Edko Films Ltd.
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum
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1st Logo (1993-1998)
Logo: On a starry night background, we see a dark hill. Suddenly, a shooting star flies under the hill. Then, a metallic golden emblem with the company's name in both Cantonese and English appears at the middle of the screen.
FX/SFX: A shooting star, the company's emblem appears.
Music/Sounds: a bombastic synth fanfare.
Availability: Common.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo (1998- )
Logo: On a black background, we see a stylized C with a sun emblem. Then, A text in both Cantonese and English appears saying "Distributed by EDKO FILMS LTD.", Then a red line extending until it stops into the said company's name and logo.
- Sometimes, the name was simply "EDKO FILMS LIMITED".
- In the later years, the logo was smaller.
Music/Sounds Variants:
Editor's Note: