Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (Warning Screens)/Europe and Middle East

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

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United Kingdom

1st Warning (1980-1983)

Visuals: On a medium blue background, the following text is seen in a bold white font:


This is followed by a warning scroll that reads:

International agreements and
national laws protect copyrighted
motion pictures, videotapes and sound

Unauthorized reproduction, exhibition
or distribution of copyrighted material
can result in severe criminal and civil
penalties under the laws of your country.

The International Criminal Police
Organization—INTERPOL, has
expressed its concern about motion
picture and sound recording piracy to all
of its member national police forces.
(Resolution adopted at INTERPOL
General Assembly, Stockholm, Sweden,
September 8, 1977.)

Another warning scrolls afterwards, reading:

This video cassette may be shown only in
a private home, without admission or
other charge, in the presence of yourself
and family and your personal guests.
You may not loan the video cassette to
anyone else for any reason whatsover.

You will retain personal possession of
this video cassette during the rental
term. You will return the video cassette
to the location from which you obtained
it on or before the due date.

This video cassette may not be copied
or duplicated or caused to be copied or
duplicated, altered, reproduced,
transmitted or broadcast in any form
or by any means whatsoever.

Understand nothing relieves you of
your responsibility to return the video
cassette. Title to and ownership of this
video cassette remains in and with
Walt Disney Telecommunications and
Non-Theatrical Company.

The copyright in the material in this
video cassette is owned by Walt Disney

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: This was seen on pre-cert rental copies of Bedknobs and Broomsticks, The Small One, and The Watcher in the Woods.

2nd Warning (1983-1987)

Visuals: On a medium blue background is the following text in a white font:


Variant: Two versions of this warning exist: a filmed version that has the text fade in over the background, and a videotaped version that has the warning fade in all at once.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: This was not seen on many releases, but the videotaped version was found to have appeared on Return to Oz and the filmed version was seen on Dragonslayer and Hunters Landing. The first four Touchstone releases in the UK, Splash, Country, Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend and My Science Project should all have this.

3rd Warning (1987-1990)

Visuals: On a dark blue background, the same text from before is seen in a serif font, arranged like this:


The text also casts black shadows.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Appears on various Disney and Touchstone videos from the United Kingdom.

  • In the early years of this warning, Disney tapes were distributed through Rank Video.
  • On Disney releases, it can be seen on the first few Sing Along Songs videos as well as later printings of Tron, Popeye, The Sword in the Stone, Blackbeard's Ghost and some tapes of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
  • Touchstone tapes with this included Adventures in Babysitting, Cocktail, Tin Men, and Good Morning Vietnam.

4th Warning (1990-2006)

Visuals: On a dark blue background, the following white text is seen reading:



  • As the years progressed, the font of the warning screen changed. In late 1993, the font was changed to a bolder version of Helvetica. It was changed to Univers in late 1996/early 1997.
  • Starting in late 1998, the words "AND" and "ARE" are replaced with "OR" and "IS". The font of the warning text is also changed into a bolder version of Univers in this variant. Strangely, the 2002 UK and Irish retail VHS releases of Snow Dogs contained the 1993 variant.
  • Sometimes, the background is brighter.
  • On laserdisc releases, the text has a drop shadow effect and is in Gill Sans, and "LASERDISC" replaces "CASSETTE".

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Appears on Disney, Hollywood Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Miramax and Dimension tapes from the United Kingdom.

  • Titles with this warning range from ten early titles, such as The Rescuers, Run, Filofax (Taking Care of Business), The Little Mermaid, Pretty Woman, Sister Act, The Rocketeer, The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, Three Men and a Little Lady, Arachnophobia and Paradise to twelve later titles, such as Monsters, Inc., Gone in 60 Seconds, The Royal Tenenbaums, Chicago, Signs, Reign of Fire, Snow Dogs, The Lizzie McGuire Movie, The Ladykillers, Finding Nemo, Home on the Range, and The Incredibles.
  • It altogether appeared on thousands of Buena Vista videos from the timeframe given above in various fonts, including some of their most popular releases.
  • The laserdisc variant was spotted on the UK laserdisc of Toy Story (one of the first Disney titles released on laserdisc as part of a partnership with Encore Entertainment in 1997 alongside Die Hard with a Vengeance and Crimson Tide).

5th Warning (1999-)

Visuals: On a black background, one of the following texts is seen:

"This DVD (including its soundtrack) is authorised for
private use only. All other rights are reversed. Unless
expressly authorised by law or in writing by the copyright
proprietor, any copying, public performance or other
commercial use of this DVD or any part of it, or any
export, re-supply and/or distribution by way of trade is
strictly prohibited. Unauthorised reproduction
exhibition or distribution may result in servere criminal
and civil penalties. Sales and/or rental rights for this
DVD are specified on the original packaging of this DVD."

“This product (including its soundtrack) is authorised for
private use only. All other rights are reserved. Unless
expressly authorised by law or in writing by the copyright
proprietor, any copying, public performance or other
commercial use of this product or any part of it, or any
export, re-supply and/or distribution by way of trade is
strictly prohibited. Unauthorised reproduction,
exhibition or distribution may result in severe criminal
and civil penalties. Sales and/or rental rights for this
product are specified on the original packaging of this product.”


  • Early DVD releases used the Warner Home Video warning, but "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.
  • This warning may appear on 4:3 or 16:9.

Technique: None.

Audio: None, but on the English Audio Descriptive version a female or a male voiceover reads the text.

Availability: Seen on UK/Irish/Australian/New Zealand Buena Vista/Disney DVDs. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1982?-1984)

Visuals: On a blue warning text, the following text is seen in white:

Unverkäuflich: Diese in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland hergestellte Video Cassette ist und
bleibt Eigentum der Walt Disney Telecommunications
and Nontheatrical Company, Burbank, California 91521

The screen then cuts to the following text:

Die in dieser Video Cassette enthaltenen Werke,
sowie die Video Cassette selbst sind durch
das Urheberrechtsgesetz geschützt.
Dieses Urheberrechtsgesetz enthält strafrechtliche
und zivilrechtliche Sanktionen gegen unbefugte
Herstellung von Kopien, insbesondere Überspielungen
auf Bild- und Tonträger jeder Art,
öffentliche Wiedergabe und Verbreitung.

The text is then replaced by the following text:

Benutzung dieser Video Cassette ausschließlich durch
Vermietung durch von Walt Disney Telecommunications
and Nontheatrical Company autorisierte Lizenzträger.
Dem Mieter ist die Benutzung ausschließlich
zur nichtöffentlichen Vorführung, insbesondere im
privaten, häuslichen Bereich, gestattet.
Jede andere Benutzung, Verbreitung, öffentliche
Wiedergabe, Herstellung von Kopien, insbesondere
durch Überspielen ist unzulässig.
Alle sonstigen Rechte vorbehalten.

Finally, the following text appears:

Not for sale: This video cassette, manufactured in the Federal Republic of Germany, is and remains the property of the Walt Disney Telecommunications and Nontheatrical Company, Burbank, California 91521. The works contained in this video cassette, as well as the video cassette itself, are protected by copyright law. This copyright law contains criminal and civil law sanctions against unauthorized production of copies, in particular transfers to image and sound carriers of any kind, public reproduction and distribution. This videocassette may only be used by rental through licensees authorized by Walt Disney Telecommunications and Nontheatrical Company. The lessee is only permitted to use it for non-public demonstrations, especially in the private, domestic area. Any other use, distribution, public reproduction, production of copies, in particular by dubbing, is prohibited. All other rights reserved.

Technique: None unless you count the cutting transitions.

Audio: None.

Availability: Very hard to find as of now. They can be seen on German Disney tapes of the time such as Cartoon Festival III (Goofy und Pluto total verrückt).

2nd Warning (1984-1991)

Visuals: On a light blue background, a blue Mickey Mouse head scrolls down from the top left to the middle left and scrolls to the middle right, wiping in the first set of some blue warning text, which later turns yellow. The head then appears again and wipes in more text, which also turns yellow after being formed. When the warning text is complete, it scrolls up. This is repeated a varied amount of times, each with a different set of warning text, which altogether is:

Dieser Film is urheberrechtlich geschützt und nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt.
Jede gewerbliche Nutzung, auch wenn sie sich nur auf Teile des Films bezieht, und deren Duldung,
jede öffentliche Vorführung, auch wenn sie kostenlos erfolgt, sowie die Sendung, das Kopieren,
und das Überspielen auf Videokassetten und sonstige AV-Systeme sind untersagt,
und werden zivil- und strafrechtlich verfolgt.
This film is protected by copyright and is intended for private use only. Any commercial use, even if it only refers to parts of the film and its permission, any public screening, even if it is free, as well as broadcasting, copying, and dubbing on video cassettes and other AV systems are prohibited, and are prosecuted under civil and criminal law.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on early German Disney tapes.

3rd Warning (1989?-1991)

Visuals: Same as the 2nd Spanish warning, but the text is the same as the 2nd German warning and the background has a pattern of Touchstone Home Video logos.

Technique: Same as the 2nd Spanish warning.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on early German Touchstone tapes.

4th Warning (1991-1998)

Visuals: On a sky blue background, the following text types itself in, cutting out to make room for the next part when each sentence is completed:

Dieser Film ist urheberrechtlich geschützt
und nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt.
Jede gewerbliche Nutzung, auch wenn sie sich nur auf Teile des Films bezieht, und deren Duldung,
jede öffentliche Vorführung, auch wenn sie kostenlos erfolgt,
sowie die Sendung, das Kopieren und das Überspielen auf Video-kassetten und sonstige AV-Systeme sind untersagt
und warden zivil- und strafrechtlich verfolgt.
This film is protected by copyright and is intended for private use only. Any commercial use, even if it only refers to parts of the film and its permission, any public screening, even if it is free, as well as broadcasting, copying and dubbing on video cassettes and other AV systems are prohibited and are prosecuted under civil and criminal law.

Technique: The text typing in. [possible misuse]

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on many Disney VHS tapes in German from the era, such as Pinocchio.

5th Warning (1998-2005)

Visuals: On a black background, the following text is seen in a shiny orange color:

Das folgende Programm ist nur für private Zwecke gedacht.
Unberechtigte Vervielfältigung, öffentliche Vorführung oder Sendung des Programms (auch nur von Teilen), bzw. jegliche gewerbliche Nutzung können wir nichtgestatten oder tolerieren.
Eine Zuwiderhandlung verletzt Urheberschutz- und andere Rechte undwird straf- und/oder zivilrechtlich verfolgt.

They stay on screen for a couple of seconds, before some "paint" trickles down the screen, eventually segueing into the special version of the Disney Videos logo.

The following program is only for private purposes. We cannot allow or tolerate unauthorized reproduction, public demonstration or broadcasting of the program (even in part), or any commercial use. A contravention violates copyright and other rights and is subject to criminal and/or civil law.

Variant: Starting in 2001, Tinkerbell appears instead, complete with fairy dust, and eventually turns the screen into the Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo.

Technique: The transition effects. [possible misuse]

Audio: The beginning of the Disney Videos music starts playing just before the transition starts.

Availability: Seen on every Disney Videos VHS tape released in Germany from the period, as well as the early DVDs from 1999 to 2002.

6th Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Diese DVD (Bild und Ton) ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Vervielfältigung, öffentliche Vorführung oder sonstige gewerbliche Nutzung dieser DVD (oder Teilen davon) sowie Export, (Re)Import und/oder Vertrieb sind vorbehaltlich gesetzlicher Bestimmungen oder schriftlicher Genehmigung des Rechteinhabers verboten.
Zuwiderhandlungen können Schadensersatzansprüche und strafrechtliche Folgen nach sich ziehen.
Besonders Verkaufs-und/oder Verleihrechte für diese DVD sind auf der Originalpackung der DVD angegeben.


  • Original Variant:
    GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND: This DVD (picture and sound) is only intended for private use. All rights reserved. Duplication, public demonstration or other commercial use of this DVD (or parts thereof) as well as export, (re)import and/or distribution are prohibited unless permitted by the law or the written approval of the copyright holder. Violations can result in claims for damages and criminal consequences. In particular, sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original packaging of the DVD.
  • Altenate Variant:
    GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND: This product (picture, sound and soundtrack) is only intended for private use. All rights reserved. Duplication, public demonstration or other commercial use of this product or parts thereof, as well as export, re-import and/or distribution are prohibited unless permitted by the law or the written approval of the copyright holder. Violations can result in claims for damages and criminal consequences. In particular, sales and/or rental rights for this product are specified on the original packaging of the product.


  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the German Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.
  • An alternate variant replaces all instances of "diese DVD", "dieser DVD" and "der DVD" with "dieses Produkt", "dieses Produkts" and "des Produkts" respectively, changes "Bild und Ton" to "Bild, Ton und Soundtrack", changes "oder Teilen davon" to "oder von Teilen davon" and removes the parentheses around it and changes "(Re)Import" to "Re-Import".

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the German language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1984-1986)

Warning A: On a turquoise background, we see the following text in a yellow computerized font:


Warning B: Same as the 2nd German warning screen, but the text says:

Los videocassettes y videodiscos grabados y propiedad de Walt Disney,
en venta en España, son sólo para uso familiar.
La venta o alquiler, de los mismos no confieren a quien los haya adquirido
o alquilado el derecho a proyectarlos publicamente,
en ningun tipo de locales, ni aun con fines educativos o religiosos.
En el supuesto en que el comprador o la persona que los haya alquilado
procediera a exhibirlos publicamente
incurrira en las responsabilidades legales y economicas a que hubiere lugar.
The videocassettes and videodiscs recorded and owned by Walt Disney for sale in Spain are for family use only. The sale or rental of it does not give the person who has acquired or rented it the right to publicly project them, in any type of premises, not even for educational or religious purposes. In case the buyer or the person who has rented them proceeds to display them publicly, they will incur the legal and economic responsibilities that may arise.


  • For Warning A, none.
  • For Warning B, 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on early Disney tapes distributed by Filmayer Video.

