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From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum
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== Incomplete ==
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=== VHS ===
* [[Paramount Home Media Distribution Warning Screen]]
* [[Universal Studios Home Entertainment Warning Screen]]
* [[Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Warning Screen]]
=== VHS & DVD ===
* [[20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Warning Screen]]
* [[DreamWorks Home Entertainment Warning Screen]]
* [[MGM Home Entertainment Warning Screen]]
* [[Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Warning Screen]]
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== Warner Bros. Home Entertainment ==
=== VHS Warnings ===
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|Walt Disney Home Video (1986, Mickey).jpg|Sorcerer Mickey, as seen at the beginning of this logo.
| '''Chile''' || Same as [[Video Chile Warning Screen|Video Chile]]. ||
| '''Venezuela''' || Same as [[Video-Rodven (Colombia) Warning Screen|Video-Rodven]]. ||
| '''Portugal''' || style="background-color:blue; color:white; align="center"| AVISO - O proprietário de Copyright faz o licenciamento do filme (incluindo a sua banda sonora) contido nesta cassete, exclusivamente para uso doméstico. Todos os demais direitos estão reservados. A definição de uso doméstico exclui o seu uso em locais tais como: clubes, autocarros, hospitais, embarcaçoes, hoteis, prisoes e escolas. Qualquer cópia, edição, exibição, aluguer, troca, sub-aluguer, empréstimo, apresentação pública, difusão e/ou emissão desta cassete ou parte dela, sem autorização expressa, está proibida e qualquer destas acçoes faz incorrer em responsabilidades passiveis de acção judicial que poderão estar também sujeitas a procedimento criminal. Esta cassete é comercializada sob a condição de não poder ser vendida, alugada, exportada, revendida ou distribuída em actos de comércio fora da C.E.E. sem licenciamento adequado da Warner Home Video Inc. || style="background-color:blue; color:white; align="center"| NOTICE - The copyright owner licenses the film (including its soundtrack) contained in this tape, for domestic use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of domestic use excludes its use in places such as: clubs, buses, hospitals, boats, hotels, prisons and schools. Any copy, edition, exhibition, rental, exchange, sub-rental, loan, public presentation, dissemination and/or issuance of this cassette or part of it, without express authorization, is prohibited and any of these actions incurs liabilities liable to legal action that they may also be subject to criminal prosecution. This cassette is marketed under the condition that it cannot be sold, rented, exported, resold or distributed in acts of commerce outside the E.E.C. without proper licensing from Warner Home Video Inc.
| rowspan=2 | '''Sweden''' || style="background-color:blue; color:white; align="center"| VARNING - Rättigheterna till detta program tillhör Warner Home Video. Programinnehållet skyddas av upphovsrättslagen. Kassetten är endast avsedd för försäljning till konsument för privat hemvideobruk. Kassetten får oj uthyras, spridas eller visas offentligt. All kopiering - åven för privat brug - är forbjuden. Ansvarig utgivare: Staffan Wallhem || style="background-color:blue; color:white; align="center"| WARNING - The rights to this program belong to Warner Home Video. The program content is protected by copyright law. The cassette is only intended for sale to consumers for private home video use. The cassette may not be rented, distributed or shown in public. All copying - even for private use - is prohibited. Responsible publisher: Staffan Wallhem
| style="background-color:blue; color:white; align="center"| VARNING! Denna videokassett tillhör Warner Home Video Sweden AB. Upphovsrättsinnehavaren har licensierat den film (inklusive soundtrack) som ingår i videokassetten endast för uthyrning och visning för privat bruk. Alla andra rättigheter är förbehållna. Att visning är tillåten endast för privat bruk innebär att all visning av denna film eller delar därav i lokaler såsom klubbar, hotell, restauranger, inom institutioner, sjukhus, fängelser och skolor, på bussar eller offentlig visning är förbjuden. All otillåten visning, spridning, uthyring, byte, utlåning, vidarespridning via kabel och, eller TV-sändning av denna film eller någon del därav är strängt förbjuden och varje sådan åtgard ger möjligheter till rättsliga åtgärder och kan medföra åtal. Denna videokassett är hyrd under förutsättning att den inte far säljas, uthyras, vidarespridas, visas eller på annat sätt tillhandahållas utan särskilt tillstand fran Warner Home Video Sweden AB. Kassetten får ej heller kopieras, ej ens för enskilt bruk. || style="background-color:blue; color:white; align="center"| WARNING! This videocassette belongs to Warner Home Video Sweden AB. The copyright holder has licensed the film (including soundtrack) included in the videocassette for rental and viewing only for private use. All other rights are reserved. The fact that viewing is permitted only for private use means that all viewing of this film or parts thereof in premises such as clubs, hotels, restaurants, in institutions, hospitals, prisons and schools, on buses or public viewing is prohibited. All unauthorized viewing, distribution, rental, exchange, lending, cable distribution and/or television broadcasting of this film or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and any such action provides for legal action and may result in prosecution. This video cassette is rented provided that it may not be sold, rented out, distributed, shown or otherwise provided without special permission from Warner Home Video Sweden AB. The cassette must not be copied, not even for personal use.
| '''Norway''' || style="background-color:dodgerblue; color:white; align="center"| ADVARSEL! Rettighetene til dene videokassetten tilhører Warner Home Video, Norway. Programinnholdet er beskyttet ifølge åndsverkloven. Det er ulovlig å kopiere kassetten eller enhver del av innholder (også lyden) Dette gjelder også privat bruk. Kassetten kan bare anvendes til privat bruk og er ulovlig til enhver offentlig visning. Denne videokassetten er solgt på den betingelse at den ikke blir videre-solgt, videreutleid (gjelder ikke utleiekassetter), eksportert eller distribuert på noen annen måte enn salg til forbruker. Overtredelse er straffbart og kan føre til krav om skadeerstatning. || style="background-color:dodgerblue; color:white; align="center"| WARNING! The rights to this videocassette belong to Warner Home Video, Norway. The program content is protected by copyright. It is illegal to copy the cassette or any part of its contents (including the audio). This also applies to private use. The cassette can only be used for private use and is illegal for any public viewing. This videocassette is sold on the condition that it is not resold, subleased (does not apply to rental cassettes), exported or distributed in any way other than sales to consumers. Violation is punishable and can lead to a claim for damages.
| '''Poland''' || OSTRZEŻENIE! Kaseta przeznaczona wyłącznie do użytku osobistego nabywcy. Wszelkie inne formy korzystania z zawartego na kasecie materiału w całości lub w części, w szczególności kopiowanie, rozpowszechnianie, publiczne odtwarzanie, nadawanie RTV oraz dzierźawa i wynajmowanie są zabronione i groźą surowymi sankcjami cywilnymi i karnymi, do lat 5 włącznie. Film ten jest chroniony przez antypiracki program FOTA. || WARNING! The cassette is for personal use only. Any other forms of use of the material contained in the cassette in whole or in part, in particular copying, distribution, public performance, broadcasting RTV as well as lease and rental are prohibited and may result in severe civil and criminal sanctions, up to 5 years inclusive. This film is protected by the anti-piracy program FOTA.
* '''Mexico:'''
* '''Norway:'''
* '''Poland:'''
* '''Portugal:'''
* '''Sweden:'''
** '''1980s:'''
== 20th Century Studios Home Entertainment ==
[[Category:Television Logos]]
=== DVD Warnings ===
[[Category:American Television Logos]]
[[Category:American Logos]]
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[[Category:The Walt Disney Company]]
| '''United Kingdom''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|UK & IRELAND}} - Warning: The copyright proprietor has licensed this DVD (including its soundtrack) for private home use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of home use excludes the use of this DVD at locations such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, hiring, lending, public performance diffusion and/or broadcasting of this DVD, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and any such action establishes liability for a civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. This DVD is not to be exported, distributed and/or sold by way of trade outside the EU without a proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original packaging of this DVD. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"|
| '''Australia''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|AUSTRALIA}} - The copyright proprietor has licensed this DVD (including its soundtrack) for private home use only. All other rights reserved. The definition of home use excludes the use of this DVD at locations such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, hiring, lending, public performance diffusion and/or broadcasting of this DVD, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and any such action establishes liability for a civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. This DVD is not to be exported, distributed and/or sold by way of trade without a proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Sales and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original packaging of this DVD. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"|
| '''Brazil''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ADVERTÊNCIA}} - ADVERTÊNCIA: o detentor dos direitos autorais deste DVD, autorizou seu uso (incluindo sua trilha sonora) somente para exibição doméstica privada no México, América Central, América do Sul e Caribe. Todos os demais direitos são reservados. A definição de uso doméstico exclui a exibição deste DVD em locais como clubes, igrejas, ônibus, hospitais, hotéis, plataformas petrolíferas, centros de detenção, escolas. Qualquer cópia, edição, exibição, locação, troca, contratação, empréstimo, exibição, pública, difusão e/ou transmissão, total e/ou parcial deste DVD é estritamente proibida e estará sujeita a ações de responsabilidade civil e criminal. Este DVD não pode se exportado, distribuído e/ou vendido comercialmente sem licença apropriada da Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| WARNING: The copyright holder of this DVD has authorized its use (including its soundtrack) only for private domestic viewing in Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean. All other rights are reserved. The definition of home use excludes the display of this DVD in places such as clubs, churches, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil platforms, detention centers, schools. Any copy, edition, exhibition, rental, exchange, contracting, loan, public exhibition, broadcast and/or transmission, total and/or partial, of this DVD is strictly prohibited and will be subject to civil and criminal liability actions. This DVD cannot be exported, distributed and/or sold commercially without an appropriate license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc.
| '''Latin America''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ADVERTENCIA}} - ADVERTENCIA: El titular del derecho de autor ha autorizado el uso de este DVD (incluyendo su banda sonora) exclusivamente para uso doméstico en México, América Central, Sudamérica y el Caribe. La definición de uso doméstico excluye el uso de este DVD en lugares tales como clubes, iglesias, exhibiciones públicas, hospitales, hoteles, plataformas, prisiones y escuelas. Cualquier forma de utilización no autorizada como copiado, edición, exhibición, renta, intercambio, contratación, préstamos, ejecución pública, difusión y/o transmisión de este DVD, en forma parcial o total, queda estricamente prohibida y el autor de cualquier acción de este tipo será consignado a las autoridades correspondientes, pudiendo ser objeto de acción civil y/o juicio penal. Queda prohibida la comercialización de este DVD por medio de exportación, distribución y/o venta sin licencia correspondiente de Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright holder has authorized the use of this DVD (including its soundtrack) exclusively for domestic use in Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean. The definition of domestic use excludes the use of this DVD in places such as clubs, churches, public exhibitions, hospitals, hotels, platforms, prisons and schools. Any form of unauthorized use such as copying, editing, exhibition, rental, exchange, contracting, loans, public performance, dissemination and/or transmission of this DVD, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited and the author of any action on this type will be consigned to the corresponding authorities, and may be subject to civil action and/or criminal trial. Marketing of this DVD by export, distribution and/or sale without a corresponding license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc. is prohibited.
| '''Japan''' || style="background-color:blue; color:white; align="center"| このDVDに収録されているビデオプログラムは、一般家庭での私的視聴に用途を限定して販売されています。レンタル及ぴ中古品売買取引等、 その他の目的による利用は著作権者の許諾か必要になります。 || style="background-color:blue; color:white; align="center"| The video programs on this DVD are sold exclusively for private viewing at home. Use for other purposes such as rental and second-hand goods sales transactions requires the permission of the copyright holder.
| '''Germany''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|DEUTSCHLAND/ÖSTERREICH/DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE SCHWEIZ}} - WARNUNG: Das auf dieser DVD enthaltene Programm (Bild und Ton in allen Variationen) und deren Ausstattung sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Programm ist ausschließlich zur Vorführung für nicht gewerbliche Zwecke im privaten Bereich lizenziert. Alle weiteren Rechte sind dem Lizenzgeber vorbehalten. Die Nutzung für nicht gewerbliche Zwecke im privaten Bereich beinhaltet nicht die Vorführung in Clubs, Reisebussen, Krankenhäusern, Hotels, Gefängnissen, Schulen, auf Bohrinseln, etc. Jegliche darüber hinausgehende Nutzung des auf dieser DVD enthaltenen Programms oder Teilen davon, z.B. die öffentliche Vorführung, unerlaubte Vermietung, Kürzung, Tausch, Vervielfältigung und/oder Sendung ist untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden zivil- und/oder strafrechtlich verfolgt. Die Ausfuhr und/oder der Vertrieb dieser DVD in Staaten außerhalb der Europäischen Gemeinschaft bedürfen der vorherigen Genehmigung durch Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Handel-Näheres entnehmen Sie bitte den Hinweisen auf der Originalverpackung dieser DVD - sind darüber hinaus Vermietung und/oder Verleih untersagt. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|GERMANY/AUSTRIA/GERMAN-SPEAKING SWITZERLAND}} - WARNING: The program contained on this DVD (picture and sound in all variations) and their equipment are protected by copyright. The program is licensed for demonstration for non-commercial purposes in the private sector only. All other rights are reserved to the licensor. The use for non-commercial purposes in the private sector does not include the demonstration in ciubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, prisons, schools, on oil rigs, etc. Any further use of the program contained on this DVD or parts thereof, e.g. public performance, unauthorized leasing, shortening, exchanging, copying and/or broadcasting is prohibited. Violations will be prosecuted under civil and/or criminal law. The export and/or distribution of this DVD to countries outside the European Community require the prior approval of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Please refer to the information on the original packaging of this DVD for trade details - rental and/or lending are also prohibited.
| '''Spain''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ESPAÑA}} - ATENCION: El propietario del "copyright" ha licenciado este DVD (incluyendo su banda sonora) única y exclusivamente para su uso doméstico. Todos los demás derechos están reservados. El término "uso doméstico" implica la prohibición de utilizar este DVD en lugares tales como clubs sociales, autobuses, trenes, hospitales, hoteles, plataformas petroliferas, prisiones, y lugaras de enseñanza. Cualquier copia no autorizada, edición, alquiler, intercambio, préstamo, exhibición pública, y/o retransmisión de este DVD o de alguna parte del mismo, sin autorización expresa, están terminantemente prohibidos y la realización de cualquiera de estas actividades haria incurrir en responsabilidad civil y podría dar lugar a actuaciones penales. Este DVD no debe ser exportado, distribuido y/o vendido bajo cualquier modalidad comercial fuera de la Unión Europea sin la autorización expresa de Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Los derechos de venta y/o alquiler de este DVD están específicamente recogidos en la carátula original de este DVD. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|SPAIN}} - ATTENTION: The copyright owner has licensed this DVD (including its soundtrack) solely and exclusively for your home use. All other rights are reserved. The term "domestic use" implies the prohibition of using this DVD in places such as social clubs, buses, trains, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons, and places of learning. Any unauthorized copying, editing, rental, exchange, loan, public display, and/or retransmission of this DVD or any part of it, without express authorization, are strictly prohibited and the performance of any of these activities would incur civil liability. and could lead to criminal proceedings. This DVD must not be exported, distributed and/or sold under any commercial modality outside the European Union without the express authorization of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The rights of sale and/or rental of this DVD are specifically included in the original cover of this DVD.
| '''France''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|FRANCE}} - ATTENTION: Le détenteur des droits a concédé une licence sur ce DVD (y compris sa bande sonore) pour une utilisation privée dans un cadre strictement familial. Tous autres droits sont réservés. L'utilisation privée dans un cadre strictement familial exclut tous usages de ce DVD dans des lieux tels que les clubs, les autobus, les hôpitaux, les hôtel, les plates-formes pétrolières, les prisons et les établissements scolaires. Tout montage, reproduction, location, échange, prêt, représentation publique et/ou diffusion de ce DVD, en partie ou en totalité, sans autorisation, sont strictement interdits et toute violation pourra donner lieu à une action en responsabilité civile et à des poursuites pénales. Ce DVD ne peut être exporté, commercialisé ou distribué en dehors de l'Union Européenne sans une licence adéquate de Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. La possibilité de vendre et/ou de louer ce DVD est spécifiée sur l'emballage d'origine de ce DVD. EDV 18 || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|FRANCE}} - ATTENTION: The copyright holder has granted a license on this DVD (including its soundtrack) for private use within a strictly family framework. All other rights are reserved. Private use in a strictly family setting excludes any use of this DVD in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any assembly, reproduction, rental, exchange, loan, public performance and/or distribution of this DVD, in part or in whole, without authorization, are strictly prohibited and any violation may give rise to civil liability action and criminal prosecution. This DVD may not be exported, marketed or distributed outside the European Union without an appropriate license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The ability to sell and/or rent this DVD is specified on the original packaging of this DVD. EDV 18
| '''Italy''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ITALIA}} - ATTENZIONE: Il titolare dei copyright ha concesso in licenza questo DVD (compresa la colonna sonora) esclusivamente per uso privato. Tutti gli altri diritti sono riservati. La definizione di uso privato esclude l'utilizzazione di questo DVD in luoghi quali club, mezzi di trasporto, ospedali, alberghi, cantieri, prigioni e scuole. Sono rigorosamente vietati, se non autorizzati, la riproduzione, l'adattamento, l'esecuzione in pubblico, il prestito, la permuta, il noleggio, il comodato, la diffusione e trasmissione televisiva di questo DVD o di parti di esso: ogni violazione sarà perseguita sia in sede civile che penale. Questo DVD non può essere esportato, distribuito o venduto al di fuori del territorio dell'Unione Europea, senza espressa autorizzazione della Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. La destinazione alla vendita e/o al noleggio di questo DVD è SPECIFICATO sulla confezione originale dello stesso. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ITALY}} - ATTENTION: The copyright owner has licensed this DVD (including its soundtrack) exclusively for private use. All other rights are reserved. The definition of private use excludes the use of this DVD in places like clubs, means of transportation, hospitals, hotels, construction sites, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized reproduction, adaptation, public performance, lending, exchange, rental, loan, diffusion and television broadcasting of this DVD, or parts of it, is strictly prohibited: any violation will be prosecuted both in civil and criminal manners. This DVD can't be exported, distributed or sold without the express authorization of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The sale and/or rental destination of this DVD is SPECIFIED on its original packaging.
