would make your post easier to follow and understand. If your post is long and you'd like to add collapsible sections for readability, use the collapsible section template.
  • Do not edit other people's posts without permission. Disruptive edits to other users' posts will be reverted immediately and the user responsible may be blocked.
  • Do not use the "rank" parameter to impersonate an administrator. Any user found to be doing so will be blocked.

Remember to be civil while posting on the forum! Have fun!

List of Topics
Topic Last Edited
General Discussion  19:22, 14 September 2024 by BonslyDoodleDoo
Administrators' Board  14:38, 15 September 2024 by Semimighty
Editing Help  20:28, 29 July 2024 by Tortuga Tonta Prods
Logo News and Discoveries  17:26, 13 July 2024 by Tortuga Tonta Prods
The Lounge  21:32, 10 September 2024 by MaxEsco03
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