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If you're in the AVID Discord, you already know this, but if you're not (posted mostly word-for-word from the Discord): With the migration to Wikitide now in effect, I feel like this is the best time to do this. It is with a heavy heart that once the migration is over, I will resign as a wiki admin. Let's face it, I'm barely active on the wiki, and I'm not as into logos nowhere near as much as I once was. Interests change, and in addition I also have other things that I work on that take more of my time. HOWEVER, for the foreseeable future I will stay as an admin on the server. I haven't decided whether or not I will make an account on Wikitide, but as it stands I think I had a great run as a mod on Wikifoundry for three or so years, and as an admin on Miraheze for another three. Thank you guys for your time. -AnimeTVLogos
Thanks for your service.
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