TV2 (Norway)

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


TV 2 is a Norwegian terrestrial television channel, headquartered in Bergen. It began test broadcasting on 13 November 1991, and was officially launched on 5 September 1992, becoming Norway's first commercial free-to-air television channel. It was also admitted as a full active member of the European Broadcasting Union that same year. Since 2012, TV 2 is owned by co-founder Egmont Group.

1st ID (1992-2008)

Visuals: On a dark blue background with blurry white rings rotating, a streaking yellow triange flies in and collides with an invisible plate. This causes a shockwave of yellow color to emerge as well as many other details appear and move about. The piece continues upwards as a red curved piece comes in and collides with another plate, giving off a shockwave of red. This continues with another yellow curve, a blue hook-like piece, another green hook piece, and finally a red bar, all while the camera tilts around and rotates around. Among the final piece collected, the camera then rotates towards the pieces, which all then appear and move in to form the TV2 logo, a collection of shapes in yellow, red, green, and blue in the shape of a 2. Glows also appear all around the logo before dying down. The logo shines as the background becomes golden cloth flowing around.

Variant: The logo is usually shortened to the forming of the logo during regular intervals.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: An epic orchestral tune with bells, trumpets and more, all leading up to a final flourish that brings a heavenly chorus-like noise.

Availability: It was seen at startup and shutdown, but it was last seen being shown at the beginning of shows until 2008.

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