| '''Netherlands''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|Nederland en België}} - OPGELET: De houders van de auteurs- en naburige rechten op werken en uitvoeringen, die zijn opgenomen op deze DVD, hebben voor deze DVD (inclusief het geluidsdeel) uitsluitend toestemming gegeven voor privégebruik in huis sluit uit het gebruik van deze DVD in plaatsen zoals clubs, bussen, ziekenhuizen, hotels, boorplatforms, gevangenissen en scholen. Het zonder toestemming verveelvoudigen, bewerken, verhuren, uitlenen, in het openbaar vertonen en/of uitzenden of op andere wijze openbaarmaken van deze DVD, of van enig deel daarvan, is strikt verboden en elke dergelijke handeling is een grond voor civielrechtelijke vordering en kan aanleiding geven tot strafrechtelijke vervolging. Deze DVD mag niet worden geëxporteerd, gedistribueerd en/of verhandeld buiten de Europese Unie zonder een daartoe strekkende licentie van Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. De verkoop- en verhuurrechten voor deze DVD zijn gespecificeerd op de originele verpakking van deze DVD. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|Netherlands and Belgium}} - NOTE: The holders of copyright and related rights to works and performances recorded on this DVD have authorized this DVD (including the audio portion) for private home use only, which excludes the use of this DVD in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. The reproduction, editing, renting, lending, public display and/or broadcasting or otherwise making public of this DVD, or any part thereof, without permission is strictly prohibited and any such act is a ground for legal action and may give rise to legal action and criminal prosecution. This DVD may not be exported, distributed and/or traded outside of the European Union without a license to do so from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The sales and rental rights for this DVD are specified on the original packaging of this DVD.
| '''Sweden''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|SVERIGE}} - VARNING! Denna DVD-film (inkl. ljudspår) skyddas av upphovsrättslagen. Det är förbjudet att använda DVD:n för annat ändamal än enskilt bruk. All annan visning-såsom t.ex. i skolor, på bussar, klubbar, sjukhus eller hötel-och vidarespridning är förbjuden. DVD:n får inte uthyras eller säljas till annan än konsument och fär inte kopieras ens för enskilt bruk. DVD:n fär inte exporteras, distribueras eller säljas utanför EU:s gränser. Overträdelse mot dessa regler kan leda till skadeståndsansvar och i vissa fall till böter eller fängelse. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|SWEDEN}} - WARNING! This DVD movie (incl. its soundtrack) is protected by copyright law. It is forbidden to use the DVD for purposes other than private use. Any other display-such as e.g. in schools, on buses, clubs, hospitals or hotels-and redistribution is prohibited. The DVD may not be rented or sold to anyone other than the consumer and may not be copied even for personal use. The DVD may not be exported, distributed or sold outside the EU. Violation of these rules can lead to liability and in some cases to fines or imprisonment.
| '''Norway''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|NORGE}} - ADVARSEL: Denne DVD (inkludert dens lydspor) kan kun benyttes i privatehjem. Alle andre rettigheter er forbeholdt retlighetshavere: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Definisjonen av private hjem utelukker all bruk på steder som for eksempel hoteller, serveringssteder, sykehus, institusjoner, transportmidler, oljengger/installasjoner, fengsler og skoler. All uautorisert kopiering, endring, utstilling, utleie, organisert bytte, utlån, offentlig fremføring, spredning, overføring eller kringkasting av denne DVDer strengt forbudt. Enhver slik uautorisert handling vil medføre erstatningsansvar og kan gi grunnlag for strafferettslig forfølgning. Denne DVD må ikke eksporteres, distribueres eller selges kommersielt uten nødvendig tillatetse fra Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Salgs-og/eller utleierettigheter for denne DVD er spesifisert på DVD'ens originale emballasje. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|NORWAY}} - WARNING: This DVD (including its audio track) can only be used in private homes. All other rights are reserved to Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The definition of private home excludes all use in places such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, institutions, means of transportation, oil rigs/installations, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, modification, exhibition, rental, organized exchange, lending, public performance, distribution, transmission or broadcasting of this DVDs is strictly prohibited. Any such unauthorized act will entail liability and may provide grounds for criminal prosecution. This DVD may not be exported, distributed or sold commercially without the necessary permission from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The sale and/or rental rights for this DVD are specified on the DVD's original packaging.
| '''Denmark''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|DANMARK}} - ADVARSEL: Copyright-indehaveren har udelukkende givet tilladelse til, at denne DVD (inklusive lydspor) anvendes til privat brug. Copyright-indehaveren forbeholder eig alle øvrige rettigheder. Definitionen af privat brug udelukker bl.a. brug af denne DVD i klubber, i offentlige transportmidler, på hospitaler, på hoteller, på boreplatforme, i fangeler, i institutioner og på skoler. Al uautoriseret kopiering, redigering, fremvisning, udlejning, bytle, udlan, spredning i offentligheden ogleller udsendelse via radio og TV af denne DVD eller uddrag heraf er strengt forbudt. Overtradelse af dette forbud er strafbart og vil medfore retsforfølgelse samt pådragelse af erstatningsansvar. Denne DVD må ikke eksporteres, distribueres eller sælges til lande uden for EU uden copyright-indehaveren skrittlige tilledelse. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|DENMARK}} - WARNING: The copyright holder has only granted permission for this DVD (including audio tracks) to be used for private use. The copyright holder reserves all other rights. The definition of private use excludes i.a. use of this DVD in clubs, in public transport, in hospitals, in hotels, on drilling rigs, in prisons, in institutions and in schools. All unauthorized copying, editing, showing, rental, swapping, lending, distribution to the public and/or broadcasting via radio and TV of this DVD or excerpts thereof is strictly prohibited. Violation of this prohibition is punishable and will result in prosecution as well as the imposition of liability. This DVD may not be exported, distributed or sold to countries outside the EU without the proper permission of the copyright holder.
| '''Finland''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|SUOMI}} - VAROITUS: Talle DVD: lle tällennetun elokuvan ja sen ääniraidan tekijänoikeuden haltija on myöntänyt luvan ainoastaan tallenteen yksityiseen kotikäyttöön. Kaikenlainen muu käyttö kielletaan. Kotikäyttöä ei ole esim. käyttö kerhoissa, linja-autoissa, sairaaloissa, hotelleissa, öljynporauslauioilla, vankiloissa, kouiuissa tai vastaavissa yhteyksissä. Tämän DVD-tallenteen tai sen minkä tahansa osan kaikenlainen oikeudenhaltijan luvatta tapahtuva kopiointi, editointi, vuokraaminen, Iainaaminen, näyttäminen, julkinen esittäminen tai lähettäminen on ehdottomasti kielletty. Kiellon rikkominen johtaa korvausvastuuseen ja mahdolliseen rikosoikeudelliseen rangaislukseen. Tämä DVD-tallenne on myyty/vuokrattu sillä ehdolla ettei sitä ilman Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. lupaa kaupailisessa tarkoituksessa viedä EU-alueen ulkopuoielle eikä levitetä siellä. Tämän DVD-talienteen myynti-jaitai vuokraehdot on yksityiskohtaisesti määritelty tallenteen alkuperäisessä pakkauksess. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|FINLAND}} - WARNING: The copyright holder of the film reproduced on this DVD and its soundtrack has granted permission for private home use of the recording only. Any other use is prohibited. Home use is not allowed, for example, in clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons, schools or similar places. Any copying, editing, rental, lending, display, public performance or transmission of this DVD or any part thereof without the permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited. Violation of the prohibition will result in liability and possible criminal penalties. This DVD has been sold/rented on the condition that it will not be exported or distributed outside the EU for commercial purposes without the permission of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The terms of sale and rental of this DVD recording are detailed in the original packaging of the recording.
| '''Poland''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|POLSKA}} - OSTRZEŻNIE: podmiot praw autorskich udzielił licencji na wykorzy stanieniniejszego DVD (wtącznie ze ścieżką dźwiękową) wylącznie do prywatnego użytku domowego. Wszelkie inne prawa są zastrzeżone. Pojęcle osobistego użytku domowego wyłącza możliwość eksploatacji DVD w miejscach takich jak: kluby, autobusy, szpitale, hotele, platformy wierinicze, więzienia, czy szkoly. Kopiowanie, montaż, opracowanie, wyświetlanie, najem, dzierżawa, wymiana, użyczanie, odtwarzanie publiczne, rozpowszechnianie i/lub nadawanie niniejszego DVD bez zezwolenia, w calości lub części, jest surowo zabronione. Powyższe działanla powodulą powstanie odpowiedziainości cywilnej oraz mogą spowodować wszczęcie postępowaoia karnego. Niniejszy DVD nie może zostać wyeksponowany, i/lub dalej odsprzedany bez uzyskania odpowiedniej licencji od Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Prawa nabywcy dotyczące serzedawabia i/lub wypożyczania tego DVD zostały wyszczególnione na jego oryginalnym opakowaniu. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|POLAND}} - WARNING: the copyright holder has licensed you to use this DVD (including soundtrack) for private home use only. All other rights are reserved. Concepts for personal home use exclude the possibility of using the DVD in places such as: clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, drilling platforms, prisons or schools. Unauthorized copying, editing, development, display, rental, rental, exchange, lending, public performance, distribution and/or broadcasting of this DVD, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. The above actions result in the emergence of civil liability and may result in the initiation of criminal proceedings. This DVD may not be displayed and/or resold without obtaining the appropriate license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The buyer's rights to purchase and/or rent this DVD are listed on its original packaging.
