Bo Ho Films Co., Ltd./Availability

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

1st (January 12-February 22, 1984)

Film Date of Release Source / Additional Info
Hocus Pocus January 12, 1984 Debut appearance
Pom Pom February 22, 1984 Latest appearance.

2nd (October 16, 1985-November 12, 1992)

Title Date of Release Source / Additional Info
Heart of Dragon October 16, 1985 Debut appearance.
Mr. Vampire November 7, 1985
The Strange Bedfellow January 11, 1986
The Millionaires' Express January 30, 1986
Lucky Stars Go Places June 20, 1986
Goodbye Mammie August 8, 1986
Mr. Vampire Part 2 August 15, 1986
Righting Wrongs November 27, 1986
My Cousin the Ghost January 9, 1987
Scared Stiff March 6, 1987
The Final Test March 20, 1987
Happy Bigamist April 11, 1987
Eastern Condors July 9, 1987
Mr. Vampire Part 3 December 17, 1987
One Husband Too Many March 31, 1988
On the Run October 15, 1988
Mr. Vampire Saga Four December 22, 1988
The Blonde Fury April 28, 1989
Burning Sensation May 6, 1989
A Fishy Story September 7, 1989
In Between Loves October 14, 1989
Shanghai Shanghai January 20, 1990
Her Fatal Ways June 28, 1990
Mortuary Blues August 11, 1990
Till Death Shall We Start October 18, 1990
Till Death Shall We Start October 18, 1990
Doctor's Heart 1990
Bury Me High January 10, 1991
The Top Bet March 7, 1991
You Bet Your Life 1991
Operation Scorpio November 12, 1992 Latest appearance.
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