Draft:Kentucky Educational Television

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Kentucky Educational Television is a PBS station affiliate located in Lexington, Kentucky, founded in 1968.

1st ID (September 23, 1968-1975, August 10-16, 2014)

Visuals: On a black background, there are the letters "Ket" in a wide light yellow lowercase font, appearing one by one (with the "K" appearing first on the left, the "t" on the right, and finally the "e" in the middle, replacing a rounded light blue square with a multi-colored pinwheel shape in it)). When the animation is finished, the letters rapidly spin around, and flip around to reveal the words KENTUCKY EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION stacked on each other. After that, the logo is still for a few moments before finally fading out.

Technique: 2D animation, with the letters appearing to be a live-action effect.

Audio: The sound of a six-note electronic water dripping sound, in steady pace, which is then followed by two rapid synthesized drumbeats (sounding almost like a gong or pans falling to the floor), as they almost echo and fade out.

Availability: Seen on any KET produced programs at the time. You can see this logo (and all subsequent logos) in the video section of ket.org before episodes of Distinguished Kentuckian as well as on KET KY. This bumper could formerly be seen as part of KET's 'Back to the '60s Week' block, which aired the week of August 10-16, 2014. This went into effect on all KET channels, with the logo for each channel (with the exception of KET KY) in the style of this logo. The old-style logo was only used in promos for 'Back to the '60s Week' instead of being an on-screen logo.

2nd ID (1968?-1975?)

Visuals: On a black background, parts of the pinwheel logo from the first logo zoom out from the bottom right to the top left of the screen, all in a clockwise formation. The colors of these pieces, also in clockwise order, are mint green, white, red-orange, and hot pink. After the pinwheel is assembled, the stacked hot pink text "produced by KeNtUCKy eDUCatIOnAL TeLeViSION at the network center zooms in to the right side of it. The company name matches the "Ket" text from the previous logo and has a mix of upper and lower case lettering, while the rest of the text appears to be in Optima Bold. After over 10 seconds, the text slowly fades out and the pinwheel zooms back into the bottom right, slowly darkening as it does.

Technique: 2D cel animation.

Audio: A series of four drippling synth notes that play in-between a two-note stinger, with extra notes and effects added for each playing of the notes. It ends with the 4 synth notes having an echo effect. The entire tune has an ominous sound to it.

Availability: It was only discovered in September 2022 on The Hills Resound: The Music of Kentucky, and it's unknown how many other programs used this logo.

3rd ID (1975-1979)

Visuals: On a black background, there is a trail that contains the letter "K" in blue zooming away from us, which is then followed by a "e", leaving a trail behind it, only in yellow. At the exact same time, a green "t" animates the same way until all three letters meet with each other and stop. The KET logo is in the same style (or font) as the last logo, but in a rose bonbon outline. Then, there is a marquee design, in an oblong shape (much like the '80s WHYY logo, or the Nintendo and 1985 Hemdale logos) around the KET letters.

Variant: There is a variant with a copyright date for the respective year.

Technique: 2D computer animation.

Audio: A fluttering synthesized horn crescendo, followed by a five-note piano tune that plays at the same time. It sounds like something from an Atari/Nintendo video game, and was likely composed on analog synths.

Availability: Seen on any KET produced program of this time.

4th ID (GED variant) (1977-1985)

Visuals: There is the words "ket" in a strange blue font spinning up to the screen on a yellow background. "KENTUCKY EDUCATIONAL TV" appears below. On the GED-based programs it produced, the logo would fold away sideways, causing the background to turn brown as the yellow letters "ged" (arranged in a strange way) unfold. Then, they would fold away downward, causing the background to turn yellow again as several blue "general educational development"'s are wiped onto the screen. They then dissolve together, turning the background blue, and the episode name appears on the screen.

Technique: Scanimate effects.

Audio: It begins with a UFO-like sound, followed by two long synth notes, a descending spaceship sound, and ending with a three-note synth trumpet sound.

Availability: No stand-alone versions of this logo are even on YouTube. The fully formed logo showed up in September of 2018 during an on-air promo commemorating KET's 50th anniversary.

Possible 5th ID (early/mid 1970s-1978)

Visuals: N/A

Technique: N/A

Audio: N/A

Availability: The first reported sighting was during an on-air promo commemorating KET's 50th Anniversary in September of 2018. It is unknown where else this logo can be seen or how long it was used for.