| '''Russia''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|Россия}} - ВНИМАНИЕ: Владелец авторского права лицензировал этот DVD (включая саундтрек) только для частного домашнего использования. Домашнее использованийе не подпазумевает публичную демонстрацию данного DVD в таких местах как клубы, автобусы, больницы, гостиницы, нефтялые платформы, тюрьмы, школы и т. п. Любое незаконное копирование, редактирование, выставка, аренда, обмен, прокат, общественное распространение DVD диска и/или любой его части, строго запрещено, и преследуются законом. Данный DVD диск не может быть экспортирован и/или продан за территорией СНГ без надлежащей лицензии от компании "Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.". Все права защищены || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|Russia}} - WARNING: The copyright owner has licensed this DVD (including soundtrack) for private home use only. Home use does not imply public display of this DVD in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil platforms, prisons, schools, etc. Any illegal copying, editing, exhibition, lease, exchange, rental, public distribution of the DVD, and/or any part of it is strictly prohibited and prosecuted. This DVD cannot be exported and/or sold outside the CIS without a proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
| '''Czech Republic''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA - UPOZORNĚNÍ:}} Majitel autorských práv udělil souhlas k užívání tohoto DVD (včetně jeho zvukového záznamu) výhradně pro účely jeho sledování v soukromí. Veškera další práva jsou vyhrazena. Definice sledování dila v soukromí vylučuje užití tohoto DVD na takových místech, jako jsou kluby, autobusy, nemocnice, hotely, ubytovací zařízení, vézeňská a školská zařízení. Jakékoli neoprávněně pořízování kopie, úpravy, veřenjé promítání, pronajímání, výměna, najímání, pujčování, veřenjé provozování, šíření a/nebo vysílání tohoto DVD nebo jakékoliv jeho části je přísné zakázáno a jakékoliv jednání tohoto druhu je důvodem pro podání občanskoprávní žaloby a případně též pro zahájení trestního stíhání. Toto DVD se nestane předmětem výzovu, dalšího dodávání, distribuce a/nebo prodeje, jež slouží komerčnim účelům bez řadné licence udělené společností Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc. Práva prodeje a/nebo práva pronajimat toto DVD jsou uvedena na originálním obalu tohoto DVD. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|CZECH REPUBLIC - WARNING:}} The copyright owner has given permission to use this DVD (including its audio recording) solely for the purpose of watching it in private. All other rights are reserved. The definition of watching a work in private excludes the use of this DVD in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, accommodation facilities, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, modification, public screening, rental, exchange, rental, lending, public operation, distribution and/or broadcasting of this DVD or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and any conduct of this kind is a subject of civil action and, where applicable, initiation of criminal proceedings. This DVD is not intended for commercial use, resale, distribution and/or sale for commercial purposes without a proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc. The rights to sell and/or rent the DVD are set out on the original packaging of this DVD.
| '''Saudi Arabia/United Arab Emirates''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| تحذير : قام صاحب حقوق النسخ بترخيص الأسطوانة الرقمية المدمجة هذه ( بما فيها مساراتها الصوتية) للاستعمال المنزلي الخاص فقط . جميع الحقوق محفوظة . إن تعريف الاستعمال المنزلي يستثني استعمال هذه الأسطوانة الرقمية المدمجة في أماكن مثل النوادي ، المراكب ، المستشفيات ، الفنادق ، حفارات البترول ، السجون والمدارس . أي استعمال غير مصرح به للنسخ ، التعديل ، العرض ، التأجير ، التبديل ، الإيجار الإعارة ، النشر و/أو الإذاعة لعامة الشعب لهذه الأسطوانة الرقمية المدمجة أو أي جزء منها ممنوع بشكل صارم وأي من مثل ذلك الفعن يشكل مسنولية تجاه قضية مدنية وقد ينشأ عنه تنفيذ قانوني جناني . لا يجوز تصدير أو توزيع أو بيع هذه الأسطوانة الرقمية المدمجة عن طريق التجارة خارج أوروبا بدون الترخيص الملانم من تونتيث سنتشري فوکس هوم اینترتینمنت إينك . إن حقوق بيع و/أو تأجير هذه الأسطوانة الرقمية المدمجة محددة في التعبنة الأصلية لهذه الأسطوانة الرقمية المدمجة . || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| Warning: The copyright holder has licensed this digital CD (including its audio track) for private domestic use only. All rights reserved. The definition of domestic use excludes the use of this digital CD in places such as clubs, boats, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons. Any unauthorized use of copying, modification, display, rental, exchange, leasing, lending, publishing and/or broadcasting to the general public of this digital compact disc or any part thereof is strictly forbidden and any such act constitutes liability towards a civil cause that may arise. It is not permitted to export, distribute or sell this digital compact disc via trade outside Europe without the official license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc. The rights to sell and/or rent this digital compact disc are specified in the original packaging of this DVD.
| '''Hungary''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|MAGYARORSZÁG - FIGYELMEZTETÉS:}} A szersi jog tulajdonosa a DVD-nek (a hangfelvételt is beleértve) kizárólag házi használatát engedélyezi. A jogtulajdonos minden más jogot fenntart, kivéve ha azokra kifejezetten engedélyt ad. A házi használatát meghatározása kizárja a DVD használatát olyan helyeken, mint klubok, távolsági autóbuszok, kórházak, szállodák, olajfúró szigetek, börtönök és iskolák. A DVD-nek vagy bármely részének engedély nélküli, másolása, kiadása, kiállításon való bemutatása, bérbevétele, cseréje, bérbeadása, kölscönzése, nyilvános lejátszása vagy msorszóró hálózaton való leadása szigorúan tilos és polgári peres vagy büntetjogi eljárást vonhat maga után. A DVD árusításának és bébeadásának feltétele a Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. hozzájárulása. E nélkül nem exportálható, kereskedelmi úton nem terjeszthet vagy árusítható. A DVD árusítási és/vagy bérleti jogosultságai as eredeti csomagoláson találhatók. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|HUNGARY - WARNING:}} The copyright owner allows the DVD (including audio recording) to be used at home only. The rightholder reserves all other rights unless expressly granted. The definition of home use excludes the use of DVDs in places such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons, and schools. Unauthorized copying, publishing, exhibition, rental, exchange, hiring, lending, public playback, or broadcasting of the DVD or any portion thereof is strictly prohibited and may result in civil or criminal proceedings. The DVD is subject to the consent of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Without it, it cannot be exported, distributed or sold commercially. The DVD's sale and/or rental rights are on the original packaging.
| '''Israel''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| ישראל - אזהרה: נעל זכות היוצרים הרשה שימוש ביצירה זו וזאת בפורמט הידוע כ-DVD (כולל פס קול), אר ורק לשימוש ביתי בלבד, כאשר כל יתר הזכויות שמורות לנעל זכות ה'וצרים. שימוש ביתי כהגדרתו, לא חל על מקומות פומביים, כגון מועחנים, אוטובונסים, בתי חולים, בתי מלון, אסדות קידוח, בתי סוהר, בתי ספר, מסעדות, בתי הארחה, קיבוצים, חברות תעופה ו/או שייט וכדומה. כל העתקה, עריכה, הקרנה, השכרה, החלפה, שכירות, השאלה, הצגה פומבית ו/או שידור ו/או הקרנה במערכת טלוויזיה בכבלים ו/או הקרנה כלל ד'רתית בבתים משותפים של DVD זה, או כל חלק הימנו, הינה אסורה בהחלט ללא א'שורו של בעל זכות היוצרים באותה יצירה ומקימה עילת תביעה אזרחית, כך גם הינה עוולה פלילית כנגד המפר. אין ליצא את ה-DVD לחו'ל, כך גם אין לספקו ולהפיצו בהפצת משנה, ו/או לכוכרו למטרות מסחר וזאת בלא אישור מתאים ומפורש מאת Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. זכויות המכירה ו/או ההשכרה של DVD זה הן כמפורט על העטיפה המקורית של DVD זה. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| Israel - Warning: The copyright owner allows you to use this work in a format known as DVD (including its soundtrack), and for home use only, with all other rights reserved to the copyright lock. Home use as defined does not apply to public places, such as anchors, buses, hospitals, hotels, drilling rigs, prisons, schools, restaurants, guest houses, gatherings, airlines and/or cruises and the like. Any copying, editing, screening, rental, exchange, rental, lending, public presentation and/or broadcasting and/or screening on cable television system and/or general public screening in shared houses of this DVD, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited without the consent of the copyright holder in the same work and establishes a cause of civil action, so also is a criminal tort against the infringer. The DVD must not be exported, nor can it be supplied and distributed in a sub-distribution, and/or sold for commercial purposes, without the appropriate and explicit permission of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The rights to sell and/or rent this DVD are as described on the original cover of this DVD.