2nd Warning (1987-1991)

Visuals: On a sky blue background with a Mickey head pattern, the following text, in a light blue font with a blue drop shadow, wipes in, with a yellow line before and after each piece (the former of which stays through the whole warning and the latter of which disappears during the wiping-in):

Los videocassettes y videodiscos grabados y propiedad de Walt Disney, en venta en Espana, son solo para uso familiar.
La venta o alquiler de los mismos no confieren a quien los haya adquirido o alquilado el derecho a proyectarlos publicamente, en ningun tipo de locales, ni aun con fines educativos o religiosos.
Queda expresamente prohibida la reproducción de este videocassette en videos comunitarios.
En el supuesto en que el comprador o la persona que los haya alquilado procediera a exhibirlos publicamente incurrira en las responsabilidades legales y economicas a que hubiere lugar.
The videocassettes and videodiscs recorded and owned by Walt Disney for sale in Spain are for family use only. The sale or rental of it does not give the person who has acquired or rented it the right to publicly project them, in any type of premises, not even for educational or religious purposes. The reproduction of this videocassette in community videos is expressly prohibited. In case the buyer or the person who has rented them proceeds to display them publicly, they will incur the legal and economic responsibilities that may arise.

Technique: Unless you count the wiping, none.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on later Disney tapes by Filmayer Video.

3rd Warning (1992-1996)

Visuals: After the Anti-Piracy warning, on the same background, the following text below, in a white font with a blue drop shadow, wipes in, bit-by-bit, then disappear to make room for the next one:

Exija videocassettes originales.
Las copias ilegales tienen mala calidad de visionado
y son un fraude al consumidor, que además ponen en peligro la continuidad del mercado del cine.
Evite el fraude, que perjudica tanto al consumidor como a las compañías distribuidoras
y a los legítimos propietarios de los derechos de autor.

The scene then fades to black, as the previous warning starts, albeit with a Buena Vista Castle pattern background and the following text:

Esta grabación está protegida por la ley.
Los titulares del copyright solo autorizan su distribución para uso doméstico,
y su exhibición en un magnetoscopio que no esté conectado a una red de difusión de cualquier tipo.
Quienes reproduzcan, plagien o comuniquen públicamente la totalidad o parte de su contenido sin la autorización expresa de su titular,
incurrirán en un delito castigado con penas de hasta 4 años de prisión y multa de hasta 36 millones de pesetas.
Demand original videocassettes. Illegal copies have poor viewing quality and are consumer fraud, which also jeopardize the continuity of the film market. Avoid fraud, which harms both consumers and distribution companies, and legitimate copyright owners. This recording is protected by law. Copyright holders only authorize its distribution for home use, and its display on a VTR that is not connected to a broadcast network of any kind. Those who reproduce, plagiarize or publicly communicate all or part of its content without the express authorization of its owner, will incur a crime punishable by penalties of up to 4 years in prison and a fine of up to 36 million pesetas. THE SECURITY FORCES, FOLLOWING PRECISE INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR AND THE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, WILL PURSUE SUCH ACTIVITIES, AS IT CONSTITUTES AN OFFENSE ESTABLISHED IN ARTICLE 534 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE.

Technique: Unless you count the wiping, none.

Audio: The same music as the Anti-Piracy warning before it, with the same announcer reading the text.

Audio Variant:

  • On one of the European Spanish Disney VHS tapes that were released in 1992 until 1993, the background music is the looped and edited version of the Walt Disney Home Video international logo that was used on international Disney VHS tapes that were released from Early 1983 to March 1987, which still played after the Anti-Piracy warning.
  • When Disney tapes that were released after 1993, an instrumental of "Be Our Guest" plays instead.

Availability: Found on various Spanish Buena Vista VHS tapes of the time, like The Little Mermaid (La Sirenita).

4th Warning (1995-2005?)

Visuals: After the Anti-Piracy warning, on the same background as before, the following text below in a white font with a blue drop shadow wipe in, bit-by-bit, then disappear to make room for the next one:

Exija videocassettes originales.
Las copias ilegales tienen mala calidad de visionado
y son un fraude al consumidor, que además ponen en peligro la continuidad del mercado del cine.
Evite el fraude, que perjudica tanto al consumidor como a las compañías distribuidoras
y a los legítimos propietarios de los derechos de autor.
Esta grabación está protegida por la ley.
Los titulares del copyright solo autorizan su distribución para uso doméstico,
y su exhibición en un magnetoscopio que no esté conectado a una red de difusión de cualquier tipo.
Quienes reproduzcan, plagien o comuniquen públicamente la totalidad o parte de su contenido sin la autorización expresa de su titular,
incurrirán en un delito castigado con penas de hasta 4 años de prisión, multa de hasta 36 millones de pesetas e inhabilitación especial de hasta 5 años.
Las fuerzas de seguridad siguiendo instrucciones precisas del Ministerio del Interior y de la Fiscalía General del Estado,
perseguirán tales actividades, por constituir un delito tipificado en el artículo 270 del código penal.
Demand original videocassettes. Illegal copies have poor viewing quality and are consumer fraud, which also jeopardize the continuity of the film market. Avoid fraud, which harms both consumers and distribution companies, and legitimate copyright owners. This recording is protected by law. Copyright holders only authorize its distribution for home use, and its display on a VTR that is not connected to a broadcast network of any kind. Those who reproduce, plagiarize or publicly communicate all or part of its content without the express authorization of its owner, will incur a crime punishable by penalties of up to 4 years in prison, a fine of up to 36 million pesetas and a special disqualification of up to 5 years. The security forces, following precise instructions from the Ministry of the Interior and the State Attorney General's Office, will pursue such activities, as it constitutes an offense established in article 270 of the criminal code.

Technique: Unless you count the wiping, none.

Audio: The same music as the Anti-Piracy warning before it, with the same announcer reading the text, which stops near the end but comes in a triumphant finale shortly after.

Availability: Found on various Spanish tapes of the time, like Toy Story and Inspector Gadget.

5th Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Este DVD (incluyendo su banda sonora) esta autorizado únicamente para uso privado. Todos Ios derechos están reservados.
A menos que el propietario de los derechos de autor lo autorice legalmente o por escrito, cualquier copia, exhibición publica, o uso en todo o en parte de este DVD, así como su exportación, abastecimiento y/o distribución comercial esta estrictamente prohibida.
Su reproducción, exhibición o distribución sin previa autorización esta sujeta a rigurosas multas por responsabilidad civil y criminal.
Los derechos de venta y/o alquiler para este DVD estan especificados en la carátula.
LEGAL NOTICE: This DVD (including its soundtrack) is authorized for private use only. All rights are reserved. Unless authorized by the copyright owner or in writing, any copying, public display, or use of all or part of this DVD, as well as its export, supply and/or commercial distribution is strictly prohibited. Its reproduction, exhibition or distribution without prior authorization is subject to severe penalties for civil and criminal liability. The sale and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the cover.


  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the European-Spanish Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.
  • The warning screen may appear in 4:3 or 16:9.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Castilian-Spanish language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1984-1986)

Visuals: Same as the 2nd German warning screen, but the text is a bit faster and says:

Ce vidéogramme Walt Disney est exclusivement réservé à un usage privé
et gratuit dans le cercle de familie en dehors de toute autre forme d'exploitation.
Notamment, l'acquisition de ce vidéogramme ne confère à l'acquéreur aucun droit de difusion
ou de représentation publiques, même à titre gratuit, y compris et sans que cette liste soit limitative au profit:
des vidéo clubs, comités d'enterprises, colonies de vacances, écoles, églises, hôtels, clubs, hôpitaux, foyers,
casernes, aéronefs et bateaux, etc...
La reproduction, par quelque moyen que ce soit, partelle ou totalle,
du présent vidéogramme Walt Disney, est formellement interdite.
Le contrevenant s'expose à des sanctions civiles et pénales pour toute reproduction,
répresentation ou diffusion non autorisées. (Loi du 11 Mars 1957, articles 425, 426 et 427 du code pénal).
Article 22 de la loi Belge du 22 Mars 1886.
Articles 42 et 50, alinéa 1 de la loi Suisse du 7 décembre 1922.
Warning: This Walt Disney videogram is exclusively for private and free use in the family circle outside of any other form of exploitation. In particular, the acquisition of this videogram does not confer on the purchaser any right to broadcast or public performance, even free of charge, including and without this list being exhaustive for the benefit of: video clubs, business committees, summer camps, schools, churches, hotels, clubs, hospitals, homes, barracks, aircraft and boats, etc... The reproduction, by any means whatsoever, partial or total, of this Walt Disney videogram, is strictly prohibited. The offender is subject to civil and criminal penalties for any unauthorized reproduction, representation or dissemination. (Law of March 11, 1957, articles 425, 426 and 427 of the criminal code). Article 22 of the Belgian Law of 22 March 1886. Articles 42 and 50, paragraph 1 of the Swiss law of December 7, 1922.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on early French Disney VHS releases, such as Les Nouvelles Aventures de Pluto.

2nd Warning (1987-1995)

Visuals: Same as the 2nd Spanish warning screen, but the text reads:

Ce vidéogramme Walt Disney est exclusivement réservé à un usage privé et gratuit dans le cercle de familie en dehors de toute autre forme d'exploitation. Notamment l'acquisition de ce vidéogramme ne confère à l'acquéreur aucun droit de difusion
Ou de représentation publiques, même a titre gratuit, y compris et sans que cette liste soit limitative au profit des vidéo clubs, comités d'enterprises, colonies de vacances, écoles, églises, hôtels, clubs, hôpitaux, foyers, casernes, aéronefs et bateaux, etc...
La reproduction, par quelque moyen que ce soit, partelle ou totalle, du présent vidéogramme Walt Disney est formellement interdite. Le contrevenant s'expose à des sanctions civiles et pénales pour toute reproduction, répresentation ou diffusion non autorisées.
[Loi du 11 Mars 1957, articles 425, 426 et 427 du code pénal]. Article 22 de la loi Belge du 22 Mars 1886. Articles 42 et 50, alinéa 1 de la loi Suisse du 7 décembre 1922.
Référence éditeur: EDV3.
Warning: This Walt Disney videogram is exclusively reserved for free private use in the family circle outside of any other form of exploitation. In particular, the acquisition of this videogram does not confer any right of public broadcast or representation, even for free, on the purchaser, including but not limited to the profit of video clubs, business committees, summer camps, schools, churches, hotels, clubs, hospitals, homes, barracks, aircraft and boats, etc. Reproduction of all or part of this Walt Disney videogram by any means is strictly prohibited. The offender is liable to civil and criminal sanctions for any unauthorized reproduction, representation or distribution. [Law of March 11, 1957, articles 425, 426 and 427 of the criminal code]. Article 22 of the Belgian law of March 22, 1886. Articles 42 and 50, paragraph 1 of the Swiss law of December 7, 1922. Editor reference: EDV3

Technique: Unless you count the wiping, none.

Audio: None.

Availability: Can be found on Disney VHS tapes from France, such as Lady and the Tramp (La Belle et le Clochard).

3rd Warning (1995-2005)

Visuals: Same as the previous warning, but without the yellow lines and the outlines of the font.

Technique: Unless you count the wiping, none.

Audio: None.

Availability: Same as the previous warning. Aside from VHS though, it was also spotted on the French laserdisc of Toy Story and it should definitely appear on other laserdisc releases from Disney with that language as well.

4th Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Le contenu de ce vidéogramme (y compris sa bande son) est destiné exclusivement à l’usage privé. Tous les autres droits sont réservés.
Sauf autorisation expresse légale ou écrite du propriétaire de l’œuvre, la reproduction, l’exécution publique ou tout autre usage commercial de ce vidéogramme ou d’une partie de ce vidéogramme, ainsi que toute exportation, réapprovisionnement et/ou distribution à usage commercial sont formellement interdits.
La reproduction, l’exécution ou la distribution non-autorisées sont passibles de lourdes sanctions pénales et civiles.
Les droits à la vente et/ou à la location de ce vidéogramme sont spécifiés dans le conditionnement original de ce DVD.
ATTENTION: The content of this videogram (including its soundtrack) is intended exclusively for private use. All other rights are reserved. Unless expressly authorized by law or in writing from the owner of the work, reproduction, public performance or any other commercial use of this videogram or part of this videogram, as well as any export, restocking and/or distribution for commercial use are strictly prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction, performance or distribution is punishable by severe criminal and civil penalties. The rights to sell and/or rent this videogram are specified in the original packaging of this DVD.

Variant: On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the European-French Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the European French language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (September 1982-1984)

Visuals: On a blue screen, the following set of computerized text paragraphs scrolls up slowly in white:

Utilizzo consentito
solo per proiezioni
Tutti i diritti
relativi alla
videocassetta sono
riservati alla


La distribuzione è
curata da:

Via Hoepli 3 - MILANO
tel.: 8056903 - 8059394.

La trasmissione via
cavo,etere e/o dupli-
cazioni,violano i di-
ritti di copyright e
privativa e sono puni-
bili a norma di legge.
Use allowed only for family screenings. All rights relating to the videotape are exclusively reserved to WALT DISNEY
TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND NON-THEATRICAL COMPANY. Distribution is handled by THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY S.p.A., Hoepli Street 3, Milan, Tel.: 8056903/8059394. Cable, broadcast and/or duplication transmissions violate copyright and proprietary rights and are punishable by law.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.


2nd Warning (September 1982-1984)

Visuals: On a blue screen, the following text is seen in white:

TEL. 8056903/8059394.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.


  • Seen on Italian tapes of the period and seemingly used in tandem with the previous warning.
  • It has been spotted at the start of a tape of The World's Greatest Athlete.
  • Other tapes known to feature it, according to the Disney Tapes & More website, are of Make Mine Music, Fun & Fancy Free, Pollyanna, and The Black Hole.

