Nastroenie Productions
Nastroenie (настроение) is a dealer network of multimedia markets, which has the DVD video label (though never has a logo). This special animated logo was used once as a trademark sign in the movie.
Logo (2008)
Visuals: There is a short circuit splash in a mix of wires, while camera zooms out. Then many lamps are seen, they light up and the screen zooms out of the construction charged with neon illumination. This is a billboards with "настроение" in thick yellow font, with O replaced with green smiley head wearing headphones, all over blue clapperboard. The underlined word "Production!" is right and below in a decorative font. Some lamps continue to light up and finally the face's lamp shorts, making sense of an eye's blink.The night city skyline can be seen in distance.
Technique: CGI.
Audio: Short circuit and humming sounds of the lamps. The soundtrack itself is a dramatic uplifting synth, adding great to the action.
Availability: Probably the only source to find this is a feeble movie Return of the Musketeers.