Pandasia Entertainment
Chow Woon Gan
Video captures courtesy of
Asia Movie Logos
(April 12, 2002)
Logo: On a black background, multicolored lights appear and writing a dark red Chinese letter "騰" as the camera pans down. During this, we see the words "pandasia" with "ENTERTAINMENT" below, both in white and emits multicolored lights, and finally, the multicolored lights writing another dark red Chinese letter "達" as the camera pans into overhead view. As the multicolored lights finished writing the Chinese letter "達", the background turns dark red, the words moves to the right with its glow being faded out, and the two Chinese letters turn black and move to the left. The white company name in Chinese then fades in below the English text.
Technique: CGI animation.
Music/Sounds: A dramatic fanfare with four orchestral hits at the end.
Availability: Rare. Only seen on Princess D.