3rd Warning (1985-1991)

Visuals: Same as the 2nd German warning screen, but the text says:

Utilizzo consentito solo per proiezioni famigliari.
Tutti i diritti relativi alla videocassetta sono esclusivamente riservati alla:
Walt Disney Telecommunications and non theatrical company.
La distribuzione è curata dalla:
CREAZIONI WALT DISNEY S.p.A. via Hoepli 3-20121 Milano Tel.: 8056903/8059394.
La trasmissione via cavo, etere e/o duplicazioni,
violano i diritti di copyright e privativa e sono punibili a norma di legge.
Use allowed only for family screenings. All rights relating to the videotape are exclusively reserved to: Walt Disney Telecommunications and non theatrical company. Distribution is handled by: THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY S.p.A., Hoepli Street 3-20121, Milan, Tel.: 8056903/8059394. Cable, broadcast and/or duplication transmissions violate copyright and proprietary rights and are punishable by law.


  • On rental tapes, the text is preceded by the phrase "Questa videocassetta e' stata prodotta per essere destinata esclusivamente alla vendita. E' vietata ogni forma di noleggio, locazione e comodato." ("This videotape was produced to be intended for sale only. Any form of rental, leasing and loan is prohibited."). The font is also different and the appearance of some phrases is condensed.
  • Starting in 1988, the name "Walt Disney Telecommunications and non theatrical company" is replaced by "Buena Vista Home Video".

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: A teleprinter-like sound (possibly a Teletype Model 37 or something similar) when the Mickey Mouse head wipes the text in.

Availability: Seen on Italian Disney tapes of the era.

4th Warning (1990-2005)

Visuals: After the Buena Vista Home Video/Entertainment logo, the following text is seen scrolling up:

Tutti i diritti relativi a questa videocassetta sono riservati alla BUENA VISTA HOME VIDEO.
Questa videocassetta e' destinata esclusivamente alla vendita ed il suo utilizzo
e' consentito solo per proiezioni a carattere familiare.
Qualunque altro uso, ivi compese il noleggio, la locazione, il comodato, l'esecuzione in pubblico, la trasmissione in pubblico, la trasmissione via cavo e/o etere, la duplicazione etc. viola i diritti di copyright e privativa ed e' punibile a norma di legge.

After the text completely scrolls away, the text "Distribuzione a cura di: BUENA VISTA HOME VIDEO s.r.l. via Agnello, 18 - 20121 Milano tel. 72127.1" fades in.

Variant: Alongside the logo's change in the late 90's, the Buena Vista Home Video name in the warning text is now "BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAINMENT", and the final text now says "Distribuzione a cura di: BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAINMENT via S. Sandri, 1 - 20121 - Milano tel. 29085.1" ("Distribution by: BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAINMENT S. Sandri Street, 1 - 20121 - Milan tel. 29085.1").

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on Italian tapes of the time such as 1990s-era releases of Mary Poppins, the 1993 and 2000 Italian VHS releases of The Jungle Book (1967), the Italian VHS releases of the Disney's Sing-Along Songs series and many others.

5th Warning (2000-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Avvertenze: L'utilizzo del presente prodotto (e della relativa colonna sonora) è autorizzato per proiezioni a carattere esclusivamente privato. Tutti gli altri diritti sono riservati.
La duplicazione, l’esecuzione in pubblico o qualunque altro utilizzo del presente prodotto o di parte di esso è severamente vietato se non autorizzato dalla legge o per iscritto dal proprietario dei diritti.
La riproduzione, l’esibizione o la distribuzione non autorizzate saranno punite con sanzioni penali e civili.
I diritti di vendita e/o di noleggio per il presente prodotto sono specificati sulla custodia originale del DVD.
ITALY. Warning: The use of this DVD (and its soundtrack) is authorized for exclusively private screenings. All other rights are reserved. Duplication, public performance or any other use of this DVD or part of it is strictly prohibited unless authorized by law or in writing by the owner of the rights. Unauthorized reproduction, exhibition or distribution will be punished with criminal and civil penalties. The sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original DVD case.


  • Some releases replace the word "prodotto" with "DVD".
  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Italian Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Italian language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (Late 1980's-1990?)

Visuals: On a navy blue background, the following text is seen scrolling up:

Deze cassette is niet bestemd voor
verhuur door de detaillist doch
uitsluitend voor verkoop.
De op deze cassette vastgelegde
werken zijn auteursrechtelijk beschermd
en mogen uitsluitend in huiselijke kring
worden vertoond. Iedere andere vorm
van gebruik van deze cassette en de
daarop vastgelegde verken, daaronder
begrepen vertoning in het openbaar,
copiëren, uitlenen, (door)verkopen,
wijziging ervan of toevoeging eraan
is zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke
toestemming van de auteursrecht-
hebbenden verboden.
Inbreuk op auteursrecht is strafbaar als

Het holografische NVPI veiligheidszegel
bewijst, dat U een legale cassette heeft
en is tevens waarborg voor beeld- en
Controleer of dit zegel op de cassette
is aangebracht. Indien dit zegel niet
op deze cassette door U wordt
aangetroffen, dan heeft U te maken met
een illegale kopie met mogelijk
schadelijke gevolgen voor uw

Waarschuw dan de videodistributeur.

This cassette is not intended for rental by the retailer but only for sale. The works recorded on this cassette are protected by copyright and may only be shown in the home. Any other form of use of this cassette and the exploration recorded therein, including public display, copying, lending, (re)selling, modification or addition to it is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright holders. Copyright infringement is punishable as a crime. The holographic NVPI security seal proves that you have a legal cassette and is also a guarantee of image and sound quality. Check that this seal is affixed to the cassette. If this seal is not found on this cassette by you, then you are dealing with an illegal copy with potentially harmful consequences for your VCR. Then alert the video distributor.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: This was found on early Disney VHS releases in the Netherlands, such as Donald Duck and his Duckling Gang.

2nd Warning (1990?-2005?)

Same as the BAF Video warnings at the time.

3rd Warning (Early-Mid 1990's)

Visuals: On a sky blue background, the following text is seen scrolling up:

Cette vidéocassette et le film
qui est enregistré (y compris la
bande sonore) sont destinés
exclusivement à l'usage privé.
Tous les autres droits sont
Le terme "usage privé" exclut
notamment l'utilisation dans
les lieux tels que les clubs ou
discothéques, cars, hôpitaux,
hôtels, plateformes pétrolières,
prisons et écoles.
Sauf autorisation expresse,
la reproduction, l'édition,
la représentation, l'échange,
le prêt, l'exécution publique
et la radiodiffusion, en
totalité ou partiellement, sont
formellement interdits.
Tout contrevenant s'expose a des
sanctions pénales et/ou civiles.
Dans tous les cas, cette
vidéocassette ne peut faire
l'objet d'une cession, d'une
exportation, d'une location ou
d'une distribution commerciale
en dehors des pays de la CEE
sans l'autorisation préalable de
Warning: This videocassette and the film which is recorded in it (including the soundtrack) are intended exclusively for private use. All other rights are reserved. The term "private use" excludes in particular the use in places such as clubs or discotheques, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil platforms, prisons and schools. Unless expressly authorized, reproduction, editing, representation, exchange, lending, public performance and broadcasting, in whole or in part, are expressly prohibited. Any offender is exposed to criminal and/or civil penalties. In any case, this videocassette may not be the subject of a transfer, exportation, rental or commercial distribution outside the countries of the EEC without the prior authorization of BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAINMENT. BV

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on Belgian French VHS releases at the time, being replaced by the French variant of the BAF warning after its retirement.

4th Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Dutch variant:
De inhoud van deze drager is beschermd door wetten van Intellectuele Eigendom waaronder de Auteurswet, de Wet op de Naburige Rechten, de Databankwet en de Beneluxmerkenwet.
Deze drager mag uitsluitend vertoond worden in vrienden- of familiekring (huiselijke kring).
Zonder toestemming van de rechthebbenden is ander gebruik‚ zoals het kopiëren, verhuren, uitlenen en vertonen in het openbaar, waaronder vertoning in horecagelegenheden, vakantieparken, werk-‚ verenigings- of schoolverband en via een tele(communicatíe)netwerk verboden-behoudens wettelijke uitzondering-en is strafbaar gesteld als misdrijf.
Bij twijfel over de echtheid van dit product kunt u bellen met: BREIN 023 799 78 70 of in België met: BaF 02 463 15 10
French variant:
Le contenu de ce support est, entre autres, protégé par la loi relative aux droit d'auteur et des droits voisins, ainsi que la loi Benelux sur les marques.
L'oeuvre fixée sur ce support est exclusivement destinée à l'usage privé dans le cadre du cercle de famille.
Toute autre utilisation, notamment la reproduction, même partielle, la location, le prêt, la représentation en public, dont la représentation dans la secteur HORECA, les parcs de vacances, dans le milieu de travail, scolaire ou associatif ou via un réseau de télé(communication), sans l‘autorisation des ayants droit est interdite (sauf les exceptions légales) et constitue un délit.
En cas de doute sur l'authenticité de ces produits, vous pouvez appeler :
BAF (Belgian Anti-Piracy Federation): 02 463 15 10
Translation (Dutch):
WARNING: The content of this medium is protected by Intellectual Property laws, including the Copyright Act, the Neighboring Rights Act, the Database Act and the Benelux Trademark Act. This medium may only be shown in a circle of friends or family (domestic circle). Without the permission of the rightholders, other use, such as copying, renting, lending and showing in public, including display in catering establishments, holiday parks, work, association or school and via a tele (communication) network is prohibited - subject to a legal exception. and is punishable as a felony. If in doubt about the authenticity of this product, please call: BREIN 023 799 78 70 or in Belgium with: BaF 02 463 15 10
Translation (French):
ATTENTION: The content of this medium is, among other things, protected by copyright and related rights law, as well as the Benelux trademark law. The work fixed on this support is exclusively intended for private use within the framework of the family circle. Any other use, including reproduction, even partial, rental, loan, representation in public, including representation in the HORECA sector, holiday parks, in the workplace, school or association or via a TV network (communication), without the permission of the right holders is prohibited (except legal exceptions) and constitutes a crime. If in doubt about the authenticity of these products, you can call : BAF (Belgian Anti-Piracy Federation): 02 463 15 10

Variant: On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Dutch Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Dutch language. [Examples?] The French variant was found on the 2002 DVD of The Rescuers Down Under.


1st Warning (1988-2005)

Visuals: Same as the 2nd Spanish warning screen, but the text says:

As videocassetes e video discos gravados e propiedade da Walt Disney,
à venda em Portugal, são só para uso familiar.
À venda ou aluguer das mesmas não confere a quem as tenha acquirido ou alugado o direito de as projectar publicamente,
em nenhum tipo de locais, nem sequer para fins educativos ou religiosos.
É expressamente proibida de reprodução destas videocassetes em videos comunitários.
No caso de o comprador ou a pessoa que as tenha alugado
as exiba publicamente incorrerá nas penalidades legais aplicáveis.
Videotapes and videodiscs recorded and owned by Walt Disney, for sale in Portugal, are for family use only. Selling or renting them does not give anyone who has acquired or rented them the right to project them publicly, in any type of place, not even for educational or religious purposes. Reproduction of these videotapes in communal videos is strictly prohibited. In case that the buyer or the person who rented them displays them publicly, they will incur the applicable legal penalties.

Technique: Same as the 2nd Spanish warning screen.

Audio: None.

Availability: Can be found on Disney VHS tapes from Portugal, such as Bambi

2nd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Este DVD (incluindo a sua banda sonora) foi licenciado exclusivamente para uso doméstico. Todos os outros direitos estão reservados.
Qualquer cópia, difusão pública ou outra utilização comercial deste DVD, ou de qualquer excerto, ou qualquer exportação, venda e/ou distribuição sob qualquer forma do comércio é extritamente proíbida, salvo se expressamente autorizado por lei ou por escrito pelo proprietário dos direitos de autor.
A reprodução, exibição ou distribuição não autorizada constitui fundamento para uma acção cível e poderá originar procedimento criminal.
Direitos de venda e/ou aluguer para este DVD, estâo especificados na embalagem original deste DVD.
LEGAL NOTICE: This DVD (including its soundtrack) has been licensed for domestic use only. All other rights are reserved. Any copy, public broadcast or other commercial use of this DVD, or any excerpt, or any export, sale and/or distribution in any form of trade is strictly prohibited, unless expressly authorized by law or in writing by the copyright owner. Unauthorized reproduction, exhibition or distribution is the basis for civil action and may lead to criminal prosecution. Sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified in the original packaging for this DVD.


  • A variant replaces all the instances of the word "DVD" with "produto" ("product").
  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the European Portuguese Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the European Portuguese language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1985-1987)

Visuals: Same as the 2nd German warning screen, but the text is a bit faster and says:

Köpkassett med rätt till uthyrning eller försäljning till privatpersoner.
VARNING: Denna videokassett kan endast säljas eller uthyras till privat-personer av en av
Select Video AB och föreningen IFPI-Video godkänd butik.
Kassetten kan endast användas till privat bruk, d v s visas gratis i privata hem.
Det är förbjudet att utan föregående skriftig tillåtelse
använda kassetten för offentlig visning,
t. ex. via kabel-TV eller liknande.
Vidare uthyrning till annan butik eller kopiering av kassetten
för eget eller andras bruk är förbjudet.
Överträdelse medför straff, skadestånd och innebär åtal.
This rent-VHS has the right to be rented or sold to private individuals. WARNING: This video cassette can only be sold or rented to a private individual by a Select Video AB and IFPI-Video association approved store. The cassette can only be used for private use, i.e. it is displayed for free in private homes. It is forbidden to use the cassette for public viewing without prior written permission, e.g. via cable TV or the like. Further rental to another store or copying of the cassette for personal or other use is prohibited. Violation involves punishment, damages and prosecution.".

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on the Swedish rent-VHS releases of Robin Hood and The Sword in the Stone (Svärdet i stenen).

2nd Warning (1987-1988?)

