Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Animation was an animation studio that was formed in 1992 as a division of MGM by Paul Sabella and Jonathan Dern. It was involved in animation productions based on MGM's properties. The first production was The Pink Panther in 1993. It was shuttered in 2000, and Sabella and Dern would form Sabella Dern Entertainment afterwards.
Visuals: Superimposed over the closing credits, we see a still MGM logo. The text "Animation" in a gold script wipes in below, with "Produced in Hollywood, U.S.A. by" above in an Arial font.
Trivia: The Robocop: Alpha Commando variant has a grammatical error. The byline reads "For Orion Pictures, Corporation", when it should read "For Orion Pictures Corporation" without a comma.
Early Variants:
Technique: 2D animation for the Animation text.
Audio: The end theme of the show.
Availability: Seen on The Pink Panther (1993), Robocop: Alpha Commando, The Lionhearts and All Dogs Go to Heaven: The Series.
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