| '''Greece''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ΕΛΛΑΣ}} - ΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Ο νόμιμος κάτοχος των δικαιωμάτων πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας (περιλαμβανόμενης και της μουσικής επένδυσης) αυτού του DVD, έχει παραχωρήσει την χρήση του μόνο για ιδιωτική κατ'οίκον προβολή, έχοντας παρακρατήσει κάθε άλλο δικαίωμα. Ο προσδιορισμός της εννοίας της κατ'οίκον προβολής αποκλείει την χρήση αυτού του DVD σε άλλα μέρη, όπως (και µη περιοριστικά), σε λέσχες, µέσα μεταφοράς, νοσοκομεία, ξενοδοχεία, εξέδρες αντλήσεως πετρελαίου, φυλακές και σχολεία. Κάθε, χωρίς άδεια του νοµίµου κατόχου (και μη περιοριστικά) αντιγραφή, διασκευή, έκθεση, ενοικίαση, ανταλλαγή, δανεισμός, δημόσια προβολή ή µετάδοση αυτού του DVD ή μέρους αυτού, απαγορεύεται αυστηρά και κάθε τέτοια παραβίαση, θεµελιώνει αστική ευθύνη για αποζηµίωση και οδηγεί σε ποινική δίωξη του παραβάτου. Αυτό το DVD απαγορεύεται να εξαχθεί, διανεµηθεί ή/και πωληθεί εκτός των ορίων της Ευρωπαικής Ενώσεως, χωρίς την προηγούμενη άδεια της νοµίµου δικαιούχου Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. Τα δικαιώματα για την πώληση ή ενοικίαση αυτού του DVD περιγράφονται στην συσκευασία του DVD. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|GREECE}} - NOTICE: The lawful owner of the copyright (including its musical score) of this DVD has granted its use for private home viewing only, having reserved all other rights. The definition of home viewing excludes the use of this DVD in other places, such as (not limited to) clubs, vehicles, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any copying, adaptation, exhibition, rental, exchange, lending, public display or transmission of this DVD or part of it without the permission of the copyright holder (and not restrictively) is strictly prohibited and any such violation establishes civil liability for damages and results in criminal prosecution of the offender. This DVD may not be exported, distributed or/and sold outside the borders of the European Union without the prior permission of the legal owner Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc. The rights to sell or rent this DVD are described on the DVD packaging.
==== Links ====
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* '''British, Australian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch:'''
* '''Australian, Russian, Hungarian:'''
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=== Blu-Ray Warnings ===
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Region !! Text !! Translation
| '''United Kingdom''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}} - Warning: The copyright proprietor has licensed this disc (including its soundtrack) for private home use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of home use excludes the use of this disc at locations such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, hiring, lending, public performance diffusion and/or broadcasting of this disc, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and any such action establishes liability for a civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. This disc is not to be exported, distributed and/or sold by way of trade without a proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Sales and/or rental rights for this disc are specified on the original packaging of this disc. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"|
| '''Australia''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}} - Warning: The copyright proprietor has licensed this disc (including its soundtrack) for private home use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of home use excludes the use of this disc at locations such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, hiring, lending, public performance diffusion and/or broadcasting of this disc, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and any such action establishes liability for a civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. This disc is not to be exported, distributed and/or sold by way of trade without a proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Sales and/or rental rights for this disc are specified on the original packaging of this disc. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"|
| '''Brazil''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|AVISO}} - Aviso: O titular dos direitos de autor deste disco (incluindo as suas músicas) autoriza a sua utilização unicamente para uso privado. Todos os outros direitos são reservados. A definição de uso privado exclui a utilização deste disco em locais como clubes, transportes públicos, hospitais, hotéis, plataformas petroliferas, prisões e escolas. Cópias, edição, apresentação, aluguer/aluguel, troca, empréstimo, projecção/projeção pública e/ou difusão não autorizadas deste disco ou de parte dele são estritamente proibidas e sujeitas a acção/ação civil, podendo dar origem a um processo criminal. Este disco não pode ser exportado, distribuido e/ou vendido sem a devida licença da Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Os direitos de venda e/ou aluguer/aluguel para este disco estão especificados na embalagem original. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|NOTICE}}: The copyright holder of this disc (including its music) authorizes its use for private use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of private use excludes the use of this disk in places such as clubs, public transport, hospitals, hotels, oil platforms, prisons and schools. Unauthorized copying, editing, presentation, rental, exchange, loan, public projection and/or dissemination of this disc or part of it is strictly prohibited and subject to civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. This disc cannot be exported, distributed and/or sold without the proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sales and/or rental rights for this disc are specified in the original packaging.
| '''Latin America''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ADVERTENCIA}} - Advertencia: De acuerdo al proprietario de los derechos de autor, este disco (incluyendo su banda sonora) está bajo licencia para uso doméstico solamente. Todos los derechos reservados. La definición de uso doméstico excluye el uso del disco en lugares como discotecas, transporte público, hospitales, hoteles, plataformas petroliferas, cárceles y escuelas. Cualquier copia, edición, exhibición, alquiler, intercambio, contratación, préstamo, difusión por interpretación pública y/o radiodifusión no autorizada de este disco, o cualquiera de sus partes, están terminantemente prohibidas. Las acciones antes mencionadas conllevarán una acción civil que puede dar paso a una acción judicial. Está prohibida la exportación, distribución y/o venta de este disco sin una debida licencia de Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Los derechos de venta y/o alquiler de este disco están especificados en el envoltorio original de este disco. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: According to the copyright owner, this disc (including its soundtrack) is licensed for home use only. All rights reserved. The definition of domestic use excludes the use of the record in places such as discos, public transport, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, rental, exchange, hiring, loan, broadcast by public interpretation and/or broadcasting of this disc, or any of its parts, is strictly prohibited. The aforementioned actions will lead to a civil action that can lead to legal action. Export, distribution and/or sale of this disc is prohibited without a license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sale and/or rental rights of this disc are specified on the original packaging of this disc.
| '''Germany''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|DEUTSCHLAND/ÖSTERREICH/DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE SCHWEIZ}} - WARNUNG: Das auf dieser Disc enthaltene Programm (Bild und Ton in allen Variationen) und deren Ausstattung sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Programm ist ausschließlich zur Vorführung für nicht gewerbliche Zwecke im privaten Bereich lizenziert. Alle weiteren Rechte sind dem Lizenzgeber vorbehalten. Die Nutzung für nicht die Vorführung in Clubs, Reisebussen, Krankenhäusern, Hotels, Gefängnissen, Schulen, auf Bohrinseln, etc... Jegliche darüber hinaus gehende Nutzung des auf dieser Disc enthaltenen Programms oder Teilen davon z.B. die öffentliche Vorführung, unerlaubte Vermietung, Kürzung, Tausch, Vervielfältigung und/oder Sendung ist untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden zivil- und/oder strafrechtlich verfolgt. Die Ausfuhr und/oder der Vertrieb dieser Disc in Staaten außerhalb der Europäischen Gemeinschaft bedürfen der vorherigen Genehmigung durch Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Handelt es sich bei dieser Disc um einen Verkaufsbildtonträger für den autorisierten Handel - näheres entnehmen Sie bitte den Hinweisen auf der Originalverpackung dieser Disc - sind darüber hinaus Vermietung und/oder Verleih untersagt. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|GERMANY/AUSTRIA/GERMAN-SPEAKING SWITZERLAND}} - WARNING: The programs contained on this disc (picture and sound in all variations) and their equipment are protected by copyright. The program is licensed for demonstration for non-commercial purposes in the private sector only. All other rights are reserved to the licensor. Use for non-demonstration in clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, prisons, schools, on oil rigs, etc... Any additional use of the program contained on this disc or parts thereof e.g. public performance, unauthorized leasing, shortening, exchanging, duplicating and/or broadcasting is prohibited. Violations will be prosecuted under civil and/or criminal law. The export and/or distribution of this disc to countries outside the European Community require the prior approval of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. If this disc is a sales audio and video carrier for authorized dealers - please refer to the information on the original packaging of this disc for more information - rental and/or lending are also prohibited.
| '''Spain''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ADVERTENCIA}} - Advertencia: De acuerdo al proprietario de los derechos de autor, este disco (incluyendo su banda sonora) está bajo licencia para uso doméstico solamente. Todos los derechos reservados. La definición de uso doméstico excluye el uso del disco en lugares como discotecas, transporte público, hospitales, hoteles, plataformas petroliferas, cárceles y escuelas. Cualquier copia, edición, exhibición, alquiler, intercambio, contratación, préstamo, difusión por interpretación pública y/o radiodifusión no autorizada de este disco, o cualquiera de sus partes, están terminantemente prohibidas. Las acciones antes mencionadas conllevarán una acción civil que puede dar paso a una acción judicial. Está prohibida la exportación, distribución y/o venta de este disco sin una debida licencia de Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Los derechos de venta y/o alquiler de este disco están especificados en el envoltorio original de este disco. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: According to the copyright owner, this disc (including its soundtrack) is licensed for home use only. All rights reserved. The definition of domestic use excludes the use of the record in places such as discos, public transport, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, rental, exchange, hiring, loan, broadcast by public interpretation and/or broadcasting of this disc, or any of its parts, is strictly prohibited. The aforementioned actions will lead to a civil action that can lead to legal action. Export, distribution and/or sale of this disc is prohibited without a license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sale and/or rental rights of this disc are specified on the original packaging of this disc.