Visuals: Same as the 2nd Spanish warning screen, but the text says:

Hyreskassett. Denna videokassett tillhör Select Video/Hemmets Journal AB. Programinnehållet skyddas enligt upphovsrättslagen.
Denna videokassett kan endast uthyras till privat-personer av en av Select Video/Hemmets Journal AB och föreningen IFPI-Video godkänd butik.
Kassetten kan endast användas för uthyrning för visning i privata hem.
Vidareuthyrning till annan butik och kopiering av kassetten för eget eller andras bruk är förbjudet.
Överträdelse medför straff, skadestånd och innebär åtal.
Rental cassette. This videocassette belongs to Select Video/Hemmets Journal AB. The program content is protected according to the Copyright Act. This video cassette can only be rented to private individuals by a store approved by Select Video / Hemmets Journal AB and the association IFPI-Video. The cassette can only be used for rental for viewing in private homes. Subletting to another store and copying the cassette for your own or others' use is prohibited. Violation entails punishment, damages and entails prosecution.

Technique: Same as the 2nd Spanish warning screen.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on the Swedish VHS releases of Pinocchio (1940) and B.R.A.T. Patrol.

3rd Warning (1988?-1992?)

Visuals: On the same background as the 2nd Spanish warning screen, we see one of the Mickey heads being filled in with blue. As the head shifts to the right and "dissolves" into one of the other heads, the following text starts scrolling up:

Får ej uthyras! Rättigheterna till denna kassett tillhör Egmont Film AB.
Programinnehållet skyddas av uphovsrättslagen.
Kassetten får endast säljas till privat bruk och endast av dem som har tillstånd dårtill av Egmont Film AB.
Varje form av offentlig visning, uthyrning eller kopiering av kassettens innehåll helt eller delvis, är förbjuden. Missbruk beivras.
WARNING! Rental is prohibited! The rights to this cassette belong to Egmont Film AB. The program content is protected by copyright law. The cassette may only be sold for private use and only by those who have a permit to do so by Egmont Film AB. Any form of public display, rental or copying of the contents of the cassette in whole or in part, is prohibited. Abuse is prosecuted.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Unknown. [Examples?]

4th Warning (1992?-November 16, 2005)

Visuals: On the same background as the 2nd Spanish warning screen, the following text is seen:

Denna videokassetts programinnehåll
skyddas enligt upphovsrättslagen. Samtliga
rättigheter till programinnehållet innehas av
Buena Vista Home Video. Kassetten får
endast försäljas av den som har tillstånd
fran Buena Vista Home Video. Kassetten
får endast säljas till enskild konsument
och får endast användas for privat hemvideobruk.
Kassetten får ej uthyras. All kopiering -
även för privat bruk - är förbjudet.
Missbruk beivras.
WARNING! The contents of this video cassette are protected by copyright law. All rights to the program content are held by Buena Vista Home Video. The cassette may only be sold by the person licensed by Buena Vista Home Video. The cassette may only be sold to individual consumers and may only be used for private home video use. The cassette must not be rented. All copying - even for private use -is prohibited. Any abuse will be prosecuted.


  • Starting in 1995, the Buena Vista Home Video name is replaced by "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" and the text is formatted differently and in Helvetica font.
  • On Touchstone Home Video tapes, the wallpaper is replaced by a Touchstone logo wallpaper.
  • On Baby Einstein tapes, the wallpaper is replaced by a logo wallpaper full of Buena Vista Disney castles.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on Swedish tapes at the time.

5th Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Denna DVD (inklusive dess ljudspår) är distribuerad enbart för privat och enskilt bruk. Alla andra rättigheter är forbehållna rättighetsinnehavaren.
Om ej uttryckligen tillåts i gällande Iagstiftning eller skriftligen av rättighetsinnehavaren är, framställning av kopior, offentlig visning eller annat kommersiellt bruk av hela eller delar av denna DVD, strängeligen förbjudet, denna innefattar även export, återförsäljning eller annan affärsmässig distribution.
Otillåten framställning av kopior, offentlig visning eller distribution kan leda till rättsliga åtgärder och böter. Villkor för köp respektive hyra av denna DVD framgår av dess originalförpackning.


  • Normal Variant:
    WARNING! This DVD (including its soundtrack) is distributed for private use only. All other rights are reserved to the copyright holder. Unless expressly permitted by applicable law or in writing by the copyright holder, the production of copies, public display or other commercial use of all or part of this DVD is strictly prohibited, this also includes export, resale or other commercial distribution. Unauthorized production of copies, public display or distribution may result in legal action and fines. Terms of purchase and rental of this DVD are stated in its original packaging.
  • Alternate Variant:
    WARNING! This product (including its soundtrack) is distributed for private use only. All other rights are reserved to the copyright holder. Unless expressly permitted by applicable law or in writing by the copyright holder, the production of copies, public display or other commercial use of all or part of this product is strictly prohibited. This product may not be exported, resold and/or distributed on commercial grounds outside the EU without express permission in applicable legislation or in writing from Buena Vista Home Entertainment AB. Responsible publisher: Mats Caneman.


  • A variant features the following text instead:
Denna produkt (inklusive dess ljudspår) är distribuerad enbart för privat och enskilt brug. Alla andra rättigheter är forbehållna rättighetsinnehavaren. Om ej uttryckligen tillåts i gällande Iagstiftning eller skriftligen av rättighetsinnehavaren är, framställning av kopior, offentlig visning eller annat kommersiellt bruk av hela eller delar av denna produkt, strängeligen förbjudet.
Denna produkt får ej exporteras, återförsäljas och/aller distribueras på affärsmässiga grunder utanför EU utan uttryckligt tillstånd i gällande Iagstiftning eller skriftligen från Buena Vista Home Entertainment AB. Ansvarig utgivare: Mats Caneman.
  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Swedish Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Swedish language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1985-1987)

Visuals: Same as the 2nd German warning screen, but the text is a bit faster and says:

ADVARSEL: Denne videokassett kan selges eller leies
til private personer fra en av Norsk Select Video A/S sine godkjente forhandlere.
Kassetten kan kun benyttes til privat bruk, d.v.s. til visning uten vederlag i private hjem.
Det er forbudt uten skriftelig tillatelse å bruke kassetten til offentlig visning,
herunder kabel-TV, eller lignende.
Videreutleie eller kopiering av kassetten til eget eller andres bruk er forbudt.
Overtredelse vil medføre straff og erstatningspligt.
WARNING: This video cassette can be sold or rented to private individuals from a Norsk Select Video A/S-approved dealer. The cassette can only be used for private use, i.e. for viewing free of charge in private homes. It is forbidden to use the cassette for public viewing, including cable TV, or the like without written permission. Rental or copying of the cassette for your own or others' use is prohibited. Violation will result in punishment and liability.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on the Norwegian rent-VHS release of Robin Hood.

2nd Warning (1988?-1992?)

Visuals: Same as the 3rd Swedish warning screen, but the following text appears:

Med rett til salg til privatpersoner.
Rettighetshaveren har gitt ut filmen på denne videokassetten kun for privat bruk, d.v.s. til fremvisning uten vederlag i private hjem.
All annen benyttelse, mangfoldiggjøring, kopiering, helt eller delvis, og offentlig fremvisning er strengt forbudt.
KASSETTEN KAN IKKE LEIES UT. Misbruk medfører straff og erstatningsansvar. Ansvarlig utgiver: Egmont Film A/S, Drengsrudbekker 31, 1370 Asker.
BOUGHT VIDEO with the right to sell to private individuals. The licensee has released the film on this videocassette for private use only, i.e. for display free of charge in private homes. All other use, reproduction, copying, in whole or in part, and public display is strictly prohibited. THE CASSETTE CANNOT BE RENTED. Abuse entails punishment and liability. Responsible publisher: Egmont Film A/S, Drengsrudbekker 31, 1370 Asker.

Technique: Same as the 3rd Swedish warning screen.

Audio: None.

Availability: Unknown. [Examples?]

3rd Warning (1992?-Early 2000's)

Visuals: Same as the 4th Swedish warning screen, but the text says:

Med rett til salg til privatpersoner.
Rettighetshaveren har gitt ut filmen på denne videokassetten kun for privat bruk, d.v.s. til fremvisning uten vederlag i private hjem.
All annen benyttelse, mangfoldiggjøring, kopiering, helt eller devis, og offentlig fremvisning er strengt forbudt. KASSETTEN KAN IKKE LEIES UT.
Misbruk kan medføre straff og erstatningsansvar.
Ansvarlig utgiver: Buena Vista Home Video.
WARNING! With right of sale to private individuals. The licensee has released the film on this video cassette for private use only, i.e. for free viewing in private homes. Any other use, duplication, copying, wholly or in part, and public display is strictly prohibited. The cassette cannot be rented. Abuse can result in punishment and liability. Responsible publisher: Buena Vista Home Video.


  • Starting in 1995, the Buena Vista Home Video name is replaced by "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" and the text is formatted differently and in Helvetica font.
  • On Touchstone Home Video tapes, the wallpaper is replaced by a Touchstone logo wallpaper.
  • On non-Disney tapes, the wallpaper is replaced by a logo wallpaper full of Buena Vista Disney castles.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on most Norwegian Disney tapes at the time.

4th Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

ADVARSEL: Buena Vista Home Entertainment har copyright og har lisensiert denne DVD (soundtrack inkludert) kun for privat bruk. Alle andre rettigheter er reservert eieren.
Enhver ikke-autorisert kopiering, editering, utstilling, utleie, utlån, offentlig fremvisning, utsendelse og/eller kringkasting av dette produkt eller deler av det er strengt forbudt.
Dette produkt skal ikke kunne bli eksportert, erstattet eller distribuert ved handel uten en gyldig lisens fra Buena Vista Home Entertainment.


  • Original Variant:
    WARNING: Buena Vista Home Entertainment has copyrighted and licensed this DVD (including the soundtrack) for private use only. All other rights are reserved to the owner. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, rental, lending, public display, distribution and/or broadcasting of this product or parts thereof is strictly prohibited. This product may not be exported, replaced or distributed by trade without a valid Buena Vista Home Entertainment license.
  • Alternate Variant:
    WARNING: Buena Vista Home Entertainment has copyrighted and licensed this product (including the soundtrack) for private use only. All other rights are reserved to the owner. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, rental, public display, distribution and/or broadcasting of this product or parts thereof is strictly prohibited. This product may not be exported, replaced or distributed by trade without a valid Buena Vista Home Entertainment license.


  • A variant replaces all instances of "denne DVD" with "dette produkt" and "den" with "det", rewords "soundtrack inkludert" to "inkludert soundtracket", replaces "editering" with "redigering" and removes "utlån".
  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Norwegian Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Norwegian language. [Examples?]



Visuals: Same as the German, French and Italian Warner Home Video DVD warnings, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: Same as the German, French and Italian Warner Home Video DVD warnings, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Audio: Same as the German, French and Italian Warner Home Video DVD warnings, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Availability: Seen exclusively on early Disney DVD distributed by Warner Home Video releases that include those three language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (Early 1990's)

Visuals: Same as the 3rd Swedish warning screen, but the following text scrolls up:

Dette videogram må kun sælges til privatpersoner af en af Foreningen af danske Videogramdistributører godkendt forhandler.
Dog er forhandleren berettiget til gennem direkte videresalg til en anden af Videogramdistributørforeningen.
Videogrammet må kun benyttes til privaqt brug, d.v.s. til forevisning uden vederlag i privat hjem.
Det er forbudt at anvende videogrammet til offentlig fremvisning, herunder kabel-TV eller lign. Overtrædelse vil medføre straf og erstatningspligt og vil blive retsforfulgt af Foreningen af danske videogramdistributører.
Bought film. This videogram may only be sold to private individuals by a dealer approved by the Association of Danish Videogram Distributors. However, the reseller is entitled to through direct resale to another of the Videogram Distributor Association. The videogram may only be used for private use, i.e. for viewing without consideration in private homes. It is prohibited to use the videogram for public viewing, including cable TV or the like. Violation will result in punishment and liability and will be prosecuted by the Association of Danish Videogram Distributors.

Technique: Same as the 3rd Swedish warning screen.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on the Danish VHS release of The Little Mermaid (Den Lille Havfrue).

2nd Warning (Mid 1990's-Early 2000's)

Visuals: Same as the 4th Swedish warning screen, but the text says:

Denne videokassettes programindhold er beskyttet i medfør af Ophavsretsloven. Samtlige rettigheder til programindholdet indehaves af Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
Dette videogram må kun sælges til privatpersoner af en af Buena Vista Home Entertainment godkendt forhandler.
Videogrammet må kun benyttes til privat brug, d.v.s. til forevisning uden vederlag i private hjem.
Tilbagekøb, ombytning, udlejning og udlån, herunder udlån fra biblioteker, eller kopiering af videogrammet er forbudt.
Overtrædelse af dette forbud er strafbart og medfører erstatningspligt. Overtrædelse vil medføre retsforfølgelse af Foreningen af Danske Videogramdistributører.
The program content of this videocassette is protected under the Copyright Act. All rights to the program content are held by Buena Vista Home Entertainment. This videogram may only be sold to individuals by a Buena Vista Home Entertainment Authorized Reseller. The videogram may only be used for private use, i.e. for demonstration free of charge in private homes. Repurchase, exchange, rental and lending, including lending from libraries, or copying of the videogram is prohibited. Violation of this prohibition is punishable and entails liability for damages. Violation will result in prosecution of the Association of Danish Videogram Distributors.


  • On Touchstone Home Video tapes, the wallpaper is replaced by a Touchstone logo wallpaper.
  • On non-Disney tapes, the wallpaper is replaced by a logo wallpaper full of Buena Vista Disney castles.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on most Danish Disney tapes at the time.

