KNPB is a PBS affiliate in Reno, Nevada.
1st Logo (1992-1997)
Logo: On a black background, we see a KNPB shining, then reno on the text.
Technique: The wipe-in
Music/Sounds: A piano tune, similar to KBYU jingle.
Availability: TBA
2nd logo (1999-2002)
Logo: On a black-gradient background, we see a KNPB is zooms, with the light effects when the RENO comes first.
Technique: The zooms and light.
Music/Sounds: A two-note piano tune
Music/Sound Variant: An female announcer saying The following is a presentation of KNPB Reno.
Availability: Seen on the KNPB programs at the time.
3rd Logo (November 13, 2002-June 5, 2010)
Logo: On a blue-cloudy background, we see a KNPB has red bar on the above, then has RENO and shining has the light get bigger, Then has fades into a PRESENTS has shines, when the logo fading out.
Trivia: This footage was animation by Cascom Select Effects Library in 80s
Variants: A longer version with the red bar has flipping.
- A shorter version exists
- Sometimes the word PRESENTS is absent
Technique: This clouds moving.
Music/Sounds: A five-note piano tune with orchestral finishes at the end has similar Lyrick Studios jingle
Availability: Seen on the KNPB programs at the time.