AVID:Requests for Comment/Availability rename
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum
Why rename Availability?
I wasn't aware of a recent revamp until very recently. But I would've support it as I'm sick of the Availability scale.
Anyways given its current direction, I honestly think it should be renamed into something like "Sources". The "Availability" term just sounds kinda ridiculous at this point, so I think it needed to be changed to sound more simple and better.
Also, terms like "rare" and "common" should still be in use, but like with Legacy, those terms should have importance or community consensus behind it.
Here is and example of how it could be in use if this RFC passes:
Sources: This is perhaps the rarest logo on this wiki. 15 years of searching have yielded only a partial recording.
Rainbow Puppy (talk) 20:17, 29 August 2023 (UTC)