Thế Hệ Trẻ
Captures by
Editions by
JontyMaster, AlvaroTangahu, Frentoria, DatuDimatablan, Hb1290, LMgamer36, and TVB
Thế Hệ Trẻ ("Young Generation" in Vietnamese) is a family-owned video production company based in Westminster, California that specializes in Vietnamese-language educational products.
Nicknames: "Vietnamese Text in 10 FPS", "Word-Art In Microsoft PowerPoint", "The Weird Kids"
Logo: We see blue three-dimensional text that says "Trung Tâm Băng Nhạc" (which translates to "Tape Music Center") spin on to the top of the screen. We then see the text "THẾ HỆ TRẺ" appear in a gold font under the text. While the previous mentioned text is getting into position, animated birds and colored musical notes are shown behind flying around. Then, children start skipping around on the bottom after a while. Everything then slowly works its way out.
Variant: Sometimes, the program name appears at the bottom of the logo.
FX/SFX: 2D animation and CGI.
Music/Sounds: A bouncy children's tune containing Vietnamese lyrics.
Availability: Can be seen on TV in some parts of the United States (depending on the cable provider). Also seen on DVDs released by the company.
Legacy: This logo is known for its poor animation and catchy song.
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