WarnerVision Entertainment (Warning Screens)

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Revision as of 01:28, 9 September 2022 by RSX-798 (talk | contribs)

U.S. Warning Screens

(1991-Early 2000s)

Warning: It's almost the same as the Aries Video warning screen, except it is on a red gradient background with extra text and no line.

FX/SFX: None, unless you count the fade-in and out.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on certain releases from WarnerVision, KidVision, BodyVision and A-Vision. Also seen on Atlantic/Kushner-Locke video releases.

Editor's Note: None.

International Warning Screens
(as WarnerVision International)

(as WarnerVision Australia)

(Mid-Late 1990s)

Warning: On a black background, we see white warning text scrolling up:

Warning - the copyright proprietor
has licensed the film, including
it's soundtrack. Comprised in the
video cassette for home use only.
All other rights are reserved. Any
unauthorised copying, editing,
exhibition, renting, exchanging,
hiring, lending, public performance,
diffusion, and or broadcast of
this video cassette or any part
thereof is strictly prohibited.

FX/SFX: The scrolling.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Australian WarnerVision and KidVision releases.

Editor's Note: None.


(Early 2000s)

Warning: On a dark teal background, we see the following text in white:

Das auf diesem Bildtonträger enthaltene
Programm ist urheberrechtlich geschützt
und darf nur privat und zu Hause vor-
geführt werden. Unerlaubte Kopierung,
Vervielfältigung oder Überspielung Tausch,
öffentliche Vorführung oder Sendung,
Verleih, Vermietung oder sonstige gewerb-
liche Nutzung, auch in Ausschnitten, ist
untersagt. Jegliche unautorisierte Nutzung
wird straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.

The program contained on this audiovisual medium is protected by copyright and may only be shown privately and at home. Unauthorized copying, duplication or transfer, exchange, public presentation or broadcast, lending, rental or other commercial use, including excerpts, is prohibited. Any unauthorized use will be prosecuted under criminal and civil law.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on German WarnerVision releases, such as Tiny Planets series.

Editor's Note: None.



Warning: On a blue background, we see the following text in white scrolling up:


Cette vidéocassette et les oeuvres
qui y sont reproduites sont destinées
exclusivement à l'usage privé.
Tous les autres droits sont réservés.

Sauf autorisation expresse
des propriétaires des oeuvres,
la reproduction, l'édition, l'échange,
le prêt, l'exécution publique et
la télédiffusion, totale ou partielle,
sont formellement interdits.

Tout contrevenant s'expose à des
sanctions pénales et/ou civiles.

Cette vidéocassette ne peut être
exportée, cédée ou louée en dehors
des pays de la communauté
européenne, sans l'autorisation
préalable de Warner Vision France.


WARNING! This videocassette and the works reproduced therein are intended exclusively for private use. All other rights are reserved. Unless expressly authorized by the owners of the works, the reproduction, edition, exchange, loan, public performance and television broadcasting, total or partial, are strictly prohibited. Any offender is liable to criminal and/or civil penalties. This videocassette may not be exported, sold or rented outside the countries of the European community, without the prior authorization of Warner Vision France. CNC/EDV 110

FX/SFX: The scrolling.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on European French WarnerVision releases, such as Élie Kakou au Cirque d'Hiver.

Editor's Note: None.

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