Boje Buck Filmproduktion
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Boje Buck Filmproduktion is a German production company founded by Claus Boje and Deltev Buck in 1992.
1st Logo
Nicknames: "Night of the Lepus", "The Rabbit", "Snake-Killing Rabbit", "The Evil Rabbit", "The Rabbit from Hell", "You're Next"
Logo: On a country landscape background, the screen fades-in to a close-up of a detailed blue-white rabbit with a snake in its mouth and a predatory look in its eyes. The screen then slowly zooms away, revealing the rest of the rabbit and snake and the second brown rabbit behind. Then on the left
and "präsentiert" in gold and with a black shadow under the text fades in. The text is black and in a Stencil font, with a red separation line and appears creased.
Variants: On Knallhart, the background is black, there is only the one rabbit with the snake, they are in black and white and much darker, and the white name was in a different font (like from a crayon from a blackboard) and just slides in from the left, has a crayon white separator, and the text "präsentiert" doesn't appear. On the trailer and the film of Same Same but Different, the rabbit and the snake appear inside some high grass in a landscape with palm trees in the background. Only the upper half of the bodies of both animals are visible due to the height of the grass. In addition, the text has a blue separator and just splashes in, and the logo begins with the transition of a circle zooming-in on a black background.
FX/SFX: Just a simple zoom-out from the rabbit's (evil) face.
Music/Sounds: None (which adds to the creepiness) or the opening theme of the movie.
Availability: Seen on films distributed by the company, such as Knallhart, Wir können auch anders, Same Same but Different, Sonnenallee, Herr Lehmann and Bandyta.
Editor's Note: This logo is infamous for its very, very creepy imagery, although the concept could likely be a reference to the Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.