3rd Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Denne DVD (inkl. soundtrack) er udelukkende tilladt til privat og personlig brug. Alle øvrige rettigheder er forbeholdt Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
Medmindre der er givet udtrykkelig juridisk eller skriftlig tilladelse fra indehaveren af copyrighten, er enhver uautoriseret kopiering, offentlig fremvisning eller anden kommerciel brug af denne DVD eller uddrag heraf, samt eksport, videresalg og/eller distribution gennem handlen strengt forbudt.
Uautoriseret kopiering, fremvisning eller distribution kan resultere i civilt- og strafferetligt ansvar. Salg og/eller lejerettigheder for denne DVD er specificeret på det originale cover for denne DVD.


  • Original Variant:
    WARNING: This DVD (incl. soundtrack) is allowed exclusively for private and personal use. All other rights are reserved to Buena Vista Home Entertainment. Unless expressly permitted by legal or written permission of the copyright holder, any unauthorized copying, public display or other commercial use of this DVD or any excerpt thereof, as well as export, resale and/or distribution through trade is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized copying, display or distribution may result in civil and criminal liability. Sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original cover of this DVD.
  • Alternate Variant:
    WARNING! This product (incl. soundtrack) is distributed exclusively for private and personal use. All other rights are reserved to the copyright holder. Unless expressly permitted by legal or written permission of the copyright holder, the making of copies, public display or other commercial use of all or part of this product is strictly prohibited, including export, resale or other distribution through trade. Unauthorized copying, display or distribution may result in civil and criminal liability. Sale and/or rental rights for this product are specified on the original cover for this product.


  • A variant uses the following text:
    Dette produkt (inkl. soundtrack) er udelukkende distribueret til privat og personlig brug. Alle øvrige rettigheder er forbeholdt rettighedsindehaveren.
    Medmindre der er givet udtrykkelig juridisk eller skriftlig tilladelse fra indehaveren af copyrighten, er fremstilling af kopier, offentlig fremvisning eller anden kommerciel brug af hele eller uddrag af dette produkt strengt forbudt, dette indbefatter ligeledes eksport, videresalg eller anden distribution gennem handlen. Uautoriseret kopiering, fremvisning eller distribution kan resultere i civilt- og strafferetligt ansvar. Salg og/eller lejerettigheder for dette produkt er specificeret på det originale cover for dette produkt.
  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Danish Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Danish language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1995-2006)

Same as the Imperial Entertainment warning screens at the time.

2nd Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Niniejsza płyta DVD, obejmująca również ścieżkę dźwiękową, przeznaczona jest wyłącznie do użytku domowego. Wszelkie prawa są zastrzeźone, chyba że właściciel praw autorskich udzieli wyraźnej licencji.
Jakiekolwiek nieautoryzowane powielanie, montaż, wyświetlanie, wypożyczanie, różne pokazy i inne rozpowszechnianie zawartości tej płyty DVD lub jej fragmentów jest bezwzględnie zabronione i grozi surowymi sankcjami cywilnymi i prawnymi.
Niniejsza płyta DVD nie może być przedmiotem eksportu, odsprzedaźy czy dystrybucji handlowej.
Szczegółowe prawa dołyczące sprzedaźy i/lub wypoźyczania tej płyty zostały określone na oryginalnej okładce niniejszej płyty.


  • Original Variant:
    This DVD, including the soundtrack, is intended for home use only. All rights are reserved unless explicitly licensed by the copyright owner. Any unauthorized duplication, editing, display, rental, various presentations and other distribution of the content of this DVD or its fragments is strictly prohibited and may result in severe civil and legal sanctions. This DVD may not be exported, resold or distributed commercially. Specific sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are set forth on the original cover of this DVD.
  • Alternate Variant:
    WARNING: This product, including the soundtrack, is intended for home use only. All rights are reserved unless expressly licensed by the copyright owner. Any unauthorized duplication, editing, display, rental, various presentations and other distribution of the content of this product or its fragments is strictly prohibited and may result in severe civil and legal sanctions. This product may not be exported, resold or distributed commercially. Specific sales and/or rental rights for this product are set forth on the original cover of this product.


  • A variant uses the following text:
Niniejszy produkt, obejmujący również ścieżkę dźwiękową, przeznaczony jest wyłącznie do użytku domowego. Wszelkie prawa są zastrzeźone, chyba że właściciel praw autorskich udzieli wyraźnej licencji.
Jakiekolwiek nieautoryzowane powielanie, montaż, wyświetlanie, wypożyczanie, rózne pokazy i inne rozpowszechnianie zawartości tego produktu lub jego fragmentów jest bezwzględnie zabronione i grozi surowymi sankcjami cywilnymi i prawnymi.
Niniejszy produkt nie może być przedmiotem eksportu, odsprzedaźy czy dystrybucji handlowej.
Szczegółowe prawa dołyczące sprzedaźy i/lub wypoźyczania tego produktu zostały określone na oryginalnej okładce niniejszego produktu.
  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Polish Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Polish language. [Examples?]

Czech Republic

1st Warning (1990's)

Same as the Hollywood Classic Entertainment warning screens at the time.

2nd Warning (Early 2000's?)

Visuals: On a black background, the following text is seen in yellow:

Všechna autorská práva tohoto díla jsou vyhrazena. Bez písemného souhlasu je zakázána výroba kopií, pronájem, pújčování, veřejné předváděni, vysíláni, šířeni a jakékoli komerční použití této nahrávky.
Případné zneužití se trestá podle zákona.
WARNING! All copyrights to this work are reserved. Reproduction, rental, lending, public performance, broadcasting, distribution, and any commercial use of this recording are prohibited without written permission. Any abuse is punishable by law.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on Czech Disney tapes.

3rd Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Veškerá práva majitelů autorských práv k tomuto filmu jsou vyhrazena. Projekce filmu, zaznamenaného na tomto DVD je povolena pouze pro domácí použití.
Toto omezení vylučuje použití tohoto DVD k jakékoliv verejné produkci, k výrobe kopií, pronájmu, půjcování a prodeji neoprávněnými osobami, televiznímu šíření apod.
Porušení autorských práv, nebo jejich částí, zakládá občanskoprávní i trestněpróvní odpovědnosti, vcětně povinností k náhradě škody.
Porušování autorských práv je trestným činem a může být trestáno až pětiletým vězením a pokutou do 5 milionů Kc.


  • Original Variant:
    WARNING: All rights reserved for the copyright of this film. Projection of a movie recorded on this DVD is allowed for home use only. This restriction excludes the use of this DVD for any public production, copying, rental, lending and sale by unauthorized persons, television distribution, etc. Infringement of copyright, or parts thereof, constitutes civil and criminal liability, including liability for damages. Copyright infringement is a criminal offense and can be punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to 5 million CZK.
  • Alternate Variant:
    WARNING: This product (including soundtrack) is for home use only. All other rights reserved. This restriction precludes the use of this product for any public display, copying, rental, rental and sale by unauthorized persons, television distribution, etc. Infringement of copyright, or parts thereof, constitutes civil and criminal liability, including liability for damages. Copyright infringement is a criminal offense and can be punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to CZK 5 million. Sales and / or rental rights to this product are specified on the packaging of this product.


  • A variant uses the following text:
Tento produkt (vcetne soundtracku) je určen pouze pro domácí použití. Všechna ostatní práva jsou vyhrazena.
Toto omezení vylučuje pouzití tohoto produktu k jakékoliv veřejné projekci, k výrobě kopií, pronájmu, půičování a prodeji neoprávněnými osobami, televiznímu šíření apod.
Porušení autorských práv, nebo jejich částí, zakládá občanskoprávní i trestněprávní odpovědnosti, včetně povinnosti k náhradě škody. Porušování autorských práv je trestným činem a může být trestným až pětiletým vězením a pokutou do 5 mil. Kč.
Prodejní a/nebo nájemní práva k tomuto produktu jsou blíže specifikována na obalu tohoto produktu.
  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Czech Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Czech language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1996-2005)

Same as the Videoservice warning screens at the time.

2nd Warning (2002-March 10th, 2022)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Данный DVD-диск (включая звуковую дорожку) личензирован только для частного домашнего просмотра. Все права защищены.
Полное или частичное копирование, публичная демонстрачия, а также использование данного диска в других целях без письменного разрешения правообладателя строго запрещены.
Запрещается вывоз данной продукции из Российской Федерации, а также все формы ее распространения без разрешения правообладателя.
Воспроизводство, публицная демонстрачия и продажа без соответствующего разрешения правообладателя могут повлечь за собой суровое уголовное, либо административное наказание.
ATTENTION! This DVD (including the audio track) is licensed only for private home viewing. All rights reserved. Full or partial copying, public demonstration, as well as the use of this disc for other purposes without the written permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited. Export of these products fromthe Russian Federation, as well as all forms of its distribution without the permission of the copyright holder Reproduction, public demonstration and sale without the appropriate permission of the copyright holder may result in severe criminal or administrative penalties.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Russian language. [Examples?]

Final Note

Disney ceased operations in Russia on March 10th, 2022 due to the 2022-2023 Russian Invasion of Ukraine.


1st Warning (1985-1987)

Visuals: Same as the 2nd German warning screen, but the text says:

Tämä videonauhoitus myydään tai vuokrataan vain yksityiseen kotikäyttöön.
Nauhoitettu ohjelma on tekijänoikeuksin suojattu
eikä nauhoituksen osto tai vuokraaminen oikeuta sen kopioimiseen tai muuhun kuin yksityissen esittämiseen.
Tekijänoikeuden loukkaaminen on rangaistavaa ja voi aiheuttaa vahingonkorvausvelvollisuuden.
WARNING: This video recording is sold or rented for private home use only. The recorded program is protected by copyright and the purchase or rental of a recording doesn't entitle it to be copied or presented to anyone other than a private individual. Copyright infringement is punishable and may result in liability for damages.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on the 1986 Finnish rent-VHS releases of Robin Hood and The Sword in the Stone (Miekka kivessä).

2nd Warning (1988?-1992?)

Visuals: Same as the 3rd Swedish warning screen, but the following text appears via wiping right effect:

nojalla kasetin julkinen esittäminen,
vuokraaminen tai jäljentäminen
kokonaan tai osittain on kiellettyä
ilman Oy Egmont Filmin
kirjallista suostumusta.
Pursuant to the Copyright Act, the public presentation, rental or reproduction of a cassette in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of Egmont Film Oy.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Unknown. [Examples?]

3rd Warning (1992?-November 11, 2005)

Visuals: Same as the 4th Swedish warning screen, but the text says:

Tämän videokasetin sisältö on suojattu tekijänoikeuslain nojalla. Buena Vista Home Video omistaa kaikki oikeudet videokasetin ohjelmasisältöön. Videokasetin voivat myydä vain ne, joilla on Buena Vista Home Video'n lupa. Kasetin saa myydä ainoastaan yksityiselle kuluttajalle ja se on tarkoitettu vain kotivideokäyttöön. Kasettia ei saa vuokrata. Kaikki kopiointi - myös yksityiskäyttöön - on kielletty. Väärinkäyttö johtaa oikeudellisiin toimenpiteisiin.
WARNING! The contents of this videotape are protected by copyright law. Buena Vista Home Video owns all rights to the program content of the videotape. The videotape can only be sold by those licensed by Buena Vista Home Video. The cassette may only be sold to a private consumer and is intended for home video use only. Cassette cannot be rented. All copying - including for private use - is prohibited. Abuse leads to legal action.


  • Starting in 1995, the Buena Vista Home Video name is replaced by "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" and the text is formatted differently and in Helvetica font.
  • On Touchstone Home Video tapes, the wallpaper is replaced by a Touchstone logo wallpaper.
  • On non-Disney tapes, the wallpaper is replaced by a logo wallpaper full of Buena Vista Disney castles.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on Finnish tapes of the time. [Examples?]

4th Warning (2001-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Tämä DVD (sen äänite mukaan lukien) on tarkoitettu ainoastaan yksityiseen käyttöön. Muut oikeudet pidätetään.
Ellei laki tai kirjallinen lupa tekijänoikeuksien haltijalta toisin ilmoita, on tämän DVD:n tai sen osan kopiointi, julkinen esittäminen tai vienti, toimittaminen ja/tai kaupallinen levitys ankarasti kielletty.
Luvaton kopiointi, esittäminen tai jakelu johtaa rikosoikeudellisiin toimenpiteisiin. Tämän DVD:n myynti- ja vuokraoikeudet on erikseen mainittu tuotteen alkuperäispakkauksessa.


  • Original Variant:
    This DVD (including its audio recording) is for personal use only. Other rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated by law or written permission from the copyright holder, copying, public performance, or export, delivery, and/or commercial distribution of this DVD or any portion thereof is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized copying, presentation or distribution will result in criminal action. The sales and rental rights for this DVD are separately stated on the original packaging of the product.
  • Alternate Variant:
    WARNING: This product (including its audio recording) is for personal use only. Other rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated by law or written permission from the copyright holder, copying, public display, or other commercial use of this product or any portion thereof is strictly prohibited. This product may not be exported, delivered and/or commercially distributed in non-EU countries without the permission of the law or Buena Vista Home Entertainment. Marketing in Finland: Buena Vista Home Entertainment, PO Box 165, 00101 HELSINKI, Tel. (09) 8562 9500.


  • A variant uses the following text:
Tämä tuote (sen äänite mukaan lukien) on tarkoitettu ainoastaan yksityiseen käyttöön. Muut oikeudet pidätetään.
Ellei laki tai kirjallinen lupa tekijänoikeuksien haltijalta toisin ilmoita, on tämän tuotteen tai sen osan kopiointi, julkinen esittäminen tai muu kaupallinen käyttö ankarasti kielletty. Tätä tuotetta ei saa viedä, toimittaa ja/tai kaupallisesti levittää EU:n ulkopuolisiin maihin ilman lain tai Buena Vista Home Entertainmentin suomaa lupaa. Markkinointi Suomessa: Buena Vista Home Entertainment, PL 165, 00101 HELSINKI, Puh. (09) 8562 9500.
  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Finnish Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Finnish language. [Examples?]

