
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

1st Logo (1936-December 27, 1965)

Title Date of Release Source / Additional Info
Антон Иванович сердится August 29, 1941
Золушка May 16, 1947 The company name is in a wavy format and the top text are separated by lines.
Александр Попов May 3, 1949
Счастливого плавания! October 28, 1949 The logo is in normal capitalization and a fancy font. The copyright year is also missing.
Мусоргский November 27, 1950 The company name is gold and 3D.
Белинский June 4, 1953 A set of lines replace the copyright year.
Valgus Koordis 1953 Latin version.
Знакомьтесь, Балуев! November 18, 1963 A dot is seen underneath the notice.
Знойный июль December 27, 1965 Latest appearance

2nd Logo (August 5, 1963-March 7, 1966)

Title Date of Release Source / Additional Info
Каин XVIII August 5, 1963 Debut appearance; copyright year removed
Гамлет June 24, 1964 Sovscope version
День счастья June 27, 1964 Widescreen version
Prieš teismo istoriją 1964 Sovscope version
Возвращенная музыка April 20, 1965 Sovscope + "FIRST creative ASSOCIATION" text notice variant
Когда песня не кончается... April 30, 1965
Рабочий посёлок April 25, 1966 Sovscope version
Сегодня - новый аттракцион March 7, 1966 Latest appearance; Widescreen version

3rd Logo (November 2, 1963-November 1967)

Title Date of Release Source / Additional Info
Улица Ньютона October 21, 1963 Debut appearance
Крепостная актриса November 2, 1963 Blue background + serif font variant
Всё остаётся людям December 28, 1963
Спящая красавица August 3, 1964 Purple background + serif font variant
Государственный преступник November 9, 1964
Зайчик December 1, 1964 Blue background variant
Барбос в гостях у Бобика January 4, 1965 Beige background variant
Жаворонок May 1, 1965
Иду на грозу March 21, 1966 Serif font variant
Мальчик и девочка October 10, 1966 Squished sans-serif font variant
Первороссияне November 1967 Latest appearance; squished sans-serif font variant

4th Logo (November 18, 1966-September 10, 2015)

Title Date of Release Source / Additional Info
Три толстяка November 18, 1966 Debut appearance
Свадьба в Малиновке September 25, 1967 Red background variant
Салют, Мария! April 14, 1970 Debut of small variant; top-left section-aligned + "FIRST creative association" variant
Король Лир February 8, 1971 Small variant, top-left section-aligned + "FIRST creative association" variant
Дорога на Рюбецаль July 26, 1971 Small variant, op-left section-aligned variant; the logo is within a blurry triangular mask and the bottom text reads "SECOND martial union".
Прощание с Петербургом June 12, 1972 The copyright year is shown underneath the logo.
Всадник без головы July 23, 1973 The copyright year (now in a blocky font) is shown underneath the logo.
Mystery of Blue Mountains 1979 The searchlights are tinted light blue.
Последняя охота October 1980 The statue is unlit.
Бумажные глаза Пришвина February 1990 The background is gray with a light in the center, the searchlights are black, and the text is red.
Случайный вальс March 26, 1990 Small variant
Посетитель музея March 1990 The background is maroon, the spotlight is light yellow, and the text is yellow. The statue is also a silhouette.
Царская охота December 1990 Small variant, top-left section-aligned + "Studio Golos" text notice variant
Сатана June 1991 Small variant, top-left section-aligned + Ulyss/Tak-T text notices variant
Отражение в зеркале March 18, 1992 Small variant, top-left section-aligned + "Kanar Ltd." text notice variant
Мы едем в Америку November 1992 Print version, mirrored
Дымъ 1992 Print version
Тайна 1992 Small variant, top-right section-aligned + "Studio Golos" text notice variant
Барабаниада July 1993 Small variant, top-right section-aligned + "Studio Golos" text notice variant
Сумерки надежд 1993 The Little Prince co-production variant
Ты у меня одна June 1994 Sepia-toned variant
A Golden Ring and Red, Red Roses 1994 Lentelefilm/Cinematographic Committee of the Russian Federation co-production variant
Rains in the Ocean 1994 Ulyss Studio co-production variant
Русский транзит 1994 Strakor-Petersburg Insurance Company co-production variant + Print version, silhouetted
Особенности национальной September 8, 1995 Small variant, top section-aligned and within a box
Американка June 6, 1997 Slovo co-production variant
In That Land 1997 Narodny Film co-production variant
Цирк сгорел, и клоуны разбежались March 23, 1998 Profit co-production variant
Болдинская осень May 7, 1999 Aquarium Studio/Barmaley Film Studio co-production variant
Дикарка June 6, 2002 Slovo co-production variant
Придел ангела August 14, 2008 EN Film Studio/Konvesky the Virgin Nativity Monastery co-production variant
Бумажный солдат November 13, 2008 Small variant
Backdoor 2009 Desaturated variant
Развод по собственному желанию September 10, 2015 Latest appearance

5th Logo (December 1, 1994)

Title Date of Release Source / Additional Info
Колесо любви December 1, 1994 Debut and only appearance

6th Logo (March 17, 2016-)

Title Date of Release Source / Additional Info
Contribution March 17, 2016
Peterburg. Tolko po lyubvi June 6, 2016
Three Days until Spring May 4, 2017
A Russian Youth February 10, 2019
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