Logo descriptions by CokeFan12 Logo captures by CokeFan12 Video captures courtesy of Sanggar Cerita
(1995) ASIREVI logo
Logo: On a black background, we see a blue grid forming below. Another blue grid forms above, but disappears quickly. Then a yellow hologram of the Indonesian map appears zooming towards us, then left the screen to the left. Multiple multicolored shapes (colors: blue, green, red) appear, moving and tossing, until it merges together into a triangular shape with curved sides and white stripes. Inside it are the words "ASIREVI", colored gold. The shape zooms out a bit as the words "DI IMPOR OLEH:" (IMPORTED BY in Indonesian) fades in on the top corner of the screen and "ASOSIASI IMPORTIR REKAMAN VIDEO" (VIDEO RECORDING IMPORTER ASSOCIATION in Indonesian) fades in below the shape.
FX/SFX: The animation is rather cheap for the 90s, and the whole logo SCREAMS 80s.
Music/Sounds: An excerpt of "Release of Energy" by Francis Monkman.
Availability: Rare.
Editor's Note: None.