Middle East

1st Warning (Mid-Late 1990's)

Visuals: On a black background, the following text is seen in white:

© Buena Vista Home Video
بونا فيستا هوم فيديو
لحدى شركة والت ديزني
جميع الحقوق محفو
ظة يخضع تداول هذا الشريط لقوانن حماية الملكية الفنية والفكرية وأنظمة العلامة التجارية، ولا يحل بالتالي لأية جهة أو لأي فرد لستنصاخه، أو طبعه، أو تأجيره، أو إعارته، أو عرضه على الملا في مكان عام، أو توزيعه، أو إستغلاله، بأي شكل أو بأية طريقة، إلكترونية كفت أم ميكانيكية، تصويرية أم تصسجيلية، دون إذْن خطي مسيق من مالك الحقوق.

This is followed by the British warning screen at the time.

© Buena Vista Home Video, part of the Walt Disney Company. All rights reserved. The circulation of this tape is subject to the laws of artistic and intellectual property protection and trademark regulations, and it is not permissible for any party or individual to copy, edit, rent, loan, display to the public in a public place, distribute or exploit it, by any means or in any way, electronic, mechanical, photographic or documentary, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Technique: None, unless you count the fade-in and the fade-out.

Audio: None

Availability: Unknown.

2nd Warning (1999-2005?)

Visuals: On a black background, the following text is seen:

قام المالك لحقوق النشر بترخيص هذا الفيديو
(بما في ذلك المدرج الصوتي) للاستخدام المنزلى
نسخ، تنقيح، عرض، تأجير، استعارة، حفلة عامة،
شر و / أو إذاعة غير رسمية (غيرمصادق أو موافق
باناً. ولا يمكن تصدير تتصدير هذا الفيديو أو إعادة توريده
أو توزيعه بطريق التجارة خارج دول مجلس ا لتعاون
لخليجي بدون ترخيص من مالك حقوق النشر.

This is followed by the following text on a blue background:

The copyright owner has licensed this video (including the audio track) for home use only. All other rights reserved. Any unofficial (not validified or approved) copying, editing, display, rental, borrowing, public party, publication and/ or broadcast of this video or any part of it is strictly prohibited. This video cannot be exported, re-supplied, or distributed via trade outside the GCC countries without permission from the copyright holder.

Technique: None, unless you count the fade-in and the fade-out on each screen.

Audio: None.

Availability: Unknown.

3rd Warning (2000-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

تحذير: خذير هذا المنتج ( ما يحتويه من موسيقى تصويرية مسموح به للاستعمال المنزلي فقط . جميع الحقوق الأخرى محفوظة بمنع منعا باتا استخدام هذا المنتج لغرض العرض العام . أو أي استخدام جاري أخر لهذا المنتج أو جزء منه أو تصديره ، أو إعادة توزيعه على سبيل الاجار إلا من خلال نفويض قانوني أو موافقة خطية من مالك هذا المنتج ، وعليه فإن أي إعادة إنتاج أو عرض أو توزيع من قبل جهة غير مفوضة ستعرض فاعلها إلى أقصى العقوبات الجنائية والمدنية ، حقوق البيع والتأجير مفصلة في النسخة الأصلية لهذا المنتج .


  • Original Variant:
    Warning: This product (including its soundtrack) is permitted for home use only. All other rights reserved. It is strictly prohibited to use this product for the purpose of public display or any other current use of this product or part of it, export it, or redistribute it for rent. Unless there's legal authorization or written approval from the owner of this product, and accordingly, any reproduction, display or distribution by an unauthorized party will expose its operator to the maximum criminal and civil penalties, the rights of sale and leasing are detailed in the original version of this product.
  • Alternate Variant:
    The contents of this DVD disc (including songs recorded on it) can only be used personally. All other rights are reserved. Unless the copyright holder in writing allows this, it is strictly prohibited to transmit or display the contents of this DVD or any part of it in a public place, or use it in any other commercial way. It is not permissible to export, re-import and/or distribute the contents of this DVD by trade outside the countries of the European Union unless explicitly permitted by law or Buena Vista Home Entertainment.


  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Arabic Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" in Latin alphabet replacing the company name.
  • A variant found on DVDs distributed in the European Union replaces the text with "يسمح باستعمال محتویات قرص الدي في دي هذا ( بما في ذلك الأغاني المسجلة عليه بشكل شخصي فقط . كافة الحقوق الأخرى محفوظة . ما لم يسمح بذلك مالك الحقوق الفكرية خطية ، يحظر بشكل مطلق ، نقل أو عرض محتويات قرص الدي في دي هذا أو أي جزء منها في مكان عام ، أو استعمالها بأية طريقة تجارية أخرى . لا يجوز تصدير أو إعادة توريد و/أو توزيع محتويات قرص الدي في دي هذا عن طريق التجارة خارج دول الإتحاد الأوروبي ما لم يسمح بذلك القانون أو شركة بوينافيستا هوم انترتينمينت صراحة".

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Arabic language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1995?-2006?)

Visuals: On a blue background, the following text is seen:

Ez a videókazetta szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll,
és csak otthoni lejátszása engedélyezett.
A film kép- és hanganyagának részeiről és egészéről másolatot késziteni tilos.
A kazetta továbbadása, nyilvános helyen tőrténő vetítése vagy sugárzasa szigorúan tilos.
A felsorolt tevékenységek folytasása vagy tűrése büntetést von maga után.
This videotape is copyrighted and can only be played at home. No part of this film may be reproduced in any form or by any means. Retransmission, projection or broadcasting of the cassette in a public place is strictly prohibited. Continuation or allowance of the listed activities will result in a penalty.

Technique: Unless you count the fade-in and the fade-out, none.

Audio: None.

Availability: Can be found on Hungarian tapes distributed by Intercom Video, such as Toy Story 2.

2nd Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

A szerzői jog tulajdonosa a jelen terméknek (a hangfelvétel sávot is beleértve) csak a házi használatát engedélyezte. Minden más jogot fenntartott.
A házi használat meghatározása kizárja jelen termék használatát olyan helyeken, mint klubok, társasági autóbuszok, kórházak, szállodák, olajfúró szigetek, börtönök és iskolák.
A jelen terméknek vagy bármely részének bármilyen engedély nélküli másolása, kiadása, kiállításon való bemutatása, bérbevétele, cseréje, bérbeadása, kölcsönzése, nyilvános lejátszása vagy musorszóró hálózaton való leadása szigorúan tilos, és bármilyen ilyen cselekmény polgári peres eljárással jár, vagy büntetojogi eljárást vonhat maga után.
A Buena Vista Home Entertainment megfelelö licenciája nélkül a termék nem exportálható, kereskedelmi úton nem terjesztheto vagy árusítható. A jelen termék árusítási és/vagy bérleti jogosultságai a termék eredeti csomagolásán találhatók.
WARNING! The copyright owner has granted this product (including the audio track) for home use only. All other rights reserved. The definition of home use excludes the use of this product in places such as clubs, company buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Unauthorized copying, publishing, exhibiting, renting, exchanging, renting, lending, public playback, or broadcasting of this product or any part thereof is strictly prohibited, and any such act may result in civil litigation or criminal proceedings. . Without the appropriate license from Buena Vista Home Entertainment, this product may not be exported, commercially distributed or sold. The sale and/or rental rights for this product are on the original packaging of the product.

Variant: On pre-2009 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Hungarian Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Hungarian language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (Late 1980's-Early 1990's)

Same as the Audio Visual Turkey warning screens.

2nd Warning (2000's)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

VCD formatındaki bu Film Eseri ve içindeki diğer Eserler umuma açık olmayan mahallerde sadece kişişel kullanım (izleme/dinleme) amacı ile üretilmiştir.
Diğer tüm haklar saklı tutulmuş olup, bu VCD'nin hak sahibinin yazılı izin almaksızın, çoğaltılması çoğaltılmış nushalarının satımı umuma açık yerlerde ücretli veya ücretsiz gösterimi, TV'lerde yayımlanması, paketin üzerinde hak sahibi tarafından eserin kiralanabileceğini belirten bir bilgi olmaması halinde kiralanması, yasaların hak sahibinin yazılı izninin alınması gerektiğini belirten hallerde diğer şekillerde ticaret konusu yapılması, üzerinde değişiklik yapılması bir başka ülkeye; ihraç edilmesi, bir başka ülkeye yeniden satışının veya dağıtımının veya diğer biçimde ticaret konusu yapılması yasaktır.
Bu yasaklara uyulmaması veya izin almaksızın eserin çoğaltımı, gösterimi, dağıtımı eylemleri ilgili yasalara göre çok ağır bir suç olup ayrıca tazminatı gerektirir.
Eserin satımı için veya VCDüzerinde eserin kiralanabileceğini belirten hak sahibininin belirttiği bir bilgi olması halinde, kiralama için diğer bilgiler VCD paketi üzerinde belirtimiştir. Korsan film eserleri ile ilgili olarak lütfen arayın AMPEC KORSAN FİLM İHBAR HATTI (0212) 227 37 29.
WARNING: This Film Work and other Works in this VCD format have been produced for personal use (viewing/listening) only in non-public places. All other rights are reserved, and without the written permission of the right owner of this VCD, the duplicated copies of this VCD can be shown for free or paid in public places for sale, broadcasted on TVs, if there is no information on the package indicating that the right owner can rent the work, the laws In cases where the written consent of the owner is required, it is forbidden to trade, edit, export to another country, resale or distribute to another country, or otherwise trade the subject. Failure to comply with these prohibitions or the reproduction, display, distribution of the work without permission is a very serious crime according to the laws related to the act and also requires compensation. If there is an information stated by the right owner stating that the work can be rented for sale or on VCD, other information for renting is stated on the VCD package. Regarding pirated movie works, please call AMPEC PIRATE FILM REPORT LINE (0212) 227 37 29.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on Turkish Disney VCDs.

3rd Warning (2003-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

DVD formatındaki bu Film Eseri ve içindeki diğer Eserler umuma açık olmayan mahallerde sadece kişişel kullanım (izleme/dinleme) amacı ile üretilmiştir.
Diğer tüm haklar saklı tutulmuş olup, bu DVD'nin hak sahibinin yazılı izin almaksızın, Çoğaltılması, Çoğaltılmış nüshalarının satımı umuma açık yerlerde ücretli veya ücretsiz gösterimi, TV'ler de yayımlanması, paketin üzerinde hak sahibi tarafından eserin kiralanabileceğini belirten bir bilgi olmaması halinde kiralanması, yasaların hak sahibinin yazılı izninin alınması gerektiğini belirten hallerde diğer şekillerde ticaret konusu yapılması, üzerinde değişiklik yapılması, bir başka ülkeye; ihraç edilmesi, bir başka ülkeye yeniden satışının veya dağıtımının veya diğer biçimde ticaret konusu yapılması yasaktır.
Bu yasaklara uyulmaması veya izin almaksızın eserin Çoğaltımı, gösterimi, dağıtımı eylemleri ilgili yasalara göre çok ağır bir suç olup ayrıca tazminatı gerektirir.
Eserin satımı için veya DVD üzerinde eserin kiralanabileceğini belirten hak sahibininin belirttiği bir bilgi olması halinde, kiralama için diğer bilgiler DVD paketi üzerinde belirtimiştir. Korsan film eserleri ile ilgili olarak lütfen arayın.
WARNING: This Movie Work and other Works in this DVD format have been produced in non-public places for personal use (watching/listening) only. All other rights are reserved and the right owner of this DVD should be reproduced, paid or free of charge in public places for sale or free of charge, broadcast on TVs, rented by the right owner in the absence of any information on the package indicating that the work can be rented, In cases where the laws require the written consent of the right owner to be made in other ways, to make changes on the subject of trade, to another country; its export, resale or distribution to another country or any other form of trade is prohibited. Violation of these prohibitions or acts of reproduction, display, distribution of the work without permission is a very serious crime according to the relevant laws and also requires compensation. If there is an information stated by the right owner for the sale of the work or on the DVD stating that the work can be rented, other information for renting is stated on the DVD package. Regarding pirated movie artifacts, please search. AMPEC PIRATE FILM REPORT LINE (0212) 227 37 29.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Turkish language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (Mid 1990's-2000's)

Visuals: On a blue background, the following text is seen scrolling up:

קלטת וידאו זו מיועדת להקרנה
ביתית בלבד. הסרט ופס הקול שלו
.המקורי מוגנעם בזכויוב יוצרים
,כל שידור, הצגה פומבית, הפצה
השכרה בםפריות וידאו, העתקה או
עריכה, הקרנה, במערכות טלוויזיה
.בכבלים אסורים בהחלט
אלא אם כן ויתן אישור מפורש בכתב
מ"פורום פילם בע"מ" ומבעל
.הזכויות המקורי
הפרת האיםור עלולה להביא
.לתביעות פליליות ואזרחיות
מופץ ע"י
"פורום פילם בע"מ"
רחוב מזיות היהודים 91
אזור התעשיה הרצליה פיתוח
טל. 09-9526262
!צפייה נעימה
This video tape is for home viewing only. The film and its original soundtrack are protected by copyright credits. Any broadcasting, public viewing, distribution, rental of video libraries, copying or editing, screening, and cable TV systems are strictly prohibited, unless express written permission is given from Forum Film Ltd. and the original rights holder. Violation may result in criminal and civil lawsuits. Distributed by "Forum Film Ltd.", Medinat HaYehudim Street 91, Herzliya Pituach Industrial Zone, Tel. 09-9526262. Happy watching!

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on the Israeli VHS of The Aristocats (חתולים בצמרת).