| '''France''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|AVERTISSEMENT}}: La propriétaire des droits d'auteur permet l'utilisation de ce disque (Y compris sa bande sonore) uniquemen à des fins privées à domicile. Tous les autres droits sont réservés. La définition de fins privées à domicile exclut l'utilisation de ce disque dans des endroits tels que les clubs, les autobus, les hópitaux, les hótels, les plate-formes pétrolières, les prisons et les écoles. La copie, le montage, la présentation, la location, l'échange, le prêt, la projection publique et/ou la diffusion non autorisés de ce disque, partiellement ou dans son intégralité, sont strictement interdits, et toute action contraire sera passible de poursuites judiciaires. Ce disque ne peut être exporté, distribué et/ou vendu sans l'autorisation de Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Les droits de vente et/ou location de ce disque sont spécifiés sur l'emballage de ce disque. EDV 18 || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| WARNING: The copyright owner allows the use of this disc (including its soundtrack) for private home use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of private home use excludes the use of this drive in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Unauthorized copying, editing, presentation, rental, exchange, loan, public screening and/or distribution of this disc, in part or in its entirety, is strictly prohibited, and any action to the contrary will be liable to legal proceedings. This disc may not be exported, distributed and/or sold without permission from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The rights to sell and/or rent this disc are specified on the packaging of this disc. EDV 18
| '''Italy''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ATTENZIONE}} - ATTENZIONE: Il titolare dei copyright ha autorizzato l'utilizzazione di questo disco (compresa la colonna sonora) esclusivamente per uso privato. Tutti gli altri diritti sono riservati. La definizione di uso privato esclude l'utilizzazione di questo disco in luoghi quali club/sedi di associazioni, mezzi di trasporto, ospedali, alberghi, cantieri, prigioni e scuole. Sono rigorosamente vietati, se non autorizzati, la riproduzione, l'adattamento, l'esecuzione in pubblico, il prestito, ogni forma di vendita sottoposta a condizioni, il noleggio, il comodato, la diffusione e trasmissione televisiva di questo disco o parti di esso: ogni violazione sarà perseguita sia in sede civile che penale. Questo disco non può essere esportato, distribuito o venduto, senza espressa autorizzazione della Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. La destinazione alle vendite e/o al noleggio di questo disco è specificata sulla confezione originale dello stesso. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ATTENTION}}: The copyright owner has authorized the use of this disc (including its soundtrack) exclusively for private use. All other rights are reserved. The definition of private use excludes the use of this disc in places like clubs/association offices, means of transportation, hospitals, hotels, construction sites, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized reproduction, adaptation, public performance, lending, any form of sale subject to conditions, rental, loan, diffusion and television broadcasting of this disc, or parts of it, is strictly prohibited: any violation will be prosecuted both in civil and criminal manners. This disc can't be exported, distributed or sold without the express authorization of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. The sale and/or rental destination of this disc is specified on its original packaging.
| '''Netherlands''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WAARSCHUWING}} - Waarschuwing: De auteursrechthouder geeft alleen toestemming voor privégebruik thuis van deze disc (inclusief de soundtrack). Alle andere rechten voorbehouden. Privégebruik betekent dat deze disc niet vertoond mag worden op locaties als clubs, bussen, ziekenhuizen, hotels, booreilanden, gevangenissen en scholen. Het zonder toestemming kopiëren, bewerken, vertonen, verhuren, ruilen, huren, lenen, vertonen tijdens optredens en/of uitzenden van deze disc, of delen daarvan, is ten strengste verboden en deze acties kunnen leiden tot juridische maatregelen en mogelijk strafrechtelijke vervolging. Deze disc mag niet worden uitgevored, gedistribueerd en/of verkocht op de handelsmarkt zonder daarvoor schriftelijke toestemming te hebben van Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. De verkoop- en/of verhuurrechten voor deze disc staan aangegeven op de originele verpakking van de disc. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright holder only authorizes private home use of this disc (including the soundtrack). All other rights reserved. Private use means that this disc may not be shown in locations such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Unauthorized copying, editing, showing, renting, swapping, hiring, borrowing, performing and/or broadcasting this disc, or parts thereof, is strictly prohibited and these actions may lead to legal action and possible criminal prosecution. This disc may not be performed, distributed and/or sold on the merchant market without the written permission of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sales and/or rental rights for this disc are indicated on the original packaging of the disc.
| '''Portugal''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|AVISO}} - Aviso: O titular dos direitos de autor deste disco (incluindo as suas músicas) autoriza a sua utilização unicamente para uso privado. Todos os outros direitos são reservados. A definiçaaáo de uso privado exclui a utilizaçaaáo deste disco em locais como clubes, transportes públicos, hospitais, hotéis, plataformas petroliferas, prisões e escolas. Cópias, edição, apresentação, aluguer/aluguel, troca, empréstimo, projecção/projeção pública e/ou difusão não autorizadas deste disco ou de parte dele são estritamente proibidas e sujeitas a acção/ação civil, podendo dar origem a um processo criminal. Este disco não pode ser exportado, distribuido e/ou vendido sem a devida licença da Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Os direitos de venda e/ou aluguer/aluguel para este disco estão especificados na embalagem original. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|NOTICE}}: The copyright holder of this disc (including its music) authorizes its use for private use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of private use excludes the use of this disk in places such as clubs, public transport, hospitals, hotels, oil platforms, prisons and schools. Unauthorized copying, editing, presentation, rental, exchange, loan, public projection and/or dissemination of this disc or part of it is strictly prohibited and subject to civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. This disc cannot be exported, distributed and/or sold without the proper license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sales and/or rental rights for this disc are specified in the original packaging.
| '''Sweden''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|VARNING}} - Varning: Upphovsrättsinnehavaren har licensierat den här skivan (inklusive dess soundtrack) endast för privat hemanvändning. Alla andra rättigheter förbjudes. Definitionen av hemanvändning exkluderar avnändandet av den här skivan på platser som klubbar, bussar, sjukhus, hotell, oljeriggar, fängelser och skolor. All otillåten kopiering, redigering, utställning, uthyrning, byteshandel, utlåning, offentlig spridning och/eller sändning av den här skivan, eller någon del av den, är strikt förbjudet och någon sådan handling är grund för civilmål och kan leda till åtal. Den här skivan skall ej exporteras, distribueras och/eller säljas genom handel utan en giltig licens från Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Försäljnings- och/eller uthyrningsrättigheter för den här skivan specificeras på originalförpackningen til den här skivan. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright holder has licensed this disc (including its soundtrack) for private home use only. All other rights are prohibited. The definition of home use excludes the use of this disc in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. All unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, rental, barter, lending, public distribution and/or transmission of this disc, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and any such act is the basis of civil proceedings and may lead to prosecution. This disc is not to be exported, distributed and/or sold through trade without a valid license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sales and/or rental rights for this disc are specified on the original packaging of this disc.
| '''Norway''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ADVARSEL}} - Advarsel: Opphavsretten lisensiert til denne disken (inkludert lydspor) er kun til bruk i private hjem. Alle andre rettigheter er reservert. Definisjonen av hjem ekskluderer bruk av disken på steder som klubber, fly, sykehus, hotell, oljerigger, fengsel og skoler. All urettmessig kopiering, redigering, visning, utleie, bytting, tilsetning, låning, offentlig fremvisning og/eller kringkasting av disken, eller deler av den, er strengt forbudt, og slike handlinger tilrettelegger for søksmål og kan føre til straffeforfølgelse. Denne disken skal ikke eksporteres, distribueres og/eller blir solgt på noen måte uten en lisens fra Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Salg- og/eller utleierettigheter til disken er spesifisert på diskens originalpakning. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright licensed to this disc (including audio tracks) is for use in private homes only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of home excludes the use of the disk in places such as clubs, airplanes, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. All unauthorized copying, editing, viewing, rental, exchange, addition, borrowing, public display and/or broadcasting of the disc, or parts thereof, is strictly prohibited, and such actions facilitate litigation and may lead to criminal prosecution. This disc is not to be exported, distributed and/or sold in any way without a license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Sales and/or rental rights to the disc are specified on the disc's original packaging.
| '''Denmark''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ADVARSEL}} - Advarsel: Copyrightindehaveren har godkendt denne disk (inklusive lydspor) udelukkende til brug i private hjem. Alle andre rettigheder forbeholdes. Definitionen af privat brug udelukker forevisning af disk'en i klubber, busser, hospitaler, hoteller, olieboreplatforme, fængsler og skoler. Enhver uautoriseret kopiering, redigering, forevisning, udlejning, bytte, udlån, offentlig fremvisning og/eller udsendelse af denne disk eller dele herof er strengt forbudt, og er sådan handling giver grundlag for civilt sagsanlæg og kan medføre en straffesag. Denne disk må ikke eksporteres, distribueres og/eller sælges uden gyldig tilladelse fra Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Salgs- og/eller udlejningsrettighederne til denne disk fremgør af disk'ens originale cover. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright holder has approved this disc (including audio tracks) for use in private homes only. All other rights reserved. The definition of private use excludes the display of the disk in clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, showing, rental, exchange, lending, public display and/or distribution of this disc or parts thereof is strictly prohibited, and such action provides grounds for civil action and may result in criminal proceedings. This disc may not be exported, distributed and/or sold without the valid permission of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sales and/or rental rights to this disc appear on the disc's original cover.
