Iron Circus Animation
Iron Circus Animation is an animation company that was first released as Iron Circus Comics back in 2006 with making Lackadaisy. Iron Circus didn't have a on-screen logo until the Youtube Short Film for Lackadaisy (Pilot) on March 29th, 2023.
(March 29th, 2023-)
Logo: On a black background with a purple tint spotlight, we see a late 19th/Early 20th century tin toy attached to something that may look similar to something done during a circus show, we then cut to another tin toy on a gear tie roping on a gear-outline floating, we then cut to 2 pins holding a gear cap going back and forth on a little line, beneath it is a gear, it then cuts to a full-view portion of the gear as another gear similarly the same zooming in as 2 spotlights with the same purple tint shine over the big gear as the words IRON CIRCUS ANIMATION in a black font with a white outline form over the gear as the gear turns black forming a white outline over the gear, it then stops cranking.
- A short variant exists where it starts where the gear is already cranking, but the tin toys, 2 pins, and the small gear are omitted by a black circle in the big gear, the logo then plays out normally as usual.
- A In-credit version of the logo exists where it's in a old-brown color next to the website to the Iron Circus Comics that made Lackadaisy.
Technique: Stop-motion.
Music/Sounds: The Opening Theme.
Music/Sounds Variants: Sometimes it's silent, it also counts for the short variant.
Availability: Current. Seen in the Short Film Lackadaisy (Pilot) released on Youtube.
Legacy: A Nice Logo that brings the elements of tin toys from the Late 19th-Early 20th Century can be surprising to be used in a logo from the Early 2020s. It's highly unknown if any other company has ever used tin toys in their logos.