Block log

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Block or unblock an IP or user, view the list of active blocks, or calculate a rangeblock.

This is a log of user-block/unblock actions. Auto-blocked IP addresses are not listed here. See the block list for the list of currently operational blocks. See AVID:Blocking policy for further details.

You may enter the name of blocking/unblocking administrator and/or the user or IP who was blocked/unblocked.

Who performed the block – enter their name without prefix under “Performer”
The registered username or IP address affected by the block – enter the IP or registered username (prefixed with “User:”) under “Target”
  • 02:16, 11 January 2024 Camenati talk contribs changed block settings for Patrick McCarthy , 22 talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled) (Originally a temporary ban for continued lack of formality and consideration into weak diction and research in page creations, in spite of prior administrative warnings, now an indefinite ban for block evasion. Leaving talk page open for appeals.)
  • 23:07, 7 January 2024 Camenati talk contribs blocked Patrick McCarthy , 22 talk contribs from the action Creating new pages and uploading new files with an expiration time of 1 week (account creation disabled) (Continued lack of formality and consideration into weak diction and research in page creations, in spite of prior administrative warnings.)
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