| '''Finland''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|VAROITUS}} - Varoitus: Tekijänoikeuksien haltija on lisensoinut tämän levyn (soundtrack mukaan lukien) vain yksityiskäyttöön. Kaikki muut oikeudet pidätetään. Yksityiskäyttöön eivät kuulu levyn käyttö paikoissa, kuten klubeissa, linja-autoissa, sairaaloissa, hotelleissa, öljynporauslautoilla, vankiloissa ja koulouissa. Levyn tai sen osan luvaton kopiointi, editointi, näyttäminen, vuokraus, vaihto, lainaus, julkinen jakelu ja/tai lähettäminen on ehdottomasti kielletty ja voi johtaa rikossyytteeseen. Tätä levyä ei saa viedä maasta, laittaa jakeluun ja/tai myydä ilman asiaankuuluvaa lupaa Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC:ltä. Tämän levyn myynti- ja/tai vuokrausoikeudet on määritelty levyn alkuperäispakkauksessa. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: This disc (including the soundtrack) is licensed for private use only by the copyright holder. All other rights are reserved. Private use does not include the use of the disc in locations such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons, and schools. Unauthorized copying, editing, showing, rental, exchange, lending, public distribution and/or transmission of the disc or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal prosecution. This disc may not be exported, distributed and/or sold without the appropriate permission of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The rights to sell and/or rent this disc are set out in the original packaging of the disc.
| '''Poland''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|OSTRZEŻENIE}} - Ostrzeżenie: Płyta (oraz ścieżka dżwiękowa) wyłącznie do własnego użytku domowego. Wszelkie inne prawa zastrzeżone. Własny użytek domowy wyklucza używanie płyty w klubach, szpitalach, hotelach, platformach wiertniczych, więzieniach czy szkołach. Jakiekolwiek nieautoryzowane powielanie, montaż, wyświetlanie, wypożyczanie, publiczne pokazy czy inne rozpowszechnianie zawartości tej płyty lub jej fragmentów czy części są surowo zabronione i grożą sankcjami cywilnymi i karnymi. Niniejsza płyta nie może być przedmiotem eksportu, dystrybucji czy sprzedaży handlowej bez uzyskania odpowiedniej licencji od Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Prawa do sprzedaży i wypożyczania tej płyty są określone na jej oryginalnym opakowaniu. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: This disc (and its soundtrack) are licensed for private home use only. All other rights reserved. Private home use excludes the use of the disc in clubs, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons or schools. Any unauthorized duplication, editing, display, rental, public show or other dissemination of the contents of this disc, or parts or parts thereof, is strictly prohibited and may result in civil and criminal penalties. This disc may not be exported, distributed or sold commercially without the appropriate license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sales and rental rights for this disc are stated on the original packing.
| '''Russia''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ}} - Уведомление: обладатель авторских прав зарезарвировал данный диск (включая саундтрек к нему) только для домашнего использования. Все остальные права защищены. Определение домашнего использования исключает использование в клубах, поездах, больницах, гостиницах, нефтебышках, тюрьмах и школах. Любое несанкционированное копирование, редактирование, демострация, слача в аренду, обмен, взятне в аренду, публичный показ и/или трансляция данного диска или любой его части строго запрещены, и любое такое действие приведёт к подаче гражданского иска и может привести к уголовному преследованию. Данный диск не может экспортироваться, распространяться и/или продаваться без соответствующей лицензии компании Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Условия продажи или взятия в аренду данного диска приведены на упаковке данного диска. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|NOTICE}}: The copyright holder has reserved this disc (including its soundtrack) for home use only. All other rights reserved. The definition of home use excludes use in clubs, trains, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons, and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, demonstration, rental, exchange, lease, public display and/or broadcast of this disc or any part of it is strictly prohibited, and any such action will lead to the filing of a civil action and may lead to criminal prosecution. This disc may not be exported, distributed and/or sold without a license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The terms of sale or rental of this disc are shown on the packaging of this disc.
| '''Czech Republic''' || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|VAROVÁNÍ}} - Varování: Vlastnik autorských práv tohoto disku povoluje jeho použití (včetně zvukového záznamu) pouze k domácím účelům. Všechna ostatní práva jsou vyhrazena. Definice domáciho použiti se nevztahuje na používání disku na takových místech jako jsou kluby, autobusy, nemocnice, hotely, ropné plošiny, véznice a školy. Jakékoliv nepovolené kopírováni, upravování, předvádění, pronajímání, vyměňování, najímání, půjčování, veřejné rozšilování a nebo vysílání tohoto disku, či jakékoliv jeho části, je přisně zakázáno, a parušení výše zmíněného uslanovuje zodpovědnost za občanskoprávní řixení a může vést k trestnímu stihání. Tento disk nesmí být vyzeven, distribuován a nebo prodán na trhu bez přislušného povolení od Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Práva za účelem prodeje a půjčování jsou uvedena na původním obalu disku. || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright owner of this disc permits its use (including sound) for domestic use only. All other rights reserved. The definition of domestic use does not cover the use of the disc in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, modification, performance, rental, exchange, hiring, lending, public distribution and/or broadcasting of this disc, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited, and tampering with the foregoing constitutes liability for civil proceedings and may result in criminal prosecution. This disc may not be disclosed, distributed, or sold on the market without proper permission from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Sales and lending rights are listed on the original disc packaging.
| '''Saudi Arabia/United Arab Emirates''' || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| تحذير: إن مالك حق التاليف والنشر رخص هذا القرص (بما في ذلك الموسيقي التصويرية الخاصة بها) للاستخدام المنزلي الخاص فقط. جميع الحقوق الأخرى محفوظة. تعريف الأستخدام المنزلي لا يشمل أستعمال هذا القرص في مواقع مثل الأندية، حفلات، المستشفيات، الفنادق، منصات البترول، السجون والمدارس. أي نسخ غيرمصرح به، تحرير، عرض، إيجاره، تبادل، إقراض، نشر عرض عام، و/أو بث لهذا القرص أو أي جزء منه بمنع منعا باتا وأي إجراء من هذا القبيل يعرض المسؤولية سعة المدنية ويمكن أن يؤدي إلى المحاكمة الجنائيه. هذا القرص غير قابل للتعيره، التوزيع و/أو البيع عن طريق التجارة بدون الحصول على الترخيص المناسب من شركة توينتيث سينتشري .فوكس للترفيه المنزلي ذات المسوولية المحدودة. إن حقوق البيع و/أو االتاجير لهذا القرص موجودة على الغلاف الأصلي لهذا القرص || style="background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright owner licenses this disc (including its soundtracks) for private home use only. All other rights reserved. The definition of home use does not include the use of this disk in locations such as clubs, parties, hospitals, hotels, oil platforms, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, display, rental, exchange, loaning, public performance/publication, and/or broadcasting of this disc or any part of it is strictly prohibited, and any such action exposes civil liability and may lead to criminal prosecution. This disc is not subject to lending, distributing and/or selling through commerce without the appropriate license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The rights to sell and/or rent this disc are on the original cover of this disc.
| '''Hungary''' || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|FIGYELMEZTETÉS}} - Figyelmeztetés: A szerzői jog tulajdonosa ennek a lemeznek (beleértve a hangfelvételt is) csak magáncélú otthoni lejátszását engedélyezi. Minden más jog fenntartva. Az otthoni lejátszás meghatározása kizárja az olyan helyeken történő lejátszást, mint klubok, távolsági autóbuszok, kórházak, szállodák, oljafúrótornyok, börtönök és iskolák. A lemez egészének vagy bármely részének bármilyen engedély nólküli másolása, módositása, bemutatása, bérbeadása, cseréje, bérbevétele, kölcsönzése, nyilvános lejátszása és/vagy müsorszóró hálózaton való leadása szigorúan tilos. Bármely ilyen, cselekmény polgári jogi következményekkel jár, illetve büntetőeljárást vonhat maga után. A Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC megfelefő engedélye nélkül a lemez nem exportálható, kereskedelmi úton nem terjeszthető és/vagy árusítható. Az értkesítési és/vagy bérbeadási jogok a lemez eredeti csomagolásán olvashatók. || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright owner only allows private playback of this disc (including sound recordings) at home. All other rights reserved. The definition of home playback excludes playback in places such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons, and schools. No part of this disc may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the disclaimer. Any such act has civil consequences or may result in criminal proceedings. The disc may not be exported, commercially distributed and/or sold without the proper permission of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sales and/or rental rights can be found on the original packaging of the disc.
