From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


KWSU is a PBS station affiliate located in Pullman, Washington, owned and operated by the Washington State University.

1st (known) Logo (April 9, 1976-Fall 1976?)

Visuals: On a black background, blue static fills the screen while a pink set of outlines revolve around the middle. As the static shrinks to the middle, the text then revolves into the pink text "KWSU" in the Stop font, with "presents" fading in below in ITC Avant Garde Gothic. The logo then briefly disappears before compressing into the background, with "presents" wiping away.

Technique: A combination of Scanimate graphics and live action visual feedback.

Audio: A loud synthesized tune.

Availability: Only known to have appeared on Heart - The Second Ending Live At KWSU and The American Indian: A Quiet Revolution. The former program is preserved on the Blu-Ray release.

Legacy: This logo is considered infamous by the community for its visuals and the loud tune, often called out among the scariest PBS affiliate logos.

2nd ID (1983-1987?)

Visuals: On a sky blue background, a baby blue line draws across the screen. It then draws down and to the right, sprouting the text "KWSU" from it. The line retracts when it finishes and "A PRESENTATION OF" slides out of it from the top, while "PULLMAN, WA" slides out of the bottom.

Technique: Computer graphics.

Audio: A funky trumpet tune accompanied by a drum beat and a Fender Rhodes electric piano, the latter moving through the chord progression B♭13sus4-A♭7add13-Gmaj13#11.

Availability: It appeared on Grass Roots Journal and other local programming.

3rd ID (1987-1994?)

Visuals: Over a striped light blue background, the logo starts with the word "PRESENTATION", in a bold font, in which then, there are the words "a" and "of" being written on-screen in cursive before flashing into "KWSU Public TELEVISION", with "Public" displayed in cursive as well and angled.

Variant: An variant that ends with the text "You're INFORMED" (with "You're " in the cursive font, and "INFORMED" in the bolded font), exists but it is unknown how the rest of the logo plays out as the video it was seen on starts with that end card.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A crystal-like 80's piano jingle (with the notes rising and looping), with a futuristic-sounding ZAP! during the flash.

Availability: All variants seen on Counterpoint.

4th ID (1994-Early 2000s)

Visuals: On a lavender background, a few rectangles are seen quickly sliding in, reading "a production of" and "M E D I A", with the one in the centre having no text. Then the word "KWSU" in gold flips in a similar way on the rectangle.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A whoosh is heard, followed by 2 horn notes, with the last being held out for longer.

Availability: Appeared on WSU Presents.

5th ID (December 17, 2012)

Visuals: On a gray background, logos, a red line draws across the screen, which flips up to reveal a red/white rectangle with a red outline. On the red section is "KWSU & KTNW" in white and "Public Television" in gray is on the white section. As it shines, the text "A Production of" appears with a red aura. The logo is also seen on a rectangle along with the 2nd, and 4th logos.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: None.

Availability: This, and the 2nd and 4th logos, appeared in the 50th anniversary video.

6th ID (December 17, 2012)

Visuals: On the ending credits of a show is the logo from above superimposed but "KWSU & KTNW" is replaced with "NORTHWEST". Also, a copyright stamp is seen below the logo.

Technique: A still, digital graphic.

Audio: The closing theme of the show.

Availability: Seen at the end of the 50th Anniversary video.

8th ID (2018-)

Visuals: On a forest dimmed by a sea green background, there are the letters "NWPB" flipping letter-by-letter along with a simplistic pine tree symbol right to the letters drawing itself and three waves appear next to the symbol, then, there are the words "Engage. Enlighten. Entertain." appearing one-by-one

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A calming synth piano theme accompanied by birds chirping with three beeps (the last one being high-pitched) when the words "Engage. Enlighten. Entertain." appear one-by-one.

Availability: It was seen on Fireside Chat About The Hanford Story.

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