5th ID (1978-1980)

Visuals: There is the letters "KET" in a stylized outlined blue font above a round rectangle containing "eastern kentucky university television".

Technique: A still printed graphic.

Audio: After a second of silence, a male announcer says "The following program is made possible through the combined effort of Kentucky Educational Television and Eastern Kentucky University Television."

Availability: Unknown. [Examples?]

6th ID (1980-1984)

Visuals: On a black background, there are two stylized shapes coming to the center of the screen from the top right, and bottom right side of the screen, respectively. Another figure comes from the top left side (which contains a fair portion of the logo), and a couple pieces from the left and right sides of the screen. When all of the pieces are jointed together, they form the "KET" letters from the previous logo in a stylized font. Then, the words "THE KENTUCKY NETWORK" (in a font similar to Kabel) appear under the KET logo, via a flash effect and colored milk yellow. Afterwards, the logo turns blue.

Variant: There is a slow variant with different music.

Technique: 2D animation, possibly done by a computer.

Audio: A simple soft rock/new age tune, that contains a soft guitar jingle and cymbals that crash throughout the logo or the theme from the show

Availability: Seen on any KET produced programs seen around this era.

7th ID (1984-1987)

Visuals: On a black background, there are the letters from the previous logo being drawn in. Then, "THE KENTUCKY NETWORK" (also in the same font as the previous logo) fades in under it.

Technique: 2D animation, possibly done by a computer.

Audio: An upbeat Moog synth tune that loops four times, then three synth tones.

Availability: This used to appear on the math and writing programs of the GED series, which were replaced with the next logo below. This is still intact on some local KET shows on KETKY and KET ED. Appears on episodes of Bywords on KET's website.

8th ID (1987-1993)

Visuals: Against an orange background, white flares bring forth the KET logo in silver, then it shines all over, and "THE KENTUCKY NETWORK" fades in below.

Technique: Either camera-controlled or CGI animation.

Audio: A synth whoosh, then a three-note big band tune, and one big bass drumbeat (a trombone note is also heard at the same time). [Although the whoosh is original, the actual music is the ending of the Valentino music library track "Like the Wind", by Walter Murphy.] Starting in 1989, a rapid ascending/descending synth-xylophone sounder was used, with two light synthesized notes heard at the end.

Availability: Seen on old GED-based programs such as Math Basics (long gone from television to the point where none of the episodes have been found online), Writing, Math (it plasters the previous logo on the latter two programs on the PBS affiliates that still air the GED series) and the entire "Learn to Read" series that still airs in reruns on WNET.

Legacy: In the past, this logo was criticized for its sudden appearance and loud whoosh in the 1987 variant.

9th ID (1993-2003)

Visuals: Over a purple/black gradient background is the KET logo, now in a silvery-bluish color. It rotates into place, seemingly out of nowhere. Then, the words "THE KENTUCKY NETWORK" appear below.

Technique: CGI animation.

Audio: A calming country tune played on a guitar or the opening theme of the show.

Availability: Can be found on old episodes of Great Conservations on ket.org, as well as some DVDs available on the company's website.

10th ID (1995-1998)

Visuals: Against a red background, a dark red vertical stripe fades in on one side, with a yellow horizontal stripe near the top and a gray vertical stripe to its left. The KET translators fade in and out in white before the KET logo appears.

Technique: 2D computer animation and superimposed footage.

Audio: A new-age piano-driven tune with choir backing. The opening segment of the music is clean. Only later is an announcer heard; the announcer says, "You're watching the Kentucky Network, KET." Usually, the music fades out before a different announcer mentions the translator.

Availability: Used only as a local ID.

12th ID (2002-2009)

Visuals: There is closeups of the KET logo, in a metallic violet color, over a violet steam background. Again, the text "The Kentucky Network" is below the logo.

Technique: CGI animation.

Audio: A different calming country tune played on a guitar.

Availability: Again, can be found on old episodes of Great Conservations on ket.org.

12th ID (2009-)

Visuals: There is one closeup of the KET logo in blue. The logo fades and rotates, revealing the logo to be on a white/gray gradient background. A URL or other information can be seen below.

Technique: CGI animation.

Audio: Yet another guitar excerpt that varies, but mostly with a pop/hip-hop beat to go with it. It may also use a different guitar tune with a bongo/conga esque beat. It also has the closing theme.

Audio Variant: A version has been spotted with a medium length version of the previous logo.

Availability: Can be seen on Great Conservations and Connections, as well as any other program produced by KET.

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