| '''Turkey''' || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|UYARI}} - Uyarı: Telif hakkı sahibi bu disk için (film müzikleri de dahil) sadece evde özel kullanım için yetki vermiştir. Tüm diğer hakları saklıdır. Evde kullanımın tanımı, bu diskin kulüp, otobüs, hastane, otel, petrol kuyusu platformu, hapishane ve okul gibi yerlerde kullanımını dışarıda tutmaktadir. Bu diskin yelkisiz herhangi bir şekilde kopyolanması, düzenlemesi, gösterimi, kiralanması, takası, ödünç alınması, ödünç verilmesi, umumi performans gösterimi ve/veya yayını veya başka amaçlar için kullanımı kesinlikle yasaklanmışlır ve bu eylemlerden herhangi biri özel hukuk davası ile sonuçlanabilir ve ceza davasına da yol açabilir. Bu disk, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC.'den uygun bir lisans olmadan ihraç edilemez, dağıtılamaz ve/veya ticari bir şekilde satılamaz. Bu disk için satış ve/veya kiralama hakları, bu diskin orijinal paketi üstünde belirtilmiştir. || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright holder has authorized this disc (including soundtracks) for private home use only. All other rights reserved. The definition of home use excludes use of this disc in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil wells, prisons and schools. Any copying, editing, displaying, leasing, barter, borrowing, lending, public performance and/or broadcasting or use of this disc for other purposes is strictly prohibited and any of these actions may result in private civil action and may lead to criminal proceedings. may cause. This disc may not be exported, distributed and/or sold commercially without an appropriate license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Sales and/or rental rights for this disc are specified on the original packaging of this disc.
| '''Israel''' || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| אזהרה: בעל זכויות היוצרים מרשה שימוש בדיסק זה (כולל .פס הקול) לשימוש ביתי בלבד. כל הזכויות האחרות שמורות. ההגדרה "שימוש ביתי" אינה כוללת את השימוש בדיסק זה במקומות כגון מועדונים, אותובוסים, בתי חולים, בתי מלון, אסדות נפט, בתי כלא ובתי ספר. כל העתקה, אריכה, הקרנה, השכרה, החלפה, הרשאה, השאלה, הפּצה ו/או שידור שאינס ברשות של דיסק זה, או כל חלק ממנו, אסורים בהחלט וכל פעולה שכזו עלולה להביא לתבילה אזרחית ופלילית. אין -להפיץ או למכור דיסק זה ללא הרשאה מתאימה ם Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. זכויות מכירה ו/או השאלה לדיסק זה מפורטות על האריזה .המקורית של הדיסק. || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright holder has authorized this disc (including the soundtrack) for home use only. All other rights reserved. The definition of "home use" does not include the use of this disc in places such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, extension, screening, rental, exchange, authorization, lending, distribution and/or transmission of this disc, or any part of it, is strictly prohibited and any such action may result in civil and criminal prosecution. Do not distribute or sell this disc without proper permission from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The rights to sell and/or borrow this disc are specified on the original packaging of the disc.
| '''Romania''' || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|AVERTISMENT}} - Avertisment: Proprietarul drepturilor de autor a licențiat programul conținut pe acset disc (inclusiv coloana sonoră) pentru uz personal. Toate celelalte drepturi sunt rezervate. Definiția uzului personal exclude folosirea acestui disc în locații precum cluburi, autobuze, spitale, hoteluri, platforme petroliere, închisori și școli. Orice copiere, editare, expunere, închiriere, schimb, împrumut, prezentare publică, difuzare și/sau emitere neautorizată în întregime sau în parte a acestui disc, este strict interzisă, iar asemenea acțiuni duc la urmărirea civilă și pot genera urmărire penăla. Este interzisă exportarea, distribuția și/sau vănzazea acestui disc fără autorizație din parte Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Drepturile de vânzare și/sau închiriere ale acestui disc sunt specificate pe ambalajul original al acestui disc. || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|DISCLAIMER}}: Disclaimer: The copyright owner has licensed the program contained on this disc (including the soundtrack) for personal use. All other rights reserved. The definition of personal use excludes the use of this disk in locations such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any copying, editing, display, rental, exchange, loan, public presentation, distribution and/or unauthorized issuance of all or part of this disc is strictly prohibited, and such actions lead to civil prosecution and may lead to criminal prosecution. The unauthorized export, distribution and/or sale of this record by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC is prohibited. The sales and/or rental rights of this disc are specified on the original packaging of this disc.
| '''Croatia''' || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|UPOZORENJE}} - Upozorenje: Vlasnik autorskih prava dopustio je korištenje ovoga diska (uključujući soundtrack) samo za kućnu uporabu. Sva druga prava su rezervirana. Definicija kućne uporabe iskljičuje korištenje ovoga diska na lokacijama kao što su klubovi, autobusi, bolnice, hoteli, naftne platforme, zatvori i škole. Svako neautorizirano kopiranje, montaža, prikazivanje, iznajmljivanje, razmjena, unajmljivanje, posuđivanje, javna izvedba i/ili emitiranje ovoga diska, ili bilo kojeg njegovog dijela, strogo so zabrenjeni i kao tavi predstavljaju osnovu za tužbu i mogu dovesti do krivičnog gonjenja. Ovoj disk ne može se izvoziti, distribuirati i/ili prodavati na bilo koji mačin bez odgovarajuće dozvole od strane Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Prodoja i/ili uvjeti iznajmljivanja ovoga diska navedeni su na orginalnom omotu diska. || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright owner has permitted the use of this disc (including the soundtrack) for home use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of home use excludes the use of this disc in locations such as clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, display, rental, exchange, rental, lending, public performance and/or broadcasting of this disc, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and as a pan constitutes the basis for a lawsuit and may lead to criminal prosecution. This disc may not be exported, distributed and/or sold to any machine without the proper permission of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The sale and/or rental terms of this disc are listed on the original disc cover.
| '''Bulgaria''' || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ}} - Предупреждение: Притежателят на авторското право е лицензирал този диск (включително и музиката към него) единствено за домашна употреба. Всички други права са запазени. Определението "за домашна употреба" изключва използването на този диск в клубове, влакове, болници, хотели, петролни платформи, затвори и училища. Всяко непозволено копиране, редактиране, представяне, отдаване под наем, замяна, даване на заем, публично излъчване и/или ефирно излъчаве на този диск или на някаква част от него, е абсолютно забранено и всяко едно такова действие поражда гражданска отговорност и може да довеле до наказателно преследване. Този диск не следва да бъде изнасян, разпространяван и/или продаван с търговска цел извън ЕС без съответната лицензия от Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Правата за продажба или наем са указани върху оригиналната обложка на този диск. || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The copyright holder has licensed this disc (including music to it) solely for home use. All other rights are reserved. The definition of "home use" excludes the use of this disc in clubs, trains, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorized copying, editing, presentation, rental, replacement, lending, public broadcasting and/or airing on this disc or any part thereof is absolutely prohibited and any such action shall give rise to civil liability and may result in criminal prosecution. This disc should not be exported, distributed and/or sold for commercial purposes outside the EU without the relevant license from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. The rights to sell or rent are indicated on the original cover art of this disc.
| '''Greece''' || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ}} - Προειδοποίηση: Ο νόμιμος κάτοχος των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων (συμπεριλαμβανόμενης και της μουσικής επένδυσης) αυτού του δίσκου DVD/Blu Ray έχει παραχωρήσει τη χρήση του μόνο για ιδιωτική κατ' οίκον προβολή, έχοντας παρακρατήσει κάθε άλλο δικαίωμα. Ο προσδιορισμός της έννοιας της κατ' οίκον προβολής αποκλείει τη χρήση αυτόυ του δίσκου DVD/Blu Ray σε τοποθεσίες όπως ενδεικτικά κλαμπ, λεωφορεία, νοσοκομεία, ξενοδοχεία, πετρελαιοπηγές, φυλακές και σχολεία. Η οποιαδήποτε μη εξουσιοδοτημένη από το νόμιμο κάτοχο χρήση, όπως ενδεικτικά, η αντιγραφή, επεξεργασία, προβολή, ενοικίαση, ανταλλαγή, μίσθωση, δανεισμός, δημόσια εκτέλεση, μετάδοση ή/και δημόσια αναμετάδοση αυτού του δίσκου DVD/Blu Ray ή μέρους αυτού απαγορεύεται ρητά και επισύρει αυστηρές αστικές και ποινικές κυρώσεις. Απαγορεύεται η εξαγωγή, η διανομή ή/και η μεταπώληση αυτού του δίσκου DVD/Blu Ray εκτός των ορίων της Ευρωπαικής Ενώσεως, χωρίς γραπτή συναίνεση της Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. Τα δικαιώματα πώλησης ή/και ενοικίασης αυτόυ του δίσκου DVD/Blu ray προσδιορίζονται στη γνήσια συσκευασία του. || style= "background-color:black; color:white; align="center"| {{font color|red|WARNING}}: The lawful owner of the copyright (including the musical score) of this DVD/Blu Ray disc has granted its use for private home viewing only, having reserved all other rights. The definition of home viewing excludes the use of this DVD/Blu Ray disc in other places, such as, demonstratively, clubs, buses, hospitals, hotels, oil wells, prisons and schools. Any use that's not authorized by the lawful owner, such as, demonstratively, copying, adaptation, exhibition, rental, exchange, lending, public display, transmission or/and public broadcast of this DVD/Blu Ray disc or part of it is explicitly prohibited and incurs strict civil and criminal sanctions. Exportation, distribution and/or resale of this DVD/Blu Ray disc outside the borders of the European Union without the prior permission of the legal owner Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC is prohibited. The rights to sell and/or rent this DVD/Blu ray disc are specified in its original packaging.
* '''English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Czech, Arabic, Hungarian, Turkish, Indian (Hindi, Tamil, Telugu), Israeli, Romanian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Greek, Ukrainian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Icelandic, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Kazakh:'''

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