A-B-Collection Videofilm (Warning Screens)

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Revision as of 11:28, 25 September 2023 by Logoarto (talk | contribs)

1st Warning (Mid-Late 1980's)

Warning: Same as the 1st A-B-Collection Videofilm logo, but the stars sliding from the screen, forming the word "ADVARSEL". After a while, it scrolls up, followed by the following text:

Dette videogram
er leveret af AB-COLLECTION.
Videogrammet må kun formidles
til privatpersoner, gennem en af
Videogrammet må kun
benyttes til privat brug, d.v.s.
til forevisning uden vederlag i
private hjem.
Det er endvidere forbudt at
anvende videogrammet til
offentlig forevisning, herunder
gennem kabel-TV eller lignende.
Kopiering af videogrammet
er forbudt.
Den på selve kassetten påsatte
label beskriver regler og
begrænsning for videogrammets
Overtrædelse vil medføre straf
og erstatningspligt og vil
blive retsforfulgt af foreningen
af danske videogramdistributører.

WARNING: This videogram is supplied by AB-COLLECTION. The videogram may only be disseminated to private individuals through a dealer approved by AB-COLLECTION. The videogram may only be used for private use, i.e. for presentation free of charge in private homes. It is also forbidden to use the videogram for public presentation, including through cable TV or the like. Copying the videogram is prohibited. The label affixed to the cassette itself describes the rules and restrictions on the use of the videogram. Violation will result in punishment and liability for damages and will be prosecuted by the Association of Danish Videogram Distributors.

Technique: Same as the 1st A-B-Collection Videofilm logo, but with the stars appearing and the text scrolling.

Music/Sounds: Same as the 1st A-B-Collection Videofilm logo.

Availability: Seen on early A-B-Collection Videofilm releases in Denmark.

2nd Warning (Late 1980's)

Warning: On an orange background with the A-B-Collection Videofilm logo, white Danish warning text scrolls up. It looks like this:

Denne videokassette tilhører
Kassetten må ikke sælges og må
kun udlejes til privatpersoner
af en af A-B-Collection godkendt
Kassetten må kun benyttes til
privat brug, d.v.s. til forevisning
uden vederlag i private hjem. Det
er forbudt at anvende kassetten
til offentlig fremvisning, herunder
gennem kabel-TV eller lign. Salg,
videreudlejning, udlån, pantsætning
eller kopiering af kassetten er
forbudt. Overtrædelse vil medføre
straf og erstatningspligt og vil
blive retsforfulgt af Foreningen af
danske Videogramdistributører.

This videocassette belongs to A-B-Collection The cassette may not be sold and may only be rented to private individuals by a dealer approved by A-B-Collection. The cassette may only be used for private use, i.e. for presentation free of charge in private homes. It is forbidden to use the cassette for public viewing, including through cable TV or similar. The sale, subletting, lending, mortgaging or copying of the cassette is prohibited. Violation will result in punishment and liability and will be prosecuted by the Association of Danish Videogram Distributors.

Technique: Besides the text scrolling up, a fade-in and a fade-out.

Music/Sounds: An exposed synth theme that continues to the logo.

Availability: Seen on A-B-Collection Videofilm releases in Denmark.

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