
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Nexiko is a Scandanavian television production company founded in 2012.

Logo (October 20, 2016-)

Visuals: On a dimly lit tan background, the logo appears through a slight folding and fading effect, shining afterward with a popping effect. What is displayed consists of "N EX IKO", in a stacked format, white, and against a black filled box, in front of four non-rigid vertical boxes coloured gold, dark brown, brown, and orange. The logo's reflection is seen below.


  • There is a still version where the logo is smaller and paired with the SVT logo.
  • On Bye bye Sverige, the logo is featured on the backside of a book.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: A rising, stuttering box-like sound with a shining stinger. Otherwise, the closing theme of the show.

Availability: The logo is seen on Bye bye Sverige, Lerins sommarö, among other shows.

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