2nd Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

. השימוש בּתקליטור זה (כולל פס הקול שם) הינו לשימוש ביתי בלבד. כל יתר הזכויות
.כל העתקה, הצגה בפומבי ו/או כל שימוש מסחרי אחר בתקליטור או בכל תלק ממנו או כל יצוא, אספקת משנה ו/או הפצה מסחרית הינו אסור בתכלית, אלא אס כו הותר במפורש על פידיו ו/או ניתנה לכד הרשאה מפורשת ובכתב מבעל זכות היוצרים בתקליטור זה. כל המשכפל, המציג בפומבי או המפיץ בלא הרשאה יהיה חשוף לעונשיס החמורים הקמעים בחוק, הן במישור הפלילי והן האזרחי
.זכויות מכירה ו/או השכרה של תקליטור זה מפורטות בעקליטור המצייב

Variant: On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Hebrew Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Warning: This disc (including its soundtrack) is reserved for home use only. All other rights are reserved. Any copying, public display and/or any other commercial use of the CD or any part of it or any export, sub-supply and/or commercial distribution is strictly prohibited, unless expressly permitted and/or given express written permission from the copyright holder of this disc. Any duplicating, publicly exhibiting or distributing without permission will be subject to the most severe penalties provided for in law, both criminal and civil. The rights to sell and/or rent this disc are specified in the cover.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Hebrew language. [Examples?]



Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

"Utilizarea acestui DVD (inclusiv coloana sonoră) este autorizată inclusiv pentru uz privat. Toate celelalte drepturi sunt rezervate.
Cu excepția cazurilor permise de lege sau când autorizația e acordată în scris de către proprietarul drepturilor de autor, copierea, prezentarea în public sau altă utilizare comercială a acestui DVD sau a vreunei părți din el, sau orice operațiune de export, recomercializarea și/sau distribuția comercială neautorizată pot atrage pedepse severe, penale sau civile.
Drepturile de comercializare și/sau închiriere a acestui DVD sunt precizate pe ambalajul original al acestui DVD".
ATTENTION: "The use of this product (including the soundtrack) is authorized for private use only. All other rights reserved. Except as permitted by law or when the authorization is granted in writing by the copyright owner, copying, public display or other commercial use of this product or any part of it, or any export operation, resale and/or unauthorized commercial distribution may result in severe penalties, criminal or civil penalties. The marketing and/or rental rights of this product are specified on the original packaging of this product ".

Variant: A variant replaces "AVERTISMENT" with "ATENŢIE" and all the instances of the word "DVD" with "produs" ("product").

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Romanian language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1991?-1994)

Visuals: On a black background, the following text is seen:

Τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα αυτής της βιντεοκασέτας ανήκουν στην WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO και στον αντιπρόσωπό της για Ελλάδα και Κύπρο.
Απαγορεύεται η χρήση αυτής της βιντεοκασέτας για οποιαδήποτε άλλη εκμετάλλευση εκτός της ιδιωτικής κατ' οίκον προβολής.

The text then briefly disappears, with the following text appearing after a while:

Απαγορεύεται ειδικώτερα οιαδήποτε δημόσια προβολή σε οιονδήποτε χώρο περιλαμβανομένων ξενοδοχείων, νοσοκομείων,
αεροπλάνων, λεσχών, κτλ. ανεύ εγγράφου άδειας της νομίμου δικαιούχου WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO ή του αντιπροσώπου της.

The above text in turn disappears to make room for the following text:

Απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή μερική ή ολική αυτής της βιντεοκασέτας με οιονδήποτε τρόπο όπως και η αντιγραφή, πώληση, ενοικίαση αυτής από τον ιδιοκτήτη της.
Οι παραβάτες υπόκεινται σε ποινικές και αστικές κυρώσεις για κάθε παραγωγή, εμφάνιση ή διανομή χωρίς την άδεια του νόμιμου δικαιούχου.
'This videotape's copyright belongs to WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO and its representative for Greece and Cyprus. The use of this videotape for any exploitation other than private home use is forbidden. In particular, any public screening at any place including hotels, hospitals, airplanes, clubs, etc. without a permission document by the legal holder, WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO, and its representative is forbidden. It is forbidden to playback part or all of this videotape in any way, such as copying, selling, renting it from its owner. Violators are subject to criminal and civil sanctions for any production, appearance or distribution without the permission of the legal holder.

Technique: The text appearing and disappearing. [possible misuse]

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on the Greek VHS of Aladdin (Αλαντίν).

2nd Warning (1995)

Visuals: On a black background, the following text is seen:

Αυτή η κασσέτα παραχωρείται από την WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO μόνο για ιδιωτική χρήση.
Απαγορεύεται η ενοικίαση, η δημόσια προβολή και οποιαδήποτε άλλη μορφή εκμετάλλευσης χωρίς τη γραπτή συναίνεση του παραγωγού.

The text is then replaced by the following text:

Κάθε παράβαση των παραπάνω τιμωρείται σύμφωνα με το νόμο περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας (άρθρο 66 Ν. 2121/93)
και τον Ν.146/1914 περί αθέμιτου ανταγωνισμού με ποινή φυλακίσεως ενός έως δέκα ετών και χρηματική ποινή ενός έως είκοσι εκατομμυρίων δραχμών.
This tape is provided by WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO for private use only. Renting, public display and any other form of exploitation without the written consent of the producer is prohibited. Any violation of the above is punishable under the copyright law (Article 66 of Law 2121/93) and Law 146/1914 on unfair competition with imprisonment of up to ten years and a fine of up to twenty million drachmas.

Technique: The text appearing and disappearing. [possible misuse]

Audio: None.

Availability: Found on the Greek VHS of The Lion King (Ο Βασιλιάς των Λιονταριών).

3rd Warning (1996-2005?)

Visuals: On a black background, the following text is seen scrolling up:

Αυτή η κασέττα παραχωρείται από την WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO και προορίζεται μόνο για ιδιωτική κατ' οίκον προβολή.
Απαγορεύεται κάθε είδους αντιγραφή ή ενοικίασή της σε τρίτους και η με οιονδήποτε άλλο τρόπο εκμετάλλευσή της χωρίς τη γραπτή συναίνεση του παραγωγού.
Κάθε παράβαση των παραπάνω τιμωρείται σύμφωνα με τον Νόμο περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας (άρθρο 66 Ν. 2121 193) και τον Ν. 146/1914 περί αθέμιτου ανταγωνισμού με ποινή φυλακίσεως ενός έως δέκα ετών και χρηματική ποινή ενός έως είκοσι εκατομμυρίων δραχμών.
This tape is provided by WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO and is intended for private home viewing only. Any kind of copying or renting it to third parties and its exploitation in any other way without the written consent of the producer is prohibited. Any violation of the above is punishable under the copyright law (Article 66 of Law 2121/93) and Law 146/1914 on unfair competition with imprisonment of up to ten years and a fine of up to twenty million drachmas.

Variant: Touchstone Home Video releases, such as Armageddon (Αρμαγεδδών), replace the "WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEO" name with "TOUCHSTONE HOME VIDEO".

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: Appears on Greek tapes of the period.

4th Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Το παρόν προϊόν (καθώς και το σάουντρακ) παραχωρείται µόνον για ιδιωτική χρήση. Όλα τα άλλα δικαιώµατα παραµένουν δεσµευµένα.
Κάθε αντιγραφή, δημόσια εκτέλεση ή άλλη εµπορική χρήση του παρόντος προϊόντος ή οποιουδήποτε µέρους αυτού, καθώς και η εξαγωγή, ή διανοµή αυτού µέσω οποιασδήποτε εµπορικής συναλλαγής απαγορεύεται αυστηρά, εκτός αν ρητώς επιτρέπεται από το νόµο ή έχει δοθεί γραπτή άδεια του δικαιούχου πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας (copyright).
Οποιαδήποτε μη εξουσιοδοτηµένη αναπαραγωγή, προβολή ή διανοµή επισύρει αυστηρές ποινικές και αστικές κυρώσεις.
Τα δικαιώµατα πώλησης ή/και ενοικίασης του παρόντος προϊόντος προσδιορίζονται στη γνήσια συσκευασία του.


  • Original Variant:
    WARNING: This product (as well as the soundtrack) is for private use only. All other rights reserved. Any copying, public execution or other commercial use of this product or any part thereof, as well as its export, or distribution through any commercial transaction is strictly prohibited, unless expressly permitted by law or with the written permission of the copyright holder ( ). Any unauthorized reproduction, promotion or distribution shall be subject to severe criminal and civil penalties. The rights of sale and/or rental of this product are specified in its original packaging.
  • Alternate Variant:
    GREECE: This digital versatile disc (DVD) is provided by BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAINMENT for private use only. Any other use such as copying, public screening and television broadcasting by any means, without the written consent of the holder of the relevant rights, is strictly prohibited. Any violation of the above is punished according to the law on intellectual property (article 66 N 2121/93) with a prison sentence of ten years and a fine of one to ten million drachmas.
  • Early Variant:
    WARNING: This product, including its soundtrack, which is provided by BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAINMENT and distributed by AUDIO VISUAL ENTERPRISES S.A., may only be used for private use. Any other use such as, demonstratively, copying, public exhibition or other commercial use, partially or wholly, any export, reproduction, exhibition, repurchase and/or commercial distribution or television broadcast, without the written consent of the holder of the relevant right is strictly prohibited. Any violation of the above is punishable under the copyright law (Article 66 of Law 2121/1993) with imprisonment and a fine.


  • An alternate variant features the following text:
Αυτός ο πολυμορφικός ψηφιακός δίσκος (DVD) παραχωρείται από την BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAINMENT μόνο για ιδιωτική χρήση. Οποιαδήποτε άλλη χρήση όπως ενδεικτικά η αντιγραφή, δημόσια προβολή και τηλεοπτική μετάδοση με οποιοδήποτε μέσο, χωρίς τη γραπτή συναίνεση του δικαιούχου των σχετικών δικαιωμάτων, απαγορεύεται αυστηρά. Κάθε παράβαση των παραπάνω τιμωρείται σύμφωνα με το νόμο περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας (άρθρο 66 Ν 2121/93) με ποινή φυλακίσεως ενός δέκα ετών και χρηματική ποινή ενός εώς δέκα εκατομμυρίων δραχμών.
  • An early variant, mostly found in DVDs distributed by Audio Visual, features the following text:
Το προϊόν αυτό, συμπεριλαμβανόμενης της μουσικής του, το οποίο παραχωρείται από την BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAINMENT και διανέμεται από την AUDIO VISUAL ENTERPRISES S.A., επιτρέπεται να χρησιμοποιηθεί αποκλειστικά για ιδιωτική χρήση. Οποιαδήποτε άλλη χρήση όπως ενδεικτικά αντιγραφή, δημόσια εκτέλεση ή άλλη εμπορική χρήση, μέρους ή συνόλου του, οποιαδήποτε εξαγωγή, αναπαραγωγή, έκθεση, επαναπρομήθεια και/ή διανομή με εμπορικό τρόπο ή τηλεοπτική μετάδοση, χωρίς τη γραπτή συναίνεση του δικαιούχου των σχετικών δικαιωμάτων απαγορεύεται αυστηρά. Τα δικαιώματα πώλησης και/ή ενοικίασης ορίζονται στη συσκευασία αυτού του προϊόντος. Κάθε παράβαση των παραπάνω τιμωρείται σύμφωνα με το νόμο περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας (άρθρο 66 Ν 2121/93) με ποινή φυλακίσεως και χρηματική ποινή.
  • On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Greek Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Greek language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (1990's-2006)

Same as the Alexandra Video warning screen.

2nd Warning (2001-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Притежателят на авторското право е лицензирал това DVD (вклютелно и музиката към него) единствено за домашна употреба.
Определението "за домашна употреба" изключва използването на това DVD в клубове, влакове, болници, хотели, петролни платформи, затвори и училища.
Всяко непозволено копиране, редактиране, представяне, отдаване под наем, публично излъчване и/или ефирно излъчване на това DVD или на някаква част от него, е абцолютно забранено и всяко едио такова действие поражда гражданска отговорност или предизвиква наказателио преследване.
WARNING: The copyright holder has licensed this DVD (including music) only for home use. The definition of "home use" excludes the use of this DVD in clubs, trains, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, presentation, rental, public broadcasting and/or broadcasting of this DVD or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and any such action gives rise to civil liability or criminal prosecution.

Early variant: There is an early variant, where the text is the same, but it was smaller and written in Arial.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Bulgarian language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (Late 1990's-Early 2000's)

Same as the Continental Film warning screen.

2nd Warning (2001-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Ovaj DVD (uključujući i zvučni zapis) isključivo je za kućnu uporabu. Sva su ostala prava snimljenoga djela pridržana.
Ukoliko vlasnik snimljenoga djela nije drukčije naveo, strogo je zabranjeno svako neovlašteno umnožavanje, javno prikazivanje i/ili emitiranje u cijelosti ili bilo kojeg dijela, te izvoz, nabava i/ili tržišno distribuiranje.
Neovlašteno reproduciranje, prikazivanje ili distribuiranje podliježe kaznenom progonu.
Prava za prodaju i/ili iznajmljivanje ovoga DVD-a iskazani su na originalnom pakiranju ovoga DVD-a.

Variant: On pre-2002 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Croatian Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

WARNING: This DVD (including audio) is for home use only. All other rights to the recorded work are reserved. Unless otherwise stated by the owner of the recorded work, any unauthorized reproduction, public display and/or broadcasting in whole or in part, as well as export, procurement and/or market distribution, is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction, display or distribution is subject to criminal prosecution. The rights to sell and/or rent this DVD are stated on the original packaging of this DVD.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Croatian language. [Examples?]



Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Дана продукція (звукова доріжка включно) ліцензована тільки для приватного домашнього перегляду. Всі права захищені.
Повне або часткове копіювання, публічний показ, а також використання даноґо продукту в інших цілях без письмового дозволу правовласника строґо заборонені.
Забороняється вивіз даної продукції за межі України, а також уці форми її розповсюдження без дозволу правовласника. Відтворення, публічний показ або продаж без відповідного дозволу правовласника можуть спричинити за собою сурове кримінальне, або адміністративне покарання.
Інформація про правовласника цього продукту вказана на ориґінальній упаковці.
WARNING! This product (including its audio track) is licensed for private home viewing only. All rights reserved. Full or partial copying, public display, and use of this product for other purposes without the written permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited. It is prohibited to export this product outside Ukraine, as well as these forms of its distribution without the permission of the copyright holder. Reproduction, public display or sale without the appropriate permission of the copyright holder may result in severe criminal or administrative penalties. Information about the owner of this product is indicated on the original packaging."

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Ukrainian language. [Examples?]



Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Ovaj DVD (uključujući i muziku iz filma) je samo za privatnu upotrebu. Sva druga prava su zadržana.
Svako umnožavanje, javno izvođenje, ili bilo koja druga komercijalna upotreba ovog DVD-a, ili bilo kog njegovog dela, kao i izvoz, preprodaja i/ili ponovna distribucija, su strogo zabranjeni, sem ako to nije jasno određeno zakonom, ili napismeno dozvoljeno od strane vlasnika autorskih prava.
Neovlašteno umnožavanje, prikazivanje ili distribucija mogu da dovedu do oštre zakonske kazne.
Zakonska prava za prodaju i/ili iznajmljivanje ovog DVD-a su određena na originalnom pakovanju ovog DVD-a.


  • Original Variant:
    WARNING: This DVD (including music from the movie) is for private use only. All other rights are reserved. Any reproduction, public performance, or any other commercial use of this DVD, or any part thereof, as well as the export, resale and/or redistribution, is strictly prohibited, unless expressly provided by law, or in writing permitted by the copyright owner. Unauthorized reproduction, display or distribution may result in severe legal penalties. The legal rights to sell and/or rent this DVD are set out on the original packaging of this DVD.
  • Alternate Variant:
    WARNING: "This product (including music) is made exclusively for home use. All other rights are reserved. Except in cases authorized by law or in writing by the rights owner, any copying, public display or other commercial use of this product or any part thereof, export, supply or distribution on the market is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction, display or distribution is criminally punishable. The rights to sell and/or issue this product are indicated on the original packaging of this product."

Variant: A variant uses the following text:

Ovaj proizvod (uključujući u muziku) je proizveden isključivo za kućnu upotrebu. Sva ostala prava su zadržana.
Osim u slučajevima autorizovanim zakonom ili napismeno od strane vlasnika prava, svako kopiranje, javno prikazivanje ili druga komercijalna upotreba ovog proizvoda ili bilo kog njegovog dela, izvoz, snabdevanje ili distribucija na tržištu je strogo zabranjena.
Neovlašćena reprodukcija, prikazivanje ili distribucija se krivično kažnjava.
Prava na prodaju ili/i izdavanje ovog proizvoda su označena na originalnom pakovanju ovog proizvoda.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Serbian language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (2001-2002)

Visuals: On a black background, the following text is seen:

Všetky prava majiteľov autorských práv k tomuto filmu sú vyhradené. Projekcia filmu, zaznamenaného na tomto DVD je povolená iba pre domáce použitie. Toto obmedzenie vylučuje použitie DVD k akejkoľvek verejnej produkcii, výrobe kópií, prenájmu, požičiavaniu neoprávnenými osobami, televíznemu šíreniu, predaju a pod.
Porušením autorských práv alebo ich časti vzniká občianskoprávna a trestnoprávna zodpovednosť, vrátanie povinnosti nahradiť škody.
Protipirátska linka pre SR
07 / 5063 3202
Protipirátska linka pre ČR
02 / 232 8762
All rights of the copyright holders of this film are reserved. Projection of the film recorded on this DVD is permitted for domestic use only. This restriction excludes the use of the DVD for any public production, copying, rental, lending by unauthorized persons, television distribution, sale, etc.
Violation of copyrights or part thereof gives rise to civil and criminal liability, including the obligation to compensate for damages.
Anti-piracy calling line for Slovakia
07 / 5063 3202
Anti-piracy calling line for Czech Republic
02 / 232 8762

Variant: Later variation has the warning written in a different font.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on early DVD releases that include the Slovak language. [Examples?]

2nd Warning (2002-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Všetky práva majiteĺov autorských práv k tomuto filmu sú vyhradené. Projekcia filmu zaznamenaného na tomto DVD je povolená iba pro domáce použitie.
Toto obmedzenie vylučuje použitie tohoto DVD k akejkoĺvek verejnej produkcii, k výrobe kópií, prenájmu, požičiavaniu a predaju neoprávnenými osobami, televíznemu šíreniu a pod.
Porušenie autorských práv alebo ich častí, dáva podnet k občianskoprávnej a trestnoprávnej zodpovednosti, vrátane povinnosti k náhrade škody. Porušovanie autorských práv je trestným činom a môže byť potrestané až päťročným väzením a pokutou do 5 miliónov Sk.

Variants: An alternate variant features the following text:

Všetky práva majiteľov autorských práv k tomuto filmu sú vyhradené. Projekcia filmu, zaznamenaného na tomto DVD je povolená iba pre domáce použitie. Toto obmedzenie vylučuje použitie DVD k akejkoľvek verejnej produkcii, výrobe kópií, prenájmu, požičiavaniu neoprávnenými osobami, televíznemu šíreniu, predaju a pod. Porušením autorských práv alebo ich časti vzniká občianskoprávna a trestnoprávna zodpovednosť, vrátanie povinnosti nahradiť škody.


  • Original Variant:
    WARNING: All rights reserved for the copyright of this film. Projection of the movie recorded on this DVD is permitted for home use only. This restriction excludes the use of this DVD for any public production, copying, rental, lending and sale by unauthorized persons, television distribution, etc. Infringement of copyright or parts thereof, gives rise to civil and criminal liability, including the obligation to pay damages. Copyright infringement is a criminal offense and can be punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to 5 million SKK.
  • Alternate Variant:
    WARNING: All rights of the copyright holders of this film are reserved. Projection of the film recorded on this DVD is permitted for home use only. This restriction excludes the use of the DVD for any public production, copying, rental, lending by unauthorized persons, television distribution, sale, etc. Violation of copyrights or part thereof gives rise to civil and criminal liability, including the obligation to compensate for damages.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Slovak language. [Examples?]



Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Lastnik avtorske pravice materiala, posnetega na tem DVD-ju (Digital Versatile Disc) (vključno z njegovim zvočnim zapisom), daje dovoljenje za domačo uporabo. Vse druge pravice si pridržujemo.
Pomen domače uporabe izključule uporabo tega DVD-ja (Digital Versatile Disc) v klubih, javnih prevoznih sredstvih, bolnicah, hotelih, zaporih in šolah.
Vsako nedovoljeno razmnoževanje, montaža, prikazovanje, izposoja, menjava, javno prikazovanje in/ali predvajanje tega diska (Digital Versatile Disc) v celoti ali po delih je prepodevano in je po zakonu kaznivo.
WARNING: The copyright owner of the material recorded on this DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) (including its audio recording) grants permission for home use. All other rights are reserved. The meaning of home use precludes the use of this DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) in clubs, public transportation, hospitals, hotels, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized reproduction, editing, display, rental, exchange, public display and/or playback of this DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) in its entirety or in part is forbidden and is punishable by law.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Slovene language. [Examples?]


1st Warning (Late 1980's)

Visuals: On a blue background, the following text is seen in white:

Myndband þetta er aðeins til
einkanota, en ekki til opinberrar
birtingar. Ekki til nota í mynd-
bandakerfum fjölbýlishúsa, vinnu-
stöðum, veitingahúsum, hótelum,
o.s.frv. Fjölföldun á efni mynd-
bandsins er með öllu óheimil.

This video is for personal use only, not for public display. Not for use in video systems of apartment buildings, workplaces, restaurants, hotels, etc. Reproduction of the video content is strictly prohibited.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Unknown.

2nd Warning (Early 2000's-2005?)

Visuals: On a black background, the following text is seen:

Eigandi höfundarréttar hefur heimilað notkun þessa myndbands (að hljóðrás meðtalinni) einungis til notkunar í heimahúsum. Öll önnur réttindi eru áskilin nema annað sé skýrt tekið fram af eiganda höfundarréttar.
Við not í heimahúsum eru undanskilin notkun á stöðum eins og á klúbbum, sjúkrahúsum, hótelum, olíuborpöllum, í fangelsum og skólum.
Hvers konar óheimil fjölföldum, klipping, sýning, skiptileiga, útlán og opinber sýning a þessu myndbandi eða hluta þess er stranglega bönnuð og getur slíkt athæfi leitt til höfðunar einkamáls og sætt opinberri ákæru.
Myndbandið má ekki flytja úr landi, dreifa eða selja án fulls umboðs Buena Vista Home Entertainment (BVHE). Skilmálar um sölu eða útleigu á þessu myndbandi eru tilgreindir á umbúðum sem það er í.
WARNING: The copyright holder has authorized the use of this video (including the audio channel) for home use only. All other rights are reserved unless otherwise clearly stated by the copyright owner. Home use excludes use in places such as clubs, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized reproduction, editing, showing, exchange, lending and public display of this video or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and such conduct may result in civil action and public prosecution. The video may not be exported, distributed or sold without the full authority of Buena Vista Home Entertainment (BVHE). This video's sale or rental terms are specified on the packaging in which it is contained.

Technique: Unless you count the fade-in and the fade-out, none.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on some Icelandic VHS releases, such as the 2001 VHS of Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins.

3rd Warning (1999-)

Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Þessi vara (ásamt tónlist) er einungis til einkanota. Öll réttindi eru áskilin.
Án sérstaks leyfis vegna lagasetningar eða skriflegs leyfis handhafa alls réttar er stranglega bannað að fjölfalda efnið, birta það á opinberum stöðum eða nota það í auglýsingaskyni.
Auk þess eru útflutningur, endursala og dreifing efnisins stranglega bönnuð.
Ólöglegar afritanír, sýningar og dreifing geta varðað við lög og endað með sektum.
Sölu og/eða leiguréttíndí á þessari vöru eru tekin fram á umbúðunum.
WARNING: This product (including music) is for personal use only. All rights reserved. Without the specific permission of the legislature or the written permission of the holder of all rights, it is strictly forbidden to reproduce the material, publish it in public places or use it for advertising purposes. In addition, the export, resale and distribution of the material is strictly prohibited. Illegal duplicates, shows and distribution can be subject to laws and end in fines. Sale and/or rental rights for this product are stated on the packaging.

Variant: On pre-2009 DVDs, the warning is the same as the Icelandic Warner Home Video warning, but with "Buena Vista Home Entertainment" replacing the company name.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Icelandic language. [Examples?]



Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

Käesoleval tootel salvestatud audiovisuaalseid teoseid on lubatud kasutada ainult isiklikeks vajadusteks. Kõik muud õigused on reserveeritud.
Toote või selle osa kopeerimine, avalik esitamine, edasimüümine, eksportimine või levitamine ärilisel eesmärgil ilma autoriõiguste valdaja loata on rangelt keelatud.
Omavoliline paljundamine, näitamine või levitamine toob kaasa tsiviil- või kriminaalvastutuse.

Variants: An alternate variant features the following text:

HOIATUS: Käesoleval DVD-I salvestatud audiovisuaalseid teoseid on lubatud kasutada ainult isiklikeks vajadusteks. Kõik muud õigused on reserveeritud. DVD või selle osa kopeerimine, avalik esitamine, edasimüümine, eksportimine või levitamine ärilisel eesmärgil ilma autoriõiguste valdaja loata on keelatud.
Omavoliline paljundamine, näitamine või levitamine toob kaasa tsiviil- või kriminaalvastutuse.


  • Original Variant:
    WARNING: The audiovisual works recorded on this product may only be used for personal use. All other rights reserved. Copying, publicly displaying, reselling, exporting or distributing the product or any part thereof for commercial purposes without the permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction, display or distribution results in civil or criminal liability.
  • Alternate Variant:
    WARNING: Recorded on this DVD audiovisual works are allowed to be used only for personal use. All other rights are reserved. Copying, public performance, resale, export or distribution of the DVD or any part of it for commercial purposes without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction, display or distribution will result in civil or criminal liability.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Estonian language. [Examples?]



Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

BRĪDINĀJUMS: Šo DVD (ietverot tā skaņu ierakstu) ir atļauts izmantot tikai un vienīgi personīgai lietošanai. Visas pārējās tiesības ir rezervētas.
Šajā DVD atrodamā ieraksta vai jebbkura tā fragmenta kopēšana, publiska izrāde vai cita komerciāla lietošana, vai jebkura eksportēšana, piegāde un/vai izplatīšana tirdzniecības ceļā ir stingri aizliegta atbilstoši Autortiesību likuman.
Neautorizēta tiražēšana, izrādīšana vai izplatīšana tiks sodīta likumā noteiktajā kārtībā. Šī DVD pārdošanas un/vai izīrēšanas tiesības ir norādītas uz šī DVD oriģināliesaiņojuma.
WARNING: This DVD (including its soundtrack) is for personal use only. All other rights are reserved. Copying, public performance, or other commercial use of any recording or any portion of the recording on this DVD, or any export, delivery, and/or distribution by commercial means, is strictly prohibited under copyright law. Unauthorized reproduction, display or distribution will be punished in accordance with the law. The rights to sell and/or rent this DVD are indicated on the original packaging of this DVD.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Latvian language. [Examples?]



Visuals: Same as the British warning, but the text is replaced by the following:

ĮSPĖJIMAS: Šis DVD (su muzikiniu takeliu) yra skirtas tik asmeniniam naudojimui. Visos teisės yra saugomos įstatymu.
Be atitinkamų įstatymų ar rašytinio teisių turętojo sutikimo griežtai draudžiama: dauginti, viešai demonstruoti ar kaip kitaip panaudoti komerciniais tikslais, taip pat eksportuoti, tiekti ir/arba platinti šį DVD ar jo dalį.
Neteisėtas atkūrimas, rodymas ar platinimas gali užtraukti civilinę ir baudžiamąją atsakomybę.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on most DVD releases that include the Lithuanian language